Pet peeves! We all have them. What’s yours?


When people leave my room without closing the door.



catcalling and body-shaming.



“You’re just tired.” (And other ways of not accepting something is wrong)
Yeah, but what do you think made me tired? Why can you have problems(mom), but I’m “just tired”.
I told my mom my chest hurt and it was hard to breathe “you’re overreacting” I went into anaphylactic shock a minute later. (She said that before my face swelled)



When people play music in a car at max volume with the windows open :|


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1.People not flushing the toilet
2.When my sister stays up until midnight watching YouTube, complains about being tired, and gets attention and sympathy for being tired


See Also on Bored Panda

people talking way louder than they have too.


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Billy The Kid
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh yes. I have a work colleague that does this. Every time she is on zoom or on the phone she is always loud. They maybe far away but you don't have to SHOUT! The other is when im on the phone to a client but cant hear them because everyone else is talking and they are all trying to be heard. The amount of times I've had to shout out "KEEP THE NOISE DOWN IM ON THE PHONE!"


I have a rack in my kitchen for storing plates, and whenever one of my parents take the plate not on the end of the rack it drives me insane


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Billy The Kid
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think you are a bit too particular. I used to be like that but I've learned not to let it get to me.


People that look down their noses at others. Arrogance - manners don't cost anything. Boss lickers. People judging others. Politics. London.


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Rich kids


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