It can be someone in person, online, in a video, or basically anything


At a Chinese Food Restaurant, There was a little scrap of food I couldn't pick up with the chop-sticks, So I put my mouth to the edge of the plate for like 2 seconds to shove it into my mouth... This lady goes "Do all Chinese People eat like that?"



I wasn’t allowed to go in a cafe cuz I’m black and they thought I was going to rob them



I couldn't date a girl because 'the white man has taken enough of the decent black girls away from the back man'.
Was asked if I would vouch for my friends behaviour because 'this is a nice establishment and we don't get many like that in here without trouble' about my black friend. They soon realised that my friend was the more measured one as he had to calm me down as I tore the guy a new one. I hated that he was so used to it that it didn't even bother him.
Was attacked by a group, because I was Irish so I must be related to the bombers.



90% of the white males in my 3rd grade class



‘Oh, ignore her, she’s just a white girl and doesn’t know any better.’
1. I’m not a girl, thank you very much
2. I’m not ‘just’ white. My skin colour doesn’t define my personality.



Two years ago, my stepmom (I'm light-skin and she is white) tried forcing me to move out of the chair I wanted to sit at for dinner for dinner. At that time, my class was learning about Rosa Parks and how she didn't move her seat. I said," If Rosa Parks had rights to have a seat, so can I." She smacked me, took my dinner and threw it away. She told me to go to my room and then yelled, "Rosa Parks my ***!" Idk if it is considered racist but I think it is.



I was called an illegal Mexican... I'm not even Spanish...


See Also on Bored Panda

ppl on da news



I was in fashion famous in robox then people start a augment about racism I was just saying nothing then my friend said he see she is not racist



Most middle- aged women (of all races) I have met
I'm sorry that's just my experience


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im german and i have been called a Nazi :(
