We've all dealt with sexist people.


I know a whole lot, but I’ll stick to a few...

"Every time I hug women it's only so I can feel their b00bs" - some random guy at a festival I overheard who was going around giving a lot of 'friendly hugs' out.

"If women are so smart, then why can nobody name a single female philosopher unless you search for them on Wikipedia?" - some guy in the YouTube comments section. Me: "Maybe it's because throughout human history, women becoming philosophers was rarely encouraged within mainstream society? Also, becoming a philosopher is only one pursuit of intellect, the first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace."

Me: "Scientifically, all humans start off female in the womb." My dad: "Luckily I was born the better gender then." Me: "What? But mom told you kept wanting to have a baby girl instead of a boy." Dad: "Yeah, because girls are more family orientated. So you will be able to look after me when I'm older." Me: "..."

Some random guy during a VR shooter game: "You're only good at playing the game, because your boyfriend must of boosted your elo." Me: "umm, this game doesn't even have an elo or ranking system btw."

Me playing a video game: "I'm only able to buy (a weapon) next round, I'm poor right now." Random player: "ha! just like all women, because all women are poor." Me: "Do you even know who Kim Kardashian is?"

(Yeah, let's just say if these guys ever participated in a legal Ayahuasca ceremony, they'd be really embarrassed with the spirit of Mother Gaia showing them their place.) 😂



My grandfather to my aunt, who had just given birth:

"So glad that you gave birth to a boy! He'll be my handsome, smart boy! Girls are useless"

I was next to them in the same room, staring blankly (and "useless").
Damn, it did hurt.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If I was the Aunt, I'd straight up tell him that he wouldn't be allowed to see MY baby boy 🤦 that I had given birth to with MY 'so-called useless' body & psyche. The grandpa's toxic mindset is useless to my baby's healthy mental development. My dad was the opposite though, he really wanted to have a daughter because 'girls are more family orientated' so I'd “look after him when he'd become older.” So to him 'girls were more useful', but only since it would benefit him 😒 This is why I'm happily single for life and emotionally independent now, freedom has never felt so blissful 😆 I can do whatever I want any time now, and any non-serious lovers fulfill my needs.

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"I want a real doctor".

I'm female/woman/cis hetero. And I earned that MD.

Second most?



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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

"You can deal with me, your female doctor, or you can deal with this extra dry Foley catheter. Your choice, champ."

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"You should really wear some make up at work. It's be more professional." Sir, I am a mechanic.



So when I was like OBSESSED with capitan America (I was like 7yrs old) my dad got me the captain America action figure and I was so excited til my mom says, “(my name), give ur toy to (my brother’s name) you can’t play with that.” Then went on to give me a doll.


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Ashen Mccann (They/Them)
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i have been told "just a tomboy" and what the f**k is that supposed to mean? I never liked dresses, i liked paw patrol, i was Jack from "Jack and the Never Land Pirates" for halloween, i was also told "so thats why your a tomboy?" when i came out

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After my annual checkup, my doctor slapped me on the hips like I was a mare and said, "Yeah, you're meant to have kids!"



"Oh, no no no! Here sweetie, play with this *action figure!* That *doll* is for girls only!"



my extended family said that i couldn't be an astrophysicist (one of my dream jobs) bc I was AFAB (not their exact words, but close) they wanted me to be a homemaker. f**k that, imma be a theoretical astrophysicist.



"Women can't make their own decisions! They need a man to guide them. That's why we haven't had any female presidents."



Not so much now that I'm an adult, but as a male raised by a single mom, I was never into cars, GI-Joe or fixing things.

I was into the theatre, literature and art.

People always assumed I didn't have a girlfriend because I was gay. I didn't have a girlfriend because I had zero game.


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Do-nut touch da donut
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Zero game?! You were a theatere and a literature kid!! You're bound to have some of that shakespeare rizz 😉

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One of the funniest was a guy telling me that girls only go for "looks, fame, or money."

