Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Surprising Thing You’ve Learned About A Family Member When You Googled Them?
I google family members when I’m bored, do you? If so, what’s a surprising thing you learned?
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So I’m 25% German and my great grandfathers cousin was a famous nazi diplomat. I’m also Mexican and I tried google my family last name but it’s to Common
My uncle was a drug dealer and robbed a house before I was born, he’s changed now and out of jail. Also my great uncle is a country singer
my dads uncle was a gangster in the 1960s
My sister is a 46 year old realtor ?
i looked up my name, a funeral home came up... i think the world is trying to tell me something...
I’m related to Hans Christian Anderson (guy who wrote the original little mermaid(the grim version))
My brother listed himself as an only child, and his son followed suit. My son and I were erased from the family. I made mistakes. I own them. My son is paying the price now too.
My Grandma won a Telstra Business Women's Award and has a street named after her.
Cool Grandma! Just makes her cookies that much more special
I learned that my mom's business is actually a good business (based on reviews)
Also does myself count as a family member? I learned that my Cystic Fibrosis was diagnosed at 2 weeks old. Until then I thought it was diagnosed at birth.
I also learned how lame I used to look when I was "straight" bc there were pictures
(hehe i have a whole website page someone wrote about me how many teenagers can say that)
Hello! This is totally unrelated but I see you around a lot and I just want to say you seem like a really nice cool person.
Not me but my grandfather. He found out we are related to l.m. montgomery (The author of Anne of green gables)
I googled my family name, All that came up was sports stuff.
Yeah, you probably have a pretty common last name or something, if you really want to find something, I would suggest going onto images, and scrolling through them until you see something that looks like it might be related to you. Hope you find out something intresting!
I found my dads photography
All of it from before me and my sister were born
And I also found out that my grandfather died after he died when I was 7 maybe it is just someone with the same name tho
I googled my own full name (combined it's anything but common) and found 6 people with the exact same name. Each of them were within 4 years of the same age as me. The weirdest part though, was that each of them were working in different jobs, all of them were jobs that I had previously done. Puppeteer, Painter & Decorator, Pub landlord, Warehouse manager, Insurance loss adjuster & healthcare worker.
I also did a lot of googling about my dad. He was abandoned as a child so never knew his family. He wasn't interested but me and my sisters were. We found he had 1 brother & 1 sister. Through them we traced his family line all the way back to 1066 and the Battle of Hastings, where his family were rewarded for their service to William the Bastard (as he was known back then), and raised to nobility!
I think those other people might have been you. I t happened to my dad, that the company didn't remove his name from the workers list, and aperanlty he works in texas? Edit: I know that hat person isn't someone diferent with the same name, because my last name is unique to my family. It was ceated when someone mispellt the cual last name, so now I have aunique last name.
Um... apparently my grandma is on some sort of government watch list..?
Hm... that’s... odd. More lie,y it’s someone else with the same/simalar name, though.
I’m related to a member of the gang involved in the gunpowder plot alongside Guy Fawkes. I actually found out by a random google search after I decided to check to see if there was any truth in an old family myth. Turns out there was!
I didn’t find much, but I did find a baby photo of little me posted by mum dad. I also found a news article about the school my Nonna is headteacher at - and a quote from my dad in another newspaper because a student he works with (he teaches at a college teaching people who don’t speak English English) earned a prize.
Im related to Abraham Lincoln. I've known this for a long time tho. Also my step grandpa and my grandmas ancestors were brothers and one hid in a potato basket and the other in the cupboard I think. I was thinking that its creepy af that he found that out tho. I wouldn't want to know I'm related Tommy wife...