Hey Pandas, What’s Your Goofy Placeholder Word For A Forgotten Object’s Name?
We all forget words, and make up some on the spot.
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I usually don't like to say '1x1 lego bricks' so i call them 'brixels'. It is much easier. I also give permission for others to use this
I forgot the word for denim shorts, and called them 'jeansy shorts'.... for 3 years of my life.
Also, I called ageism 'age racist' while my friend was teasing me about being the youngest in the friend grp.
I once called salad dressing "lettuce sauce". I was VERY tired.
The thing for the thing with the (draws an oblong rectangle with my hands) thing.
My husband: hun, use your words...
Me: f**k off... sorry... I'm trying.. you know... the thing for the thing. Circle.
Husband: the thing for the rectangle circle.... oooooh"
Grabbed me the hdmi cable which was what I wanted. He's gotten very adept at understanding the uniquely informative descriptions my PTSD addled brain comes up with.
I do the same and I truly want to believe as intelligent as I am that one day I will stop forgetting words like flashlight/wrench/bottle and will no longer have to subject my husband to a embarrassing round of nonsensical charades. But at least he always knows exactly what the "*insert random hand gestures* thingy" is and where I left it lol
"y'know man those snippy things, uhhh snippers wait no I mean snappers no ughhhh"
I meant scissors.........
The thingy!!! :sobs: the the the thingy I told you about
There was this one PE game we used to play (it was like capture the flag with laundry baskets) but no one could remember the name so we all just called it “the weird game with the crates”
Smell good juice is hot tea. I like mint with sugar the best
I literally cannot go through a single week without mint tea :)
"Dinglehopper." Apparently it comes from The Little Mermaid. I often use it as pejorative for people who cut me off on traffic, for example.
I called the Marry-Go-Rounds on the playgrounds (not the one with horses) Spinny thingy, it’s where I made up a thing called “Magic” it’s butterfly’s but harder and faster. I also made “Death” (opposite of Magic)
Thingie. Always.
Wakey juice for coffee… leaf water for tea… spiky juice for soda.
Needless to say, sleep deprivation is a dangerous thing that do wonders to originally crazy people 🥲
Yesterday me and my mom forgot the word “tortilla” I called it, “the bread that’s used for tortillas” not quesadillas, tortillas
“Gerschtimpt” is a joking curse word, it’s funny because it’s not actually bad, but whenever Grandpa says it my cousins and I would pretend to be all outraged and horrified.
Similarly, “Schtimpter” is the little bit of food left over that’s not quite a serving, ex. “Who wants the rice schtimpter?”
Mine is not goofy. I usually just say that f*ckin thing. For some reason I love profanity. Actually any "unacceptable" word works in a pinch.
Except for people who are not confirmed annoyances. Then its usually nothing but Dude all the way.
I once forgot drop-leaf table and had to wiggle my hand from side to side saying "the table that does this." I call other forgotten things "thingumies."
I use the generalized words “that thingy” while gesturing with my hands, like it’s going to help me remember.
when i can't remember a person's name and i mention them in conversation, i use the name Joe Smuckatelly.
Whenever I forget a word, I always call it a thingymagig. Don't know why, I just always have!!
“Portable house” for mobile home
Or “digging spoon” for shovel
I tend to forget words a lot in English (but it's my native language 😂), and my place holder is "uhm uhm uhm....uhm the the thing. Words? Words are hard. WHY I CAN'T I REMEMBER WHAT ITS CALLED? THE....THE THING! THAT THING! THE THING WHERE YOU....WHERE YOU....idk I give up. OH! Wait I remember now."
I once typed "diggo" instead of "ditto." Now I just say, "diggo." I get funny looks, but I embrace my quirks. 😂
Thingamajiggerbob. Was created once when I was trying to say thingamajigger and thingamabob at the same time, now I use it all the time lol.
I kinda just start beatboxing- for example: “Can you pass me the.. the the the *insert bad beatboxing here*”
I kinda just start beatboxing- for example: “Can you pass me the.. the the the *insert bad beatboxing here*”