I reallllyyy wanted to snap back that maybe guys are shallow enough to think that, but all the girls I know are more into personality and kind hearts, but I didn't because my sister piped up and said, "Or a sense of humor."🤷‍♀️



That I couldn’t tell men what to do because I was “just a woman”


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Alexandra Grey
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a Soldier say that to me once - who I outranked by quite a bit. He relearned the Army's rank system while in the front leaning rest that day.

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That I can't take judo lessons (that I desperately wanted as a teenager)
or any sport, for that matter - because sport is for boys, while girls should spend their time cooking and cleaning the house (my father)


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Continuation: My brother took karate lessons, while I wasn't allowed to try anything. Fast forward 25 years, my brother is a sedentary, overweight man with some serious health issues. I am normal weight and healthy, going to the gym 3 times per week and feeling great. Sweet revenge.

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i knew this kid and he was talking about how he got suspended for kissing a girl and i was like "did she want to be kissed?" and he said "i didnt know her, i just thought she was cute so i went up to her and said 'your kinda cute' then kissed her, my dad didnt even get mad, he just said good job" HE WAS F*CKING 13 AT THE TIME

I cant. i just cant.



I worked nights at a grocery store while I was in college. I had started in video and ended up helping the office checkers with closing procedures because they were swamped. The front end manager who worked evenings had the office checkers train me and once they were satisfied I knew what I was doing, the front end manger put me in for promotion to office checker. When the male store manager (who only worked days) found out he wasn't happy. I was working in the office and he came in and said, "I don't care if had you trained and you are already doing the job, you aren't eye candy so you will never be an office checker in my store." Thankfully, the idiot said it in front of two of the office checkers I worked with. I filed a grievance with the union and got backpay for the office checker work and training I had done, then immediately quit. The store manager got demoted and moved to a store in the middle of nowhere. The front end manager became the store manager and one of the other checkers who also hadn't been eye candy got promoted to office checker.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It should say "I don't care if (front end manager) had you trained..." I used the wrong brackets and it got deleted.


I was told that women get equal pay but spend too much time off, so I’ll be a lazy worker.

-my own family SMH


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Tabitha Osika
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Women, well working mothers to be specific, do take more time off since their careers aren't taken as seriously as a man's so she is the one expected to leave work in case of illness or emergency. It's a tough world for us.

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In a factory where I was working: "Women are not allowed to enter the warehouse because they bring bad luck".
My auntie to my dad, in my presence: " Why do you let her go to college, it's a waste, she will get married and have babies".
And said to another woman but too hilarious to omit: "you have to obey me, I have a penis". He actually said it and meant it!!!



Not as extreme as the others but...

Was babysitting and this one kid (m) flat out told me he was stronger than me because ima girl...

I looked at this kid (6-8yrs) and went "girls can def be stronger than guys" he went nuh uh...

I told him not to talk like that etc.

I was really baffeled as im over twice this kids height, could lift him with one hand, and do a ton of sports



i, (cis-gender f), had a growing pixie cut at the time, teacher told me to go to the boys restroom (unsure how they thought this, i looked very much like a woman then) i asked her why and she said "cause i've seen enough boys with hair like you try to go to the girls restroom" (ended up getting into a fight with the kid in there)



The first day of high school I walked into my enhanced class and the (female) teacher looked at me and asked "Are you sure you're in the right place?" Apparently I didn't "look like" a gifted child. Clearly this woman bought into the dumb blonde stereotype.


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I Am, In Fact, That Weirdo
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You know, there was actually a study in 2021 that showed that blondes are actually 2.7% smarter than brunettes on average. hmmm

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(Overheard on my way to a job interview), “I bet they make me hire some d@*n woman.” Yes, he was my interviewer.


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"I thought you were a guy." New coworker on meeting me for the first time, I am a female software developer. He knew my (very feminine) name by then but still thought I was a guy.


