Some people aren't nice and especially to their kids or Karens. So I wanna know what your parents said to you that was so traumatizing.
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When I felt bad about myself for having a unibrow they said at least you don't have a mustache or beard. Guess what, I do, I just pluck it so I don't get teased by them. Definitely didn't help with my self hate.
This horse crap is the cause of low self esteem then parents be like :WhY My KiD n0 wAnnA HanG 0uT wiTH mE
hard to decide but it was when they told me I was adopted
My dad never really gets mad at me, but when he does it really reduces me to tears. Constantly tells me that I'm not enough. But isn't it funny that thats coming from a racist, homophobic, redneck?
I never felt good enough even without getting yelled at. I hope you feel better better yourself
My former adoptive dad used to work in a feed lot at he gave a pretty detailed description of how the butcher them.
Pretty much everything after I turned 12. When they decided I was no longer what they wanted me to be.
You dont need to meet anyones expectations :) I learned that the hard way
That he wouldn't be surprised if I do drugs one day
I have never done drugs, never will
Thats VERY rude coming from parents. But im glad you wont do drugs cuz thats very bad
Here goes-
I’m going to write a short backstory so everything makes sense-
My mum goes through my phone åñd notebooks A LOT. She’ll read my diary, private messages to my friends, etc.
I’m transgender (FTM). She didn’t know at this point. I made the grave mistake of telling her I was lesbian last summer (haha, I couldn’t have been more wrong).
This was early December, 2020. I had just came out to one of my friends, and they texted me something that seemed transphobic at the time, but looking back, it wasn’t. I texted her back a somewhat angry message.
I didn’t delete the messages cause I wasn’t that close with that friend, and my mum wouldn’t read our messages. Or so I thought.
She read them, and told me she knew. S**t.
She said she thought it was a phase and I was just confused. She also said one of the reasons she didn’t believe me was because of the lesbian thing, which I guess was fair enough. but, another reason she didn’t believe me was cause I asked for a dress. Hmm...
She said she’d still call me she/her, but use terms like ‘child’ and ‘sibling’.
That was a fun talk 😃
Telling me about hell. And that I would go there unless I followed their religion. Thanks for the cPTSD you guys.
I'm so sorry for people whose parents treat them like this. I hope you are in a better place now.
I know it's not half as bad a some of the things on here, but when I came out as non-binary, my parents didn't believe me and still refer to me as she/her. They've been nothing but supportive in all other aspects of my life, and they're WONDERFUL parents and INCREDIBLE people, but still.
I don't have half as much right to complain as the rest of you--C-PTSD, verbal abuse, trauma--but this did hurt me. A lot.
How periods work
IM 10
When my grandpa or one of my pets died
When i was yelled at for my tiniest of mistakes
Ahh yes. The cause of my suicidal depression. Always yelled at for the littlest things instead of praising the big things i acomplished made me feel like i never did good enough and i never could make someone happy. It also tought me that humans are picky people but-
It tought me im not good for anything because my parents were all i looked up to so it made me feel worthless when i was teased(obviously for fun but it still hurt) or yelled at for my small mistakes and didnt make me realize all the hard work i put into the things i did right. So constantly i hurt myself for making a mistake and attempted to starve myself(i stopped after realizing i couldnt go 3 hours without food before my stomach felt like it was dying) and i constantly made fun of myself and called myself names such as lazy, stupid, useless, fat(i was fairly slim but i already had suuper low self esteem so i had nothing to lose) i also bullied myself using things such as "potatoes have 0 IQ but they'd be smarter than you" and id question myself such as "why do yiu exist? Your dreams and aspirations obviously wont be acheived my yourself so why bother serving any purpose your supposed to have?"
Im much better now but still have very low self esteem i cant boost.
My dad may he rest in peace told me when I was 6 years old that he was gonna send me to africa if I didn't stop running through the house
how my mom always tells people how good and amasing they are for a trait i share with them, then not giving me the same praise or going “well, ____ has more of [insert good trait here] than you” or “ no, stop lying” oh yea and always telling me i’m lying and getting angry at me for telling a joke that she didn’t understand. every. single. time. I TELL. A F*****G. JOKE. SHE GETS ANGRY AT ME. BECAUSE. SHE DOSN’T. UNDERSTAND IT.
how my mom always tells people how good and amasing they are for a trait i share with them, then not giving me the same praise or going “well, ____ has more of [insert good trait here] than you” or “ no, stop lying” oh yea and always telling me i’m lying and getting angry at me for telling a joke that she didn’t understand. every. single. time. I TELL. A F*****G. JOKE. SHE GETS ANGRY AT ME. BECAUSE. SHE DOSN’T. UNDERSTAND IT.