Halloween is now over, boo. But you can still share what happened!


I left my house at about 8pm on Halloween night to go to the corner shop as I’d run out of a few basic bits. Due to covid and being generally busy and exhausted, the extent of my Halloween was watching some spooky movies with a couple friends. No decorations or anything.

So stupid me thinks, yeah, I’ll be totally fine to go alone to the corner shop on actual Halloween at 8pm at night. I’m in the UK so 8pm is like, as dark as midnight right now. Luckily, I live in quite a busy residential area, so we have a lot of streetlights, a lot of houses had their lights on, and there were bunches of kids out with parents trick-or-treating.

I literally get about 20ft out my front door, when suddenly, all the lights start to flicker and buzz. The street lights, the housing lights, the traffic lights, everything. It was like they were getting a power surge, getting dimmer and brighter, and dimmer again, started making a buzzing noise, genuinely like you’d expect to see in a Haunted House or a scary movie.

Everyone suddenly went silent and stopped in their track, started looking up, looking around at each other, looking confused, just like you would expect in a bad horror movie immediately before the monster / demon comes out and kills everyone.

Then suddenly a pop, and all the lights go out. Everything. It is now absolutely pitch black and you can’t see your hand in front of your face.
Worryingly though, you can still sort of sense movement, but what you can’t do, is tell if the person creeping up on you is a kid in a scary costume, or just a creepy adult being a creeper / trying to rob you.

Turns out little kids dressed as goblins and witches jumping out at you in the pitch black is still bloody terrifying. It was legit like walking through a Haunted House unexpectedly, and admittedly for free, but with it actually being real life where you don’t know if the people jumping out are just kids, or people dressing hp, or actual psychos, robbers, people off their faces on drugs etc. Oh and all the lights stayed off the entire night, and the next day and night too, so the entire thing was like a two day fear-fest.

Thank God for lights on cell-phones, but suffice to say, whoever was responsible for that, message received, I will never ever be as dumb to go out on Halloween in the dark on my own ever again. And that is the story of how a grown ass adult was scared by the dark on Halloween.



Few years ago when I was a public health student I took myself on a Halloween hike at a state park, noticed a prairie dog colony off the trail that seemed unusually quiet. A single prairie dog was out, acting very abnormal, muscle spasms, decreased responsiveness, vocalizations, etc. went for a closer look, noticed flea ‘popcorning’ at the empty holes, (basically starving fleas jumping up into the air when a shadow passes by since their usual source of food is all dead) immediately hightailed it out of there and told a ranger that they had a plague outbreak near the trail, got brushed off, but he said someone would go investigate it. A few days later saw they had closed the park and confirmed bubonic plague.



Every year on my Street, these two kids dress up as an inflatable chicken and dinosaur. They always do it during the day and we always catch them on out cameras and laugh about it. We have no clue where these teenagers (or adults) live


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This year's trick or treating went really well and nothing weird happened during. It was the drive home that made me nervous. I live a ways from everything so we do our trick or treating in the nearest 'big' town. When we were heading home a vehicle behind me kept putting on the high beams, getting close, turning off lights, backing off, etc. They finally turned off before I turned down the road I live on. If that vehicle had been behind me I planned on just driving to the next town. Most likely the driver was just a drunk idiot, but as a single mom with two kids in the car I tend to get paranoid when things like that happen.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If it happens again drive to the nearest police station.

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4 times, when I was 10, I went trick or treating and got screamed at by old couples for being "too old to trick or treat" and getting into a shouting match with my parents about me and refusing to give me candy but giving my brothers candy, then as we walk away, watching people who looked about 20 years old come up and trick or treat and get candy without a fight


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's just sad, the older kids, and teenagers, are usually the most fun!

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When I was about 9 I went trick or treating in my neighborhood around to all my friends houses. I was with my sister who was a year younger. No parents. Just us roaming the neighborhood in the dark. We were on our way back to our house about a block away when a car of teen boys drive up, slam in the breaks, jump out and push me on the ground. He was on top of me. I was curled up in a ball face down. He busted eggs all in my hair. Then they ran back to their car and left. We ran home and told dad. He called the cops who actually caught the kids and brought them to our house to apologize. I was absolutely terrified. Did not want to be anywhere near them. Dad gave them a big lecture. Police gave them consequences but I don’t remember what. Whole thing was completely unexpected and scary. I never went out trick or treating again. Neither did my sister. It was one of those moments when you are no longer an innocent child and wake up to the fact that bad people exist. It could have easily been a lot worse.