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Feathered Dinosaur
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hey, Mister Jane Smith. You must be a man, since obviously only men can use a computer for coding. /s


Worst one I ever heard was self-inflicted. Newbie female aircraft mechanic (USAF) after coming in from a job looks at her hands and complains that since she began working on airplanes her hands didn't look feminine anymore. Five or six female mechanics were in the room at the time including two who had just finished installing a jet engine. After one girl looked at her own grease covered hands and mimicked her, she left the room in tears. Needless to say, she wasn't very popular within our unit, especially with other women.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So.....wash your hands. Wear gloves on the job. Not feminine anymore?


Not directed at me, but at all women. We were doing a volleyball unit in P.E. Most of the boys complained, and when we switched to basketball, some dude had the nerve to say, "Finally, a man's sport."

He's also really bad at basketball, for irony.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd like to see him say that to Breanna Stewart, or A'ja Wilson, or Sylvia Fowles. He would be crapping fragments of basketball for weeks.

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What was not? We receive snide comments every single day tbh.

I once had a male colleague in medical school tell me girls don't play video-games, then proceeded to try to sleep with me all evening. (video-games are one of my hobbies

My mum when I complained about that? I quote: "You're a woman, you're not supposed to like boy-ish activities. That's why no one likes you."

But the worst? My neurology professor (also a woman) told me when i was considering my option of becoming an interventional neuradiologist - that I am a woman and will want kids someday so that is not a good option for me.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Having a girlfriend to play games with is one of the best things any gamer can hope for. Playing tactical shooters with my best friend on weekends always is a blast

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One of my dad’s friends. Whenever he sees me he makes comments about how I should make dinner for my family, is she old enough to cook, who made breakfast this morning, do you cook for your dad, blah blah blah. Never talks directly to me either, just over my head to my dad. Never makes comments like that to my brother. My dad is also super oblivious and just chuckles along. My dad also rolled his eyes when I said there were no such thing as boy colors and girl colors. When he was buying a new house, me and my brother were deciding which room we wanted. He tried to tell me I should take a specific one because the walls were pink. He also always got me Barbies when I asked for toy cars and wouldn’t let my brother try on nail polish when he was only like 5 and wanted to see what it was like. He also should know perfectly well I don’t like pink (no offense to those of you that do) but he makes no effort to remember anything about me or my brother (favorite colors, foods, tv shows, conversation topics) despite seeing us every day. Sorry this turned into a rant, I’m very annoyed.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What makes me saddest about this is how you apologize so much for liking what you like. It's a habit I fell into doing a lot of, too, though for different but similar reasons: I am a woman, therefore if I Upset people with doing things that aren't to other people's preferences, it is my fault and I need to make concessions. Try your best to live joyfully and fearlessly and unlearn all that c**p, and know that you wouldn't make someone else be inauthentic.

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“You’re a big guy, you could ‘set the kids down’” while being offered a special education job that i was not qualified for. They just wanted a football coach


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sadly this happens a lot in teaching positions for kids with special needs. Schools and their leadership (principals, VPs) who aren't trained to support these kids assume anyone can do the job because "it's not like the kids know the difference anyway". This was actually said to us when I complained about our son's school hiring a gym teacher for his special needs class.


When I was in sixth grade, these two seventh-grade girls walked up to me and started talking to me. They asked personal questions and said I was hot and that my name was "Sexy". Now, these kinds of jokes tend to go over my head, but at the time, I was obese and altogether a weird person, so I knew there was a trick ahead. I got up and left, and they asked to touch my d**k. When my aunt reported this, and I identified them, they went unpunished, and lied there way out of this. There was security camera footage clearly showing them talking to me, and I personally identified them. They had told the counselor that all they said was that I was hot (which I still would have gotten in BIG trouble for if I did it to them). I knew that if this were the other way around, I would have had barely a chance to defend myself and would have been punished instantly.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think this kind of gaming the system by females makes me more angry than stupid sexist remarks. I'm female.

