Hey Pandas, What’s Your Biggest Flaw And Your Favorite Thing About Yourself? (Closed)
Only one flaw allowed and if you're gonna say idk to the second part you'd better think very hard about that. If you genuinely can't think of any of your good traits, I'll try to help! Remember to be kind to yourself and others.
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My biggest flaw is absolutely my need to be right. However, in my defense, I am right most of the time, which is probably my favorite thing about myself.
Mt biggest flaw is constantly thinking that I’m the ugliest person on the planet and the favorite thing about myself is probably my eyes
Flaw would probably be bluntness. Very common with autism and hasn't helped in some social/work situations. Breaking the rules here, but also wasting time ahem... BP 🫣
Favourite thing probs my photographic memory
I think it’s nice to have someone be blunt sometimes. Photographic memory is so cool I’m jealous.
My biggest flaw would be my pride. I can list a ton of things I don't love about myself, but pride is usually the root. My favourite thing about myself is uhhhhhhh idk my endless confidence and effortless charisma
My greatest flaw is inhibitions, specifically the lack thereof. I say or do whatever stupid thing comes to mind, and it's made me a few enemies. My favorite thing would probably have to be my incredible memory and logical mind. It means that in any science or math class, I'm usually one of the best students, and tend to ask so many questions the teacher sometimes doesn't know the answer.
this is easy but my biggest flaw is buying a bunch of things i dont need but are freaking awesome like a bunch of forms of weapons my favorite thing is that im gonna end up having a bunch of weapons by the time i move out (i just realized california wont like that)
I’ll do physical traits first:
My biggest physical flaw is probably how sickly (not sure if that’s the right english word) i am. i am pretty small and i get sick very often, and it always leaves me really tired when i am recovering. My favorite physical trait is my eyes, even though i have really thick glasses- i have central heterochromia, which means the outside of my irises are light blue but the inside around my pupils are gold.
My biggest personality flaw is probably my issue with letting people walk all over me. i’m very susceptible to bullying because i begin to believe the bullies after a while, and that makes my self-esteem go downhill because i am very quick to believe something someone tells me. But my favorite is my musical ear! i can recreate a piece of music on paper after hearing it once or twice.
Never believe the bullies, Forest King. The words they say are a reflection of THEM and not you. You get to define who you are, only you, and no one else. I hope your health improves. It's very difficult to be happy and confident when you have to fight illness all the time. And for what it's worth, your English is EXCEPTIONAL. Just like you. 😊
I think my biggest is my self-awareness. Between being able to hold a grudge forever and having severe anxiety and lashing out at anyone who threatens what I think is best, it has caused me a lot of trouble.
I think you call it selfishness when it is a flaw, but it is also one of the greatest blessings of my life.
My self-awareness has also helped me overcome depression because it's easier for me to put my feelings into words, it helps me relate to people on a personal level, and makes me super creative.
biggest flaw, lazy as hell. favorite thing is being patient and being up front about everything
My biggest flaw as of now is I allow myself to be walked on by the people I love. Something I truly love about myself is that I can love people selflessly.
My biggest flaw is probably that I care way too much about my weight which is why I have anorexia, and my favourite thing about myself is that I’m extremely sweet and kind.
Flaw: no self confidence
Favorite thing: Kindness
Flaw: I’m scared of everything. Dogs, confrontation, heights, getting hurt, embarrassment, not being good enough, this one weird thing I’m too embarrassed to admit
Favorite: hmm this one’s harder. I like my clothing choices?
My biggest flaw is not being able to articulate to people what I want to convey to them. I feel like if I were more blunt and clear, with faster wit, I wouldn't have people interrupting me, talking over me and brushing me off as much as they do.
I love that I appreciate the little, simple things in life and content with where I am. I don't have any pressure to get to a higher level, be richer, flashier more high maintenance than I can attain.