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Nat Rich
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Was taking these kids to your actual house a great idea? That would be the scariest thing about this!

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I was passing out candy on my porch and kinda being scary about it (I had an ominous costume). it's about 8:30 and these teenagers come up in blankets to get candy, and I'm like "good evening, I've been waiting for you." this dude goes "uh nope" and goes to leave, and his girlfriend's like "no, leave the blanket!" idk, it's not that weird, but I thought it was pretty funny.



Someone in an inflatable chicken costume, and my math professor in a carwash person costume.



I wanted to dress up as a bureaucrat, and I needed some red tape. A big hardware store was using red masking tape to mark large items as "paid" and when I explained why I wanted it, the cashier sold me a roll!
At the dance, I spotted an Admiral, and rushed over to wrap him in red tape too. He almost decked me, then laughed and left it on.


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One year a trick or treater came to my door masked as Trump. Instead of the usual "Trick or Treat" he told me to go back to my home country!


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When I was jn grade school, there was a year when no kids in my area were allowed to go trick-or-treating, and all the parents at the PTA decided who'd host the Halloween parties. It was because the Zodiac Killer had threatened to kill trick-or-treating children! Yeah, the "Golden Age of Serial Killers" cost me a night of minor personal inconvenience...



I was trick or treating with a few younger friends of mine (9-10 years old) and when we got to one of the houses, and old lady opened the door. "Why are the old ones here?" (talking about me and another friend I brought). She gave us candy, but when we were leaving, my friend and I got the "Don't come back next year, then you'll definitely be too old!"

Not the weirdest experience, but what else did she expect my friend and I to do on out favorite holiday? :/


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Another Honorable Mention: My friend and I were sitting down, some middle schoolers came up to us, asked for candy, and then stole the balloon I was holding (It popped but it was still odd)

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See Also on Bored Panda

The Friday before Halloween we were allowed to dress up at my school. I went as Harley Quinn, but 10 people broke the rules and went in inflatable banana costumes.



This isn't super weird, but I got hit on for the first time.



I sat in my armchair playing on my phone when one of my cats goes nuts and sprints through all rooms. I didn't think much of it because hey, it's a cat after all. Eventually I get up and see a frigging blood trail all over the floor.
Turns out my cat stepped in a glass shard (wherever that came from) and left bloody paw prints everywhere.
He's okay now and I even found the shard but yeah, that was a shock.



I made out with my best friend . . .
the next day we just ignored it tho . . .


See Also on Bored Panda

Some old woman stared at me and my friends for a while


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Stayed home handing out candy, drinking beer while my now ex husband was working at a haunted house. He came home… I got pregnant. My daughter is 20 now.


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Two things, one just plain odd and the other plain scary. I’ll start with the scary one.

TW for stalking(?), etc.

This one actually happened last year. I was scheduled to work Halloween and it was actually really fun. We did a group costume and got to hand out candy to kids and I enjoyed it. But when I went out to my car I noticed it was sandwiched between two other cars. I am a small woman so this frightened me a lot, especially since we are forced to park at the back of the parking lot where not many people park. I found it odd that they parked directly next to my car when there were so many other spaces, and the people were literally standing outside of both cars and talking to each other OVER my cars. I was terrified. I had a male coworker walk me to my car and the group greeted us but we didn’t respond. I actually ended up making two trips to my car that night, both times walking with another coworker and avoiding the people surrounding my car. Thankfully nothing happened, it just really gave me a scare.

The odd/funny one:
As a young teenager I went trick or treating on my own because all my friends were out of town and this one lady had an opened but otherwise untouched can of soup on her porch. She asked me about it and I admitted I had no clue how it got there. And then funny enough a few houses down someone had a full watermelon on their porch. Not sure if it was some sort of complex prank or whatever happened to it, but I just found it kind of funny.


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See Also on Bored Panda

We were about 10 in a small town of about two thousand people trick or treating and one house turned off the light as we were walking up so I threw a water balloon at the porch and accidentally hit the damn window a guy comes rushing out and grabbed my arm spun me around and wouldn’t you know it was the f-ing Chief of police


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

While he had a right to be upset, he had no right to place his hands on you.


In the morning I had some horrible stomach ache , and then a few hours later I suddenly had a baby girl 🤭
