When you were a child... Or WHILE you're a child if you are one.


When I was six in 1962, I rode my tricycle down the large hill that was part of our driveway out in the country. My older brother had removed the screws holding the front wheel to the tricycle and had forgotten to put them back. The wheel stayed on just long enough for me to start riding and to begin going down the hill. The wheel came off and I flew over the handle bars, landing in the ditch beside the driveway. I fractured my elbow, shearing off the tip of the elbow. My mother packed me in the family station wagon and ended going to two hospitals, in two different towns, to find a surgeon who would try and put my elbow back together. I spent weeks in the hospital but never realized how lucky I was to have had a mother who would not stop until she found an orthopedic surgeon who would take on the task. It took two surgeries and spending almost half a year in casts before it was all done. The smell of ether still takes me right back to the operating room.

My brother did not admit what he had done, removing the screws on the tricycle, until he was in his forties.


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    I think this happened when I was about 6,

    I was getting a glue stick for my teacher when I tripped over a cushion, everything went black for a bit and then I woke up. It hurt a lot and there was a teacher rushing me out of the room with my hand covering the hole in my forehead. I took it off for a second and saw my hand was COATED in blood, when I was in the nurses office they bandaged up my head and the head teacher (who was kinda scary) told me I looked like Pudsy! Anyway next they called my mum out from work and mum drove me to the hospital and I waited for a bit. Next I went into the bit where they did the stuff and I was on a bed thing where they glued up my head! Surprisingly didn't hurt. I got a cool scar at least.

    Tl;Dr Faceplanted into a chair after tripping over a chair, had to get head glued up a hospital.


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    We were playing tag. My toe got crushed in a fence gate. It popped. Ultimate blood blister. Blood everywhere. Still have issues seeing my own blood. Brrrrrrr



    Before I was 10 I…
    -cut my head open on a table
    -cut my head open because a Bucket dropped on my head
    -broke my tibia and fibula on a trampoline
    -cut open my heel on a wall
    -ripped open my knees, took 2 months to heal.
    These are my top 5 worst injuries I can recall, but idk what’s the worst.


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    When I was 13 I cut my finger with a knife, which was fine… then I started focusing on the blood and blacked out on the floor… knocked my front tooth clean out, which killed both front teeth and then had to go though 8 months of *treatment*.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I dented my bone, i was walking on this bench/tiny wall kinda thing by Venice beach when i fell and my leg bot caught in between. Then i go a sudden rush of pain and i cried for an hour because of it


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    3rd degree burn to my ankle, I was around 17 months old I think
    Mum still doesn’t know how I managed it
    So basically I was in my cot, I liked to kick my legs out between the cots bars. So one day I’d managed to wriggle down to the bottom of my cot (this is where it gets a bit stupid bc my parents should’ve known better but the cot was close to the radiator)
    Anyway so I stuck my legs out the cot. Kicking away and I got my foot wedged between the gaps in the radiator
    It was on a timer so at some point it came on.
    Mum was sorting my brother out ( he’s autistic this is important bc he required a lot of time and attention) and “dad” (he don’t deserve that title Lmao ) was at work
    She’d been checking on me but between dealing with my brother she wasn’t keeping a constant eye on me and usually I was happy to just play in the cot until brother was all set with his clothes etc
    Anyway she came back in and my leg was stuck so obvs she panicked and just pulled my leg straight out
    Wrapped it in a wet towel and off to the hospital we go


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    See Also on Bored Panda