Memories are one of the only ways we can, well... remember things, so why not post some of your most cherished ones?


Various moments from my childhood. Though each of them was different, they all had similar qualities. Everything was innocent, new, fresh, and interesting. I was full of hopes and dreams and felt unlimited potential.



There are more than one for certain. I realized you should cherish them all because they go away so fast. Maybe it's just me, but I wish I had a special shelf in my brain for all these memories to remind me that life is more amusing than it sometimes seems. I tried to dig deeper now and found that one memory of when my friends and I traveled to Tallinn, Estonia. On the last day of the trip, we didn't sleep all night and watched the sunrise. We then all jumped into the sea together (we didn't have swimwear with us) and went home through the city center soaked and probably not too appropriate.


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I have several.
I have only one memory of eating soup with my great grandma, who I remember being very close to.
My only sleepover with my best friend, who died just over a year ago.
The day Biden won, just because of the sheer joy that way in the air.


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Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm sorry for your loss I lost my best friend 2 months ago and I'm still recovering I don't have a great support system because I don't really open up about my emotions with my family because every time I do my mom always tries to make me feel like what I feel is wrong and I'm always lying even to myself but if you need anything someone to vent to or anything you have my virtual shoulder to cry on if you need it


I like when i fell off my bike in front my friends and we couldn't stop laughing


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when my chinchilla got me a birthday present. he peed on my hand.



When my crush confessed that she likes me (we are dating now)


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My most cherished memory is in 2016 when I was playing baseball and while I was playing some kid on the other team said that he knew me and when I looked closer he was an old friend from texas in 2010 and we where babies and we used to play with each other all the time I was so surprised because I was in japan playing baseball. Our families later decide to watch a movie in their backyard together. 6 years apart and we met again I love that memory so much and we have eachothers Baseball hats to remember.



I have a lot but there is one-

I was 6 and with my brother at an after school program for kids who have no where to go because parents or guardians are working and I really wanted so bad to be the first in my class to learn how to read I wanted my teacher to be proud of me so I brought my little book about penguins and sat under a snow bank trying to read it and a big kid like 6th grade came over and started kicking snow at my face and on my head because he wanted to play there and my brother saw this and tackled him our mother was called but my mother was so happy he stood up for me she didn't even punish him but after my brother tackled him he asked me if I was alright then told me that he'd play princess with me instead of ninja with his friends and that he's help me with some reading when we got home and I cherish this moment so much because even though me and my brother argue so much and don't really even talk to each other anymore he will always be my hero.


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i was so happy when got the trust of my budgies


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When my daughter hugged me for the first time.

Babies just let themselves get hugged but the first time she was big enough to put those chubby little arms around my neck and squeeze I just melted.


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i dont have any good memories because my family abused me as a kid until i ran away



my grandma had recently died and i was depressed. but my family my bf my dog too just came up to me and hugged me and i smiled.i smiled.... and that was the first time i smiled for weeks.the dog just jumed upand licked my face but thats pretty much the same..... in a way


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I have only a handful of good memories from growing up. Two in particular are ones that I've actually written out as short stories. The Memory of Rain and The Memory of Snow.

Rain took place during some of the absolute worst parts of my childhood. I don't remember how we got outside but me and my brother got outside in our pajamas and danced in tbe street lights in the rain. In my state we rarely get calm rain, but that might we did. No lightening, no thunder, no high winds, just two children finally able to be children dancing while the world slept.

Snow happened when I was in middle school. We weren't safe yet, but one of the main abusers wasn't there anymore. I had been having major issues with insomnia and I was still on alert at night. It snowed. I went and woke up my brother. We went outside once again in the very late night early morning and played in the snow under a street light that didn't face the street. We fell back into the snow at one point and watched it fall in the light that made it look like it caught fire until it drifted out of it.

Even today if its a gentle rain I'll dance in it and if it snows I always tilt my head back to feel or kiss my face. If I can find an amber street light I watch it turn snow into fire.


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When I was in 7th grade my parents surprised me a with a concert for my favorite singer, Danny Gokey. Then they surprised me again with a meet and greet. I literally almost passed out from excitement.


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