Specifically, for example, the Renaissance, Medieval, Atomic, Classical, Bronze, Victorian, etc.
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I like reading about the Rig Vedic Society in India. It was very progressive compared to any other period in our history. Women had the freedom to choose their husbands and the age of marriage was 16-17 and there were no child marriages. Sati was only optional and widows were allowed to remarry. The caste system was very flexible and wasn’t determined by birth. Worship was also very easy as anyone of any caste were allowed to perform certain rituals which now only Brahmans are allowed to do
Of course, the Victorian Era is pretty interesting, but I think the 1920's are cool as well. I love the music and the style!
Favorite like best? Probably now, although a lot of stuff sucks we’re still doing better than any other point in time.
To learn about? Probably a tie between the Aztecs and Medieval Europe, aka the time we forgot all science and logic and just did dumb stuff. I also think Celtic and Pagan culture was really fascinating.