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A (11) year old kid at my church when he saw my sister's Captain Marvel shirt:

"Captain Marvel sucks. The guy heroes are better."

The same kid at our house playing apples to apples (he's my little brother's friend), the word was like 'amazing' or 'cool' or something. One card was 'women' and when he saw it he didn't even read any of the other cards he immediately put it in the discard pile. I put it back.



Being told that I cannot lift heavy things because I am a “girl.” I identify as a gender non conforming mess, thank you very much.


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Kitten of Flames (she/they)
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Oh hey, I've been told that too and I also identify as a (chaotic) gender-nonconforming mess! :D

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My gran on my father’s side expected me to be a boy before I was born, and was upset when I turned out to be a girl. But then later she was ok with it, so I guess it doesn’t count.


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Feathered Dinosaur
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And because of that it's illegal in Germany to tell the fetuses gender before the 2nd trimester. That's the exact time when abortions without medical or severe psychological reason can't be done anymore. To protect (mainly female) fetuses from getting aborted because of their gender.

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I got turned down for an out-of-uni type job that largely involved catering, making tea, cleaning etc because (and I quote) "you're perfect for the job but you're a woman and we don't want to hire women for this job because we'll look sexist". So... I can't work for you because I'm female... and you don't hire females... so you don't look sexist... right...


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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I mean it really sucks, but the irony is a good display of why being political correct in illogical ways isn't always the best choice as company

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A bloke in a pub who's just finished an Andy McNab novel (he had it with him and couldn't stop talking about it), told me that women can't write books. And NAME 10 female novelists!
I said - Margaret Atwood, Jane Austin, Ruth Rendell, Toni Morrison - and before I could get any further he said ' yeah s**t stuff for women. Not real writing'. And then he picks up his pint glass and pours his beer down his neck so that I had the most appallingly magnified view of the inside of his mouth via the bottom of the glass. Puts his glass down and turns his back on me.

Worst of it was that he made me feel those great women were actually diminished by men like him, because in many respects they were. And I couldn't deny that fact to myself.

Never forgotten that big 6ft weak 30 odd yr old child who still clings to his book for security at night.

Circa 1998


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William Afton
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i've got two really good female authors: J.K. Rowling and S.E Hinton. Harry Potter and Outsiders respectively.

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I have many haha but here’s three:

‘Ew… you have hairy man arms.’ We were 11, I am a girl, and my guy friend said that, just cos I have a LITTLE hair visible on my arms. Ah yes, I’m sorry, all women should take the form of naked mole rats! 😃

‘When you said you play hockey I thought you meant you were a cheerleader. Girls can’t play hockey, their too weak to hit the ball.’ Yes. Because ‘ I play hockey’ can easily be mistake for ‘ I’m a cheerleader.’ I mean I’m a tiny little woman, so obviously you took it that way 🥺🥺

Him: ‘You should watch how much you eat.’
Me: ‘why?’
Him: ‘because it’s not ok for girls to get fat. You know, men work so hard they are allowed to eat whatever, women just stand there and look pretty.’
First of all, I’m nowhere near ‘overweight’ and even so, there is NOTHING wrong with ANYONE being overweight. I just stared at him until he left because I made him feel so uncomfortable lol 😂


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Clearly, this idiot doesn't have brains. There's no ball in hockey. It's a puck.

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“You couldn’t have been in the real Army. You’re a girl.”



Not worded, but when I went to see The Mario Movie with my dad, brother, and brother’s mom, they had given me a BARBIE shirt! My brother and dad both had Mario shirts. Like btch do you ever see me with dolls? No. Do you see me playing video games all the time? Yes, so give me a damn Mario shirt! 👹



4 years ago, my classmate on the way to the science fair. "You're a girl you're not going to win". Two days later, I have first with my (also a girl) friend and his team got no recognition at all. Sweet, sweet revenge.



