All questions are accepted, except over-sexual ones, of course :)
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In my early 20s I was going through a rough patch and saw a psychologist. I was going on about all of my "blah blah blahs" when she asked me "Well, what do YOU want? Mind blown.
Are you gay? -- the new kid at my school. My CATHOLIC school. For the record, I'm asexual, not gay. It was funny to watch them ask everyone else though, and we're sort of friends now :)
I once had a friend as me if I would rather date the most athletic, good-looking guy with lots of money but who was horrible at sex (and not willing to be taught) OR an average guy that worked hard, had a pudgy body, not a lot of money but was good at sex (and willing to be taught to be great). Both guys were nice guys. Got to admit at different times of my life, I have answered differently.
Honestly, being AroAce, this whole "pick a person to be with for the rest of your life" stuff is a little confusing. However, I understand where (most) people are coming from. I would chose Random Dude #2 just bc I know that (some, not all - this is not trying to be rude or mean to those in the athletic group) jock-types could just use you for sex etc, or not really be the best fit for some. Thanks for taking the time to post in here ~ I just completed my account, and really appreciate it. :D Have a great day/night!
do you bleed a lot of air?
By my eight year old sister.
In my early 30’s, I went to a drag show with my gay friend, Daniel. We had been to my company Christmas party beforehand so I was all dressed up. Daniel went to the bar once we got to the show so I was standing beside myself for a minute. Another guy asked me if I was “a real girl?!” I couldn’t help but laugh loudly in his face and because of Daniel’s advice, I proclaimed, “I’m flawless!” It was so much fun!