i want to see if anyone is taking the same classes as me or at least if the subject has the same order as mine
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first class is english 1, second is history, third is show choir, fourth is choir, then c lunch, then algebra 1, then library aide, then psat advisory, then biology. and usually i have rehearsal after school as well.
My schedule's changing in two weeks, since the last quarter starts then, but for now I have 1st period: Chemistry (elective), 2nd period: Math 2 (sophomore/10th grade math), 3rd period: Advanced Band, 4th period: Social Studies (history), 5th period: English, Lunch, the rest of 5th period (the class is split into three sections, two of them we learn, one we eat lunch, and my grade eats lunch in the middle of class), 6th period: Engineering (elective), and 7th period: Science.
My school starts at 7:30, ends at 2:15, and we have 50 minute class periods btw.
1st: art
2nd: biology
3rd: geometry
4th: spanish
5th: german
6th: world literature
7th: world history
Choir, science, ELA/history, math, and band
ugh i would hate having choir first since my voice pretty much refuses to warm up in the mornings
On Monday it goes math then minecraft then home for homeschool stuff On Thursday math then acting then homeschool stuff