Hey Pandas, What’s The Weirdest Thing You’ve Ever Done While Drunk?
Everybody does funny thing when their drunk. What have you done?
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The absolute weirdest and worst? I walked into my parents room naked thinking it was the bathroom and attempted to pee on the nightstand which I thought was the toilet before they woke up and were like wtf are you doing. I think I stopped drinking for a couple weeks after that one.
I peed on a nightstand one also! Thank God it wasn't in my parents' room, but still...
Got into a random car parked in front of the bar and fell asleep in the passenger seat.
On my 21st birthday I got so trashed that when I came home I took off my pants and took my dog outside. Fell down in the grass and got a tick on the back of my leg. It got infected and I ended up in the hospital. Another time, my husband and I came home from a night out and he got dressed for work and left. My drunk as$ waited for him to leave, stripped naked, and then fell asleep in the recliner with my head in a trash can. He ended up getting laid off that night and was home about an hour later. I don’t drink anymore. Lol
Well the most recent thing I did when drunk was say multiple times in a row 'no one like drunk Huddo's sister' and when someone said they did like drunk me I said 'well I don't like drunk Huddo's sister. I don't get drunk often though. Mys siblings on the other hand- my brother ran around the house with a painting of Jesus yelling 'Jay-sus' and then used the claw of a hammer to attack a wall. Oh, and another time he tried to shove my sister into an esky.