Hey Pandas, tell us about an injury that was really bad and that you regret getting? 


I stabbed myself with a pencil in 3rd grade, and had to go to urgent care for them to remove the lead. There was still a prominent scar all the way through 6th grade, and I can still see it now if I look in the right place.



    i tore a tendon in my knee. it was worse than when i broke my wrist snowboarding.
    I was playing football (soccer) and a girl ran up and tried to steal the ball. her kneecap went under mine like a puzzle piece, and lifted it so i could feel it like.. un-suck almost from my leg. it really hurt but i kept playing. i continued to play for the rest of the summer before the pain got so bad i saw a doctor, who told me i might need surgery if i didn’t stop playing. it’s better now tho!



    It's not really an injury, but it was very bad. In May of 2017, I had a really bad eczema flare up. It was so bad that my hands were leaking some type of discharge. My hands were so swollen that the skin on my arms had popped open and I couldn't close my fist. The whole situation had me so stressed out that I passed out in the bathtub. The next day, I went to my dermatologist and got help. Within a few days, I was feeling so much better and I was starting to heal. Now whenever I have an eczema flare up, I am just so thankful that it isn't as bad as this one.



    Probably when I broke my leg at the park on the thing that slides back and forth,my mom was helping me and had to get my sister(baby at the time) and I thought I could get on the platform,I was wrong



    In 1st grade I got pushed by a kid (end of recess and everyone was running so I doubt it was on purpose), slipped on the gravel, fell backwards and cut open my head. Got my parents called and sent home where it my parents took a picture and, after the the bleeding was done and stuff, joked that I looked like a zombie to make me feel better. It did make me laugh lol, tho looking back I probably shouldn’t have.



    i dont do much of anything remotely dangerous so i dont have any injuries to talk about so i will talk about my sideways tooth

    i have a sideways tooth in my jaw


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my top teeth came in way behind where it’s supposed to be so now it’s behind my bottom teeth. I have no idea how tf braces are gonna fix that thing cuz it’s wedged between two other teeth

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    I fell out of the upstairs bedroom window when I was 2 years old. Fractured my skull. Thankfully no lasting damage.


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    I don't really have too many bad injuries, so this ones the stupidest, and it was entirely my fault.
    I tried to get down from the top of a bunk bed to smack my cousin. Key word *tried*. I fell down and managed to hit my head on a table. I am, suprisingly, still alive.


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    i just have really bad knee issues that i inherited from my parents. its a mix of that and patella femoral syndrome and it is the most annoying and painful thing. i play volleyball so its been negatively affecting my playing for like 2 years


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have knee issues Bc I used to always walked with my legs going inwards and now I run in a track team I still have no idea what affect it will take


    I was playing on monkey bars when I was like 6 or something, and I fell and my nose bridge slammed on the side of the platform I was supposed to put my feet on but oh well. Not only did it give me a sh*tty day and a bloody nose, but it also gave me sinus issues for the rest of my life. So y'know, good times. It was also on my birthday.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my old friend was doing stupid stuff on the monkey bars where he would jump off them bc its "cool" and he landed wrong on the third or second time and broke his arm so idk why im saying this i was gonna put his age but i dont remember somewhere in first grade though

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    Once I've cracked three ribs and had a heavy cough. Didn't know how to lay and sleep for three weeks.

    Also I have a dislocated vertebrae. No cure. Really need a good mattress all the time and have to be careful what sport and workout I can do. That one won't go away.


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    I broke my skull from falling out of bed onto a table one time and still have a scar.


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    I have two:
    The first one is when I was younger, me and my sister were jumping on my trampoline and we both did a front flip at the same time, she landed on my face. My nose was bleeding, I couldn’t see or walk or hear clearly, and I was concussed.
    The other time was when I almost drowned in a hotel pool when I was 7


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    Fractured skull, broken shoulder, 3 fractured lumbar vertebrae, broken pelvis broken hip, shattered wrist and a diffuse axonal brain injury that put me in a coma for a couple of weeks. All in one motorcycle accident.



    3 years ago, I was at a trampoline park and I sprained my ankle. Never broken a bone or anything but the sprain really friggin hurt.


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    I have 2 "there's a reason mom didn't name me Grace" incidents. I was awake for 36 hours gambling. Finally took a break. Sat at a high top table and fell asleep. Three staples in my head, two black eyes, nasty concussion. Second, I got up to get a drink in the middle of the night. Realized I didn't turn the light off as i headed back upstairs. Stepped backwards to reach the switch. Was on stair 2, not stair 1 so my foot found nothing but air. I landed hard on my hip. Nothing broken but it was 8 weeks before the muscle spasms got worked through.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My dad ice skated over my finger when I was 6. Luckily there was no major damage but I was super scared.


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    I got a concussion in the 2nd grade and cut my head open. It took me a couple of years to get fully back on track with spelling, reading, and math. I still have a scar


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