Hey pandas when was a time where you thought you lost something but it was in plain sight


Lost my phone. My bsf was helping me look and videotaping in case “we miss something”. He was holding my phone :|


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    I think I lost the glasses that were on my face for a second a while back..


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    I was on the cell phone telling my brother that I can’t leave the house until I find it.


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    I lost my phone, proceeded to text my mom to ask her to call my phone WITH my phone..


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    I was certain that I had bought a block of cheese and couldn’t find it in the fridge. In fact I had enjoyed a slice or two of it. So weird. But then I saw a paring knife in the cheese spot in the fridge so I looked in the place where the paring knife should be and found the cheese!


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    I once thought I lost my dog. I was looking all over for her on the dogs beds, outside, on my own bed. I kept calling her name and she wouldn't come. I never realized that I should check the couch, and she wouldn't come when called because she is deaf.
    Lo and behold, there she was, perched on the couch like a princess.


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    I got these earbuds for Christmas and the day after I" lost" one I was panicking looking around everywhere, and at the end of the day I open the case to make sure the other one was there and sure enough they were both in there! I checked the case a 1000 times :P


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    That time when


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    See Also on Bored Panda




    You've been trolled

    You have probably been told.
    Don't reply, to this guy;
    he is just getting a rise,
    out of you! Yes it's true,
    you respond and thats his cue
    to start trouble on the double
    while he strokes his manly stubble

    You've been Trolled!
    You've been Trolled!
    You should probably just fold
    When the only winning move is not to play
    And yet you keep on trying,
    Mindlessly Replying.
    You've been Trolled.
    You've been Trolled.
    Have a Nice Day!

    We have just had our way
    Your brain is left to decay

    You didn't think I'd do this but here I am to say...
    "Fooled you now! Now you're scared!"
    But I have still more jokes prepared!
    In the comments you're complaining
    But on your parade I'm raining.
    It's a prank! It's a trick!
    It's a trap! Take your pick!
    The calmness in your mind is left to waste! Yes, you can bet!
    My test you did not pass
    And you have failed my class
    You've been trolled!

    Viridi: And just in case you need to be told...

    All: You've been trolled! You've been trolled! Have a nice day!

    Sorcerer: Life is dull and boring for a troll who's not trolling.
    Not a sign of a soul to lay waste upon.
    Ah! Those funny days when there was someone.
    In a flash those happy times are gone.
    Hours! I've been waiting
    Doing so much more than baiting
    Longing for a big and large thrill!
    Sometimes we hang around the forums...
    What's that!? Am I crazy?
    Another view? OPSY DAISY!

    Nighty: You've been trolled! You've been trolled!
    Life for you must be so cold!
    Better clean up in your mind because your sanity's a mess.
    You've been trolled, yes by me.
    I enjoyed your company.
    But I've got far more lives to ruin
    There is trouble here a'brewin'
    Here's a gun, there's a shot
    I've been doing this a lot.
    And if you feel like you have been oppressed...

    All: Too bad for you!

    Nighty: This day you will rue 'cause you've been trolled!

    All: You've been trolled!

    Nighty: You've been trolled!

    All: You've been trolled!
    You've been trolled! You've been trolled! Yes, you've probably been trolled!
    Don't reply, to these guys;
    They're just trying to get a rise,
    out of you! Yes it's true,
    you respond and thats his cue
    To start giggling and trolling
    His new plans you won't be foiling!

    Sorcerer: View....BY...VIEW! Troll by troll!
    Until you rage quit on the whole!

    All: These acts of ours will never let you rest!
    We're gonna lay our legs up.
    And then drink 7-Up cause
    You've been trolled!

    Viridi: You've been trolled!

    Sorcerer and Nighty: You've been trolled! Yes!
    You've been troooooooooollllllllleeeeddd!


    See Also on Bored Panda