Being born in Africa, I’ve never really experienced my country or the continent without a certain bias. I’d love to hear from those who have visited—what strange or bad experiences have you had here that you wouldn’t want to go through again?


I got assaulted in Egypt (Yes, I went with multiple people)


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    Being born


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    Not my experience, but my best friend's. She was in Africa for a church mission trip. They had been building water systems and working with kids in orphanages. One day they went on a trip to a village where they were going door to door, handing out donated food. In one home they were invited in and the woman explained that her daughter had just died. The daughter's body was still lying on the bed in the one room house. It really freaked my friend out and she had to ignore her feelings and try and comfort the woman. It was obviously very confronting and she obviously was upset they didn't get told the situation before going in, but I think it was a valuable learning experience for her.


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