We all (or at least those with the slightest bit of imagination) have a crackpot theory about something. And we love our crackpot theory - we know it's crackpot, and that's part of the fun.
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That Octopus are the descendants of aliens....... They're just too smart and too weird to be natural!!
Can I list my favourite crackpot theory to dispute? My "favourite" as in "shake-my-head," I can't believe people would be so stupid. "Favourite" as in worst of the worst.
Any time someone says, "they faked it," or "all those people were actors" in response to a world tragedy. Such as, when there's a mass shooting, or a large scale war crime, or major tragic incident, and people say it was faked.
I work in the entertainment industry. Do you have any idea how hard it would be to fake a major, large scale, mass tragedy that makes news headlines around the world. It would be logistically impossible.
First of all, actors have unions. You can't hire a bunch of actors without there being a lot of paperwork and records of it. Second, have you ever watched the credits at the end of a movie. It would take hundreds of people to fake something like a large mass shooting. There's no way to keep all those logistics hidden from public view. Unfortunately, when s*** goes down, it's real.
I propose there is quantum entanglement between versions of Tarot cards and versions of Monopoly. If a new version of one is created, a new version of the other springs into being. Their number is always exactly equal.
That Prince Philip orchestrated the "accident."
- Diana had said she wanted to be married again
- she was the Mother Earth type. She would’ve had a child with dodi Fayed; then a future king of England would’ve had a half-Egyptian half-sibling - horror…!
- the chauffeur was tinctured. A chauffeur at the ritz? Trousered? Really?
- Philip was the only one with enough money and influence to make it happen and so high that he would never be suspected.