There's always something you never expect. What can you still not unsee?


I’m a housecleaner, and I’ve come into some pretty nasty places. Places where I won’t kneel on the floor to clean without putting down layers of towels, because I don’t even want my pants on their floor. It truly amazes me how some people
CHOOSE to live. Evictions where the smell is so bad it has to be aired out for days before I can even come in clean. Having to get a razor blade to SCRAPE urine (pee) off the toilet seat (because his wife was in a wheelchair for 6 months and wasn’t able to clean…)


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    I'll offer two. I live where winter happens. I found an "empty" garbage can that had been left uncovered all winter through the early spring rains. I dumped the water out and found a squirrel that had met it's maker by drowning. He was bloated to 5 times his normal size. Neoprene hazmat gloves to clean that. Or, high temp summer. Threw corn cobs in the garbage. I know better. A week later, I'm rolling the bin to the curb and something weird touched my hand. Seething maggots. Ewe. Traumatized. Seal corn cobs. Apparently they are a fertility drug for flies. My husband was good enough to clean that one up.


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