How old were you? Who suggested it?
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I hit puberty when I was 9. We were poor growing up so my mom had my grandma alter a couple of her sports bra's until she could afford to buy me a real training bra. She did it but she wasn't happy about that and the two argued for a bit before Grandma just showed up one day and dragged us both to JC Penny's. The measure lady got me into the changing room and kept asking me how old I was (by this point I was 10). She left the room and came back with actual bra's.
I went from puberty to a size C cup in just a few months, by the time I was 12 they were DD. They've stopped growing now thankfully but if I was in the size I'm supposed to be in I'd be shopping at actual bra stores since it's not a size regular retail actually carries. I miss having a Lane Bryant close by.
My first bra story is happening right now, August 2021. My training bra is stretched, and too tight in some places. I have tried to find the tape measure for months now. Hopefully I measure up for a real bra.
My mom just took me to the store and we bought training bras. As I got older, I just bought different sizes
Would wear my sister's bras until I was around 9-10. It really annoyed her (part of the reason why I did it) Then I got taken to target to get real ones.