Hey Pandas, I got inspired by all the question posts being put up. So, what’s your most embarrassing moment? Above is John Travolta’s…in my opinion. At the 2014 Oscars, when introducing Idina Menzel before she sang ‘Let It Go’, he introduced her as the “Wickedly talented Adele Dazeem”. What a mix up!

    Hey Pandas, What's Your Most Embarrassing Moment?

    Hey Pandas, I got inspired by all the question posts being put up. So, what’s your most embarrassing moment? Above is John Travolta’s…in my opinion. At the 2014 Oscars, when introducing Idina Menzel before she sang ‘Let It Go’, he introduced her as the “Wickedly talented Adele Dazeem”. What a mix up!

      Hey Pandas, What's Your Most Embarrassing Moment?