Hey Pandas, What’s The Weirdest Or Dumbest Thing That Your School Has Blocked? (Closed)
I'll go first. My school blocked Discord and Snapchat for "P***ography". What's the weirdest thing your school blocked, and why?
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*cracks knuckles*
-Their own school site!!!
-Hooda Math
-Any site with any games in any way on it
well i can understand why your school blocked discord and snap cuz there are actually incidents like that.
but for our school, scratch(like the coding site). a CODING site. yeah, ik
yt, they block it in our middle school and sometimes they cant watch stuff for assignments.
A bunch of random places on boredpanda. Like, why can I look at comics with incredibly high sexual content, but not why this guy tore up his neighbor’s lawn?
pretty much anything
but my favorite, by far is that time they blocked Wikipedia
that was a riot
Whistling more than once consecutively. One time is fine. Wait another minute and whistle again? Sure. Two in a row? Suspended.
The word "Beaver". Idk why. Does anyone else?
It can sometimes be used to refer to someone's lower end.
NEW TAB (for like a week)
Their own website
The App Store
Bored panda
Searching the word: Why
Every Monday and Friday two people from eighth grade would give a speech, due to the size of eighth grade. In past years people would come up to introduce them, but now its just someones name on the board, the introducer doesn't even speak. I know its not something that is blocked but its dumb and something taken away.
So our school has a VERY lax dress code, like crazy amount of acceptions to the dresscodes (mostly for the girls)
They banned slippers??
I understand it but then u look at the dresscode and its like yo, a las can enter the school in a bikini as long as it covers her belly and goes and inch down the leg but she xant wear slippers?!
Our dress code is strict af. Like, I can't wear a small bracelet because it's against the dress code. I can't dye my hair a natural colour. I can't wear pants because I'm a "girl". Like AHEMMM?
inspiration from matt rose's new video?
also they blocked pretty much everything but they didnt block deviantart till last month
They blocked Webtoons because of "inappropriate content". I have seen people literally reading explicit comics in the middle of class on their school Chromebooks, but I can't read High Class Homos >:(
I'm actually so angry that they blocked little alchemy :( it was funnn. They also blocked GOOGLE DRIVE because some kid made a schoolwide chat page on it. Then they installed goguardian (if you don't know what it is, you're lucky) on everyone's computers.
-Bury Me With My Money (basically there’s a site called Take Me To A Useless Website Please and this one is one you can get. It’s just a guy falling, hitting the ground, money spews out like sonic rings, and it goes “Bury Me With My Money!”)
It wasn’t a website, but a toy. When I was in 9th grade about a decade ago, everyone at my school had a kendama (it’s basically a "get the ball on a string into a cup" type of toy but better). They were SUPER popular (think peak fidget spinner popularity levels and then some). We would all stand around outside during break just playing with them or showing off cool tricks. Well, come next year, the school decided to ban them for God only knows why, and then they were soon stuck with a school full of rowdy teenagers who had nothing to distract them from their underlying anger issues. There were so many fights during my sophomore year that the school literally had no idea how to handle the sudden amount. They just ended up canceling fun events and threatening to expel anyone caught fighting or filming. Now, I’m not saying the kendama ban led to the uptake in violence, but I certainly remembered everyone being a lot happier with them.
I was googling the Sex Pistols because I was interested in their band. And it was blocked. IT'S LITERALLY A BAND. They're one of the most influential punk bands out there. And I can't learn about them??