I'll start: One morning I got up and got dressed, tired and not really paying attention. I threw on a t-shirt, a somewhat short skirt, and a random pair of panties. Bad. Idea. The undies I wore ended up being brightly colored with flowery pattern and lacy trim. All of my other pairs are very plain, so these ones are my guilty pleasure. I NEVER wear them out of the house. I went outside and walked to work, waitressing at an outdoor restaurant. It felt cooler and windier than I expected. I started waiting tables, and got some weird looks from customers. It was a good hour before someone told me why.

Customer: Uh,'ve uh, you've got a bit of a...wardobe malfunction.

I am confused by this, so I brush it aside and work for THREE MORE HOURS before my lunch break. I go to the bathroom and glance at myself in the full-length mirror. When I turn around, I see why it felt so cold outside. The wind had blown up my skirt, and it is now stuck up on my belt. I had walked out through town past a hundred people, and served the 50 customers in the restaurant that morning. They had all seen my lacy, colorful, flowery, sexy, EMBARRASSING panties. I quickly fixed my skirt, ate my lunch, and went back to work. When I got outside, the wind just kept blowing it up again. I tried to fix it so many times, but nothing worked, so eventually I just gave up. I went through the whole day from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM with my most embarrassing undies on full display. Every single person I'd walked past on my way to work, every single customer that had entered the restaurant that day, and everyone I had walked pas on my way home. They had all gotten a full view of my lacy, colorful, flowery undies. I can never leave my house again.

This story happened to me this morning, and inspired me to post this question. I woke up early and decided to go for a walk. All I was wearing was a t-shirt and the panties I had described before. I live on a rural dirt road with no neighbors, so I go out in just my undies pretty often. It was early morning in the middle of nowhere, so I figured nobody would come by. My t-shirt was short, so you could see everything. I didn't realize I was wearing my flowery, colorful, lacy panties until too late. Also, nobody told me that a 10k route went straight past my house that morning. I was across the street from my house when the runners passed, and the all saw me. some of them whistled or cat-called me, and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die, I was so embarrassed. I couldn't get home because of the runners blocking my path, so I had to stand there for ten minutes while hundreds of people passed me before I could cross.