Please share the best writing advice you have so that others can benefit. Reading through other people's responses might offer something valuable and inspiring for all of us.


Just scudding write.
Don't be a perfectionist, don't edit much while you work...just get those words out on the page.

Also, surround yourself with creativity stimulating people/things. Read good books. Make friends with creative people. Watch good movies.
Feed that inner artist.
Also feed the outer artist too, and get exercise. Your brain will be much sharper!


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Quantity over quality. Just write a lot, then pick what you like Don't waste time trying to think of the perfect thing to write. Just write.


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Quantity of quality. Just write a lot, then pick what you like. Don't waste time trying to think of the perfect thing to write. Just write.



Your first draft will never be perfect and that’s okay. Just keep writing and edit when you’re done. Good luck to all the pandas with unfinished works!


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