Hey Pandas, What’s The Weirdest Text Message You’ve Ever Received?
I know I already made a post with this title but I realized it wouldn’t allow you to add images, sooo…
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This Exchange Literally Dying Lmao
Apparently, They Were Talking About The Soda, Crush, Not… You Know
For any of my fellow pandas who have trouble with internet acronyms, “gc” means “group chat” in this context.
Don’t Ask
💀idk Guys
A Wrong Number Texted Me This Once
In A Group Chat With Me, My Dad, And The Tutoring Company I Go To. My Dad Keeps Forgetting It’s Not Just In In There
Ummm this is uncalled for and keep the lawd out of this I don't think he wants apart of this especially if your doing it in a confession booth... Just saying.