My boss, to me: "I told my wife she ought to put up a calendar in the kitchen, so that I'd know when she had her period, so I'd know she'd be b****y. She got all p****d at me. She must have been on the r*g."

(Why yes, they did get divorced.)


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I overheard two girls at my school talking about chess. One of the girls was saying that a boy said to her that it was weird that the queen in chess can move in all directions in an unlimited amount of squares, but that the king can only move one square at a time. And then she replied to him”Because men are useless”. And then when the boy got annoyed at her, she said that he shouldn’t get annoyed and that he was overreacting. And then her friend agreed with her.


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Okay, let's think back to maybe... second grade? My gym teacher wanted help putting things away and he told all the boys to come help him. I wanted to help, so I came up, and he told me that girls couldn't do this. Another time, he ran an activity where we had to jump over something, and he wouldn't let the girls do it because he didn't think we could.
ALSO he called boys by their names and all of the girls 'Sweetheart.' Sexist guy.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had a substitute for 4 months who wouldn't stop calling the girls "sweetheart" or "darling". Excuse me, NO. He was a 60-year-old man who sexually assaulted a boy and was targeting the African-American kids in our classroom. We continually asked him to stop, but he wouldn't until we brought this to the PRINCIPAL. I'm glad he's gone.

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I was a very naive teenager. Now that’s out of the way…
My mom, me, and my sister had a girl’s day. We got dressed up and had our pictures taken.
During dinner with my family that night my father asked me how my day was.
“The photographer told me I have bedroom eyes!” I said, thinking it was a compliment…not realizing the enormity of what this grown man told a 14 year old.
As an adult now I look back in disgust.
It is not a compliment to sexualize a child.


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I iz panda
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Fr that guy was a creep. He should have gotten fired for saying that to anyone let alone a teen.


"I do."


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Is the OP saying that the person accepted marriage vows and that this was sexist? Or that they said the vows and later decided they were sexist? need clarity.

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I was at a grocery store with my dad, and this 18-ish cashier (so, like, 3 years older than me) was checking our food out, right? When my dad’s finished paying, this dude starts to hand us our grocery bags. I try to grab one and the dude shoved the bag away from me and said ‘your dad is the man, he can grab the bags’. Suffice to say, I grabbed all the grocery bags from my dad and carried all of them out to the car. F**k that cashier.



“Hi” jk, I’m 13 so if anyone had said anything sexy to me, I would’ve punched them very hard


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

OMG IM SUCH A F*****G IDIOT! I read that as “what’s the most sexiest thing someone has ever said to you” im so embarrassed rn lol

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Auto Shop class in high school. I couldn't find the battery in a car. Asked for help and got called a dumb blonde as the teacher looked under the hood to point it out to me. He couldn't find it either. Turns out it was in a compartment behind the passenger seat. When I complained to my counselor I was told to ignore it and they acted like it wasn't a big deal. Never went back to that class.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I was in school? Girls couldn't take Auto Shop...we had to take Home Ec. I'm still ticked off about that.

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To me isn't something said, it's a tacit (unspoken agreement) that if a girl or woman does something; no matter how brilliant, how far reaching, how supportive, it's insulting to the patriarchy.
The story of women doing their best is told as:

It's less that what a man could achieve, if he wasn't domineered by women who want to take his rightful place.

OMG take a look people at the women who've been side lined because to do something better than a man, was the worse insult a man could get.

He'd lose respect. He'd be a girl. He'd get told 'My daughter is better than you'.

It insults us all in its stupidity.

It's stupid stupid sexism.


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When I was little, mom made me a cup of health drink. My grandma tried to stop her from doing so because I'm a girl, and according to her girls don't need anything like that. Health drinks are meant for boys.

I've heard lots and lots of sexist remarks till date, but that one got etched on my mind.


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"Do you want to do some more 'girly' shopping?"- random old man to his wife
