Everybody looks at the good things. They look at the good things to hide away from the bad. But we look at the big things. We look at them too much. (Not saying that we should ignore them, we should do everything to stop them.) We also sometimes have to look at the little parts to see the big picture. To solve a crisis, we have to solve the little things. This is where our voices come in. Though small, we can let our selves out, and speak up and out.
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Light pollution. It causes many problems, such as sleep deprivation, ecological disturbances, glare, and so many other things. We also miss many beautiful things that less than 8% of all people have ever seen
Next problem: scientific misinformation. I can bet that many of you tiktokers have seen those videos. And Facebook people. And Reddit people. And insta people. And especially twitter people. And YouTube people. And people that do pseudosciences such as astrology, holistic medicine, and psychic listeners. If you have to go to the doctor, don’t run lemon juice on your stomach every Thursday under the waning crescent. And then there is the medical misinformation. VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. They help the immune system recognize possible threats. If you have a bad reaction, that is an entirely different story.
Next thing: all the dumb conspiracies. Jews are not evil. LGBTQ people are not demons. Birds are spies, of course. Vaccines are not inserting trackers into your blood. We have phones for that. The world is not run by pedophiles. We do not have amnesia stuff in our water. The earth is not flat. We did land on the moon. There are no underground Soviet bases on the moon. The moon is not hollow. Space is not a projection. This list can go on and on and on.
Final problem: education. A few years ago a ahole called ken ham created a “museum” called “the ark”. It is a building on creationism. Anti natural-selection “science” rules there. Now there is Florida. Land of the “Stop WOKE Act” it was made because WoKIsM was in the school. The WoKIsM is teaching about racism. Other problems in education include not giving kids challenges. I am one of the lucky kids. I was in a gifted program. And than I experienced the reality of what American education is like. I went into all GATEs class( gifted and talented education) which almost every single kid was in at least one. So boring. I read books for half of the class, unless we were taking tests, which was often. I was bored out of my mind. If this is how the rest of the U.S. is, than we have a big problem.
True. Nobody wants to live right next to a highway or an airport or next to a grumpy neighbor.
Quite a lot of things, but one of the worst in my opinion is the lack of empathy and compassion. Communalism, or even its last shreds, has been crushed by the abundant power of market forces and capitalism. We live in an individual-centered me-me culture. Politicians pursue their own interests detached from reality and at the same time punish the poor. It feels like it's the individual's fault that there are no jobs, when we know that you have to have experience in working life, or job seekers face age or other racism, or have a long-term illness. Cold and heartless.
Homelessness and addiction to hard drugs
True. My state very recently legalized weed, and a huge percentage of high schoolers are smoking.