I don't know, I'm bored because I'm blocked from commenting, anyone knows why/how that happens?
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My first day working at a drug store when I was 14. It was my first job and I was super nervous. We sold balloons that I had to learn to fill up with helium. Each time I’d fill up a balloon I would set it down on the counter and turn around to fill up the next. Each time the balloon would be gone when I’d turn around to add another to the pile. Duh!
I closed a safe while changing the batteries on the door. They had to drill the safe to open it costing my work $10000 to order a new safe.
I was working as a weekend computer night operator for a truck line. Their office was split by a hall that was shared by other companies in the building. I had to go from one side of the hallway to the other to run backup tapes on the computer (think old school). So, here I am at 1AM locked out of both sides. No phone, no keys, and I’m trying to think what to do. I look up and notice that they have a drop ceiling and that the door hinges (very tall doors) are about the right size to climb up. Yes, I climbed the door hinges, popped out a tile and made it to where my keys were. Bad new was I broke a tile when I climbed down the other side. After I got everything back on track I went to the closet and pulled a tile out and replaced the one I broke with it. I then looked for a vacuum cleaner without luck. I ended up wrapping my hand with tape and cleaning up all the broken tile off the floor. The next day I had to go to the hardware store and replace the tile. Who knew there were different types of white ceiling tiles. Yep, I ended up changing a few tile so as to hide the replacement one. On the bright side, no one ever noticed. Not bad for a girl.
I don't think it's stupid personally but my PCP was disagree. I used to freedive. Burst my ear drums many times, usually came up with a bloody nose before I finally reached depth slowly rather than straight down. After one of my more serious ear infections my doc did that finger wag scolding thing and said I would end up with an infection in my brain if I kept it up because the barrier between my ear canal and brain cavity was eroding.
Second one: Street tires on a dirt bike and going to way too fast on a freshly graveled road. My elbow turned into hamburger.
My dad once opened a running dishwasher to see if it would automatically turn off. It didn't. We ran into the kitchen in response to his screams and laughs to find him dripping wet.
Stupidest thing I've ever done, uh... I jumped over 3 big chairs that were side by side on a dare and I ended up breaking my ankle. Fun times lol
I’m a pretty dumb person so I have a lot. I once ate a whole purple marker. I once said a slur as a child because I thought it was funny and didn’t know what it meant. I also got kicked out of pre school by throwing a chair at a kid for stealing my toy race car. The last one I’ll mention is that I looked up heartswitch persona 5 and watched it on my school bus while forgetting that my headphones were not in because my friends were talking about it.