Hey Pandas, When Was One Time You Felt Like Your Parents Or Guardians Didn’t Like You? (Closed)
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I get blamed for everything all the time. I almost tried to kill myself multiple times and they still don't care.
all my life because they abused me to the point i ran away :) (they also did worst but i'm not comfortable saying it sorry)
My parents always tell my that “they’re the boss” and I “have to listen to them” and “my opinions don’t count”
They also compare me to my older brother even though there’s a 16 year age gap
Right now, it feels like they don't like me every day, all the time. (Why can't I be more like the other kids?)
Don't be....BE YOU. And if they can't accept that, then that's their problem.
When they (my mom specifically) took their anger out on me. I hadn't even done anything, they were mad at my sister
Their absurd double standard and the constant knowledge that I have no power or control in my own life.
Well, I didn't care about school and my parents seemed to resent that.
They also didn't like the period of my young adulthood and they wanted me to leave. I just liked playing video games and didn't have a job.
Getting blamed on for everything my little brother does, And they hate me bacasue I'm Bi and Cassgender. Also my mom is sexist.
My mom never gets my name right and my dad has never taken an interest in me. I used to have to beg him to play catch. He was a pitcher in high school. I cant count the number of times we played catch on one hand.