How do you feel about AI, why, and what are your conclusions about it?
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That people can use it for profit. Be it for clout on social media, or for monetary profit to sell things.
The fact that some companies are even thinking about using AI in place of actual talented writers or artists is sickening.
AI is scary AF - I do believe that, eventually, AI will decide that we need safekeeping - that we've asked them to do, and that, in turn, will limit our freedoms.
Who is in control of the AI?
A couple of AI's were hooked up to each other and allowed to converse. After a few minutes, they had worked out a plan to eradicate all human life and started talking to each other in their own private language...
I am not saying never use AI. We all need to not put so much reliance on it as well. It could discourage individual creativity, hinder individual critical thinking or the talent of it, and lower ones confidence in him/her self. For example , if you were used to using AI as a crutch and you were in a survival situation without AI you might not have as much confidence in yourself to get out or have even contemplated the situation ever before this incident. Say like you are a painter and use AI. The best art work comes from one's heart and soul which AI is lacking. Someone may think AI is alway better and superior which one would question their own ability. It is OK to use it in a lot of areas. Like if someone is in the hospital and they are having symptoms to where nobody can figure it out. If the AI system has every single disease or other potential cases in its system that a doctor have never even heard of then this would help tremendously. Not everyone could know everything. I just hope people will look into AI in a different angle and not as something to be leaned against to walk in life.
The fears people have around AI are misguided. AI's are essentially a complicated form of word association. It's easy to make a chatbot or generator. It's not taking over the world anytime soon.
However, the problem is how it is used. AI used as a substitute for artists and creators hurts those people, and replaces work made from the soul with empty imitations of what it could have been.