Tell me a weird, wacky or delicious food combination that you enjoy!
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Apple pie and Sharp Cheddar cheese, if you've had it, you KNOW it works.
My family is the only family I've heard of that does this! Until now, that is!!
Chocolate with wine! When i feel sad i like to enjoy a nice chocolate desert with a glass of wine or even a desert that has wine inside! Recently started also experimenting and baking brownies with red wine! Delicious!!!
Mash potato & peas sandwiches
Bubble tea and 2-minute noodles! very random but I like it
Chees and appple. Absolutely delicious!
A combination of cheese, tomato and basil was a revelation for my post-Soviet Russian self. Though my childhood favourite of sausages and potatoes mashed with butter and milk still occupies a little corner of my heart.
mandarin oranges and cottage cheese, they go together so well
Sausage, + Egg, + Maple Syrup. The perfect breakfast.
Black sapote + boysenberry + vanilla ice-cream
Pizza and 1,000 Island dressing. Yummmmmyyyyyy
Steak and soy sauce.
tuna + mayonnaise on carrot sticks
cheese + hp sauce on toast; slice of tomato optional
Veggie omelet with fried potatoes and ketchup!
I like peanut butter and Vegemite and cheese on toast- trust me, it is delicious. Try it.
I like peanut butter and Vegemite and cheese on toast- trust me, it is delicious. Try it.