Just pls be nice.


My opinion is that nobody is entitled to use the organs of another person in order to survive. It is illegal to force a person to give away a piece of liver to save the life of someone else. Why would it different with a uterus? Fetuses are not people but even if they wete it would change nothing.

Women need to have abortion available. Pregnancy is very messy and risky for your health and not something that should be forced on women. Many do not want children. Many want them but are not ready. Many will suffer medical complications because of pregnancy. Many have fetuses that are unhealthy and will suffer if they are born. Many get pregnant without consensual sex. Many take birth control but it failed.

There are numerous reasons to not want to be pregnant. And they are all valid.

At the same time we need to advance in birth control and sterilisation. For most young or childfree women sterilisation is imposible to achieve because of sexism in medicine. It is a very important option to reduce our population and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Birth control needs also more research. The methods we use are very little understood and have big side effects for many women. We need reliable birth control for both men and women. Ideally one that does not affect our hormones.


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David Furritus
Community Member
2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You make some good points, but regarding your last paragraph, remember that sterilization doesn't have to be a female thing. Vasectomies are cheaper and easier to reverse than having your tubes tied (and a lot less permanent than a hysterectomy)

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    In this scenario is it mine or someone else’s? I’ll make informed decisions about my own body but never anyone else’s. That’s a decision for them and I have no right to even think about making a comment on another woman’s health decisions. No one gets an abortion because it’s fun. Not all women want to be mothers. That’s okay. I personally went through hell trying because I felt that it was something I was supposed to do. But I don’t have to just because I have the parts for it.


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    I think abortion should be between the woman and herself, no one else. It is NOT murder, and it is a perfectly fine decision if the woman feels it is right for her and her body and life.


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    I'm pro-abortion. Yes, it is, in some way, killing the fetus. However, would you value an unborn, dependent fetus (that would probably die anyway in a situation where abortion is necessary) or a living, breathing, human life?


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    Six words: do what is best for you!
    Sorry this was really short


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    I have two angles to this.

    A fetus is a bunch of cells, when we talk of life it's really our conscience that we mean not cellular life. Cells are living and dying throughout our bodies all the time. A fetus has not yet reach this stage of being able to comprehend the world around it, it's therefore better to stop the process of something that has no understanding than to raise a child to live a substandard life.

    I believe that every child is owed a loving family that is prepared to take care of them to the best of their abilities. I do not think that anyone should have a child yet if they cannot yet provide that. I think it's immature to do otherwise and largely in the realm of fantasy, you're not a hero or a martyr for bringing a child into the world.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I disagree with the last part, as it implies those going through hard times or are young should be made to have an abortion against their will. Circumstances change and, as proven in particularly Manitoba, it can have issues with racism. I'll give you an example. We had something called "birth alerts", where CPS would be called immediately once a woman deemed high risk goes into labour and her baby is soon apprehended. An investigation and research concluded 90% of birth alerts were targeted at Indigenous mothers. The program has been recently scrapped. The point being, I believe anyone wanting to keep their baby should be able to have the chance to do so, and be offered parenting and birth classes, have an agency/program, such Baby First Home Visits (this was a blessing), a public health nurse to help the family. A young mom maybe immature at first but with help and education they can grow up pretty quickly during those pregnant months. Not like some adults are any better.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I am pro choice and feel that every woman should be able to decide whether or not she wants to have a baby. My cousin had an ectopic pregnancy and I don't want to even imagine what would have happened if it had killed her. With the option of abortion, she is still here today.


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    Trisha Howson
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In this this is a medical emergency the baby is most likely dead already and this sounds serious. Some people that have these types of pregnancy don't even know until it is to late. And it has already hurt the mother or women.


    I don't have a womb so therefore I have no right to have an opinion on it.....


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    David Furritus
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But are you part of a hetero couple? As a potential father, you're still representing 50% of the fetus and should have some input on its well-being...

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