Or how have you ever turned the tables on someone who crossed your boundaries?I had my own story to tell but I want to hear your stories.Exp: "Like Sexual Harassment I will harass you." Coming from a Gay man (note:I am so sorry for those who are part of the LGBTQ like me) who reversed it on a man who said "I love sexual harassment."


Hi me again
The exp came from a YouTuber Named 'The click' (check his browser He is awesome) who was being the narrator of the story from Reddit.


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    This is actually a pretty unique story. I guess the woman was sort of a creep

    I was waiting to get picked up after the October 14, 2023 annular eclipse at a park. I was listening to this podcast, and walking around. There was this woman in her early 20s with a soccer ball who came up to me and said something on the lines of, "Are you like autistic or really smart? You look like you might be." (I am pretty skinny and nerdy-looking, but like damn.) I felt really awkward there and it was just really weird.

    She said a few more things that were really really off, and she added the cherry on top by asking if I wanted to kick the soccer ball with her.

    I was noticeably uncomfortable, and her questions were really off-putting and unhinged. As far as I can tell, it wasn't sexually motivated, but why the hell would someone actually ask that, and then ask them if they wanted to play soccer.


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