Have you ever been in a situation where a relationship or a friendship ended because of an outside person?


Not exactly what you asked but i quit my job once because of others actions. I was young at the time and now would have acted and not just left the situation but at the time leaving was the only action I was brave enough to make. I had been working in this new company for 3 months and one day was in the elevator with another worker(f18) and our two bosses (m45? both) and the bosses started looking and commenting about f18's looks and asking if she would like to earn some extra money with them. clearly suggesting sexual acts.
After that i sent them an email that i will no longer be working with them and told them the reason.



A dear friend of mine had a breakup about the same time that I did. After 6 mo, I started dating someone lovely. I decided to take her on vacation for her birthday to cheer her up. She was upset that I was in communication with my new beau while we are on the trip. Somehow my happiness was not as important as us being in misery together? She cut off all ties with me, stopped answering my messages after the trip. She even told all of our friends that I was a "toxic" friend that she didn't need in her life. All that for a few phone calls to someone I was beginning to love. So sad. She is still single...



I was friends with a boy in 7th grade. Both of our families always made fun of it and called us boyfriend and girlfriend. Now even after coming out as a lesbian I don’t hang out with him anymore :(


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See Also on Bored Panda

Because he fell in love with her.

She was my best friend and an amazing person. He didn't actually "mean" to break up our friendship, but it just happened. He was a super jealous boyfriend and never understood why I was angry.


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