Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Delusional Person You’ve Ever Seen? (Closed)
What the title says. I know this post is practically a magnet for trolls, so please don't engage. They will do so anyway, so just downvote and report.
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kpop STANS
nothing wrong in liking kpop but the fans just go way to far.
kpop is not my thing but if i said that to a delulu kpop stan then they would literally go out of their way to suplex me
also some delulu fans legit think that one day a band member is gonna appear on their doorstep and propose to them T_T
disclaimer: im not talking about the music, im talking about the fans. if ur chill and u like kpop , then i respect u man🫡
Donald Trump. It's depressing to know that there are millions of people who want to vote for him.
Everyone is going with famous figures or trolling so I'm going to change it up.
I had a friend from grade school and we went to uni together. She at one point had been a really nice. Over time though, I stopped being her friend because I liked her, and was just friends with her because we had been friends.
What made her so delusional was that she essentially had a crush on a guy in her dorm (across the hall) and decided they were soulmates.
He had no interest in her, they went to a party during homecoming, and hooked up after. After that his passing fascination was over and she felt they were meant to be together. So... she would but stuff based on what he would want her to wear, wear her hair how he liked it, would constantly knock at his door, if he opened it, would push her way inside and try to get in his bed... he had a girlfriend.
I warned her that it was weird and I was concered. At one point I came up to see her after she had missed class and saw him shove her out of his room, against the wall after she tried to block the door from closing with her foot and force herself in wearing lingerie (this was an apartment style dorm so people were coming and going). I had to take her to her dorm and try to talk some sense into her-- that's when i saw that she was wearing one of his chains. She said that he gave them to her to show he cared-- turned out he had actually left his door unlocked while he grabbed coffee, she went in and was going through his stuff, when he tried to remove her she broke his necklace and kept it as a souvenir. Whenever he said anything negative to her she would either willfully ignore it or get spiteful and depressed. She would tell others they were a thing and he would literally scream in her face in front of others that there was nothing between them, she was crazy and sleeping with her was a mistake. He admitted was a jerk and kind of a douche but no one deserves to be treated the way she treated him. He ended up dropping out and moving home. Her level of delusion about everything else intensified and I realised the best way to help her was to stop enabling her by trying to smooth over her bad behaviour. She messaged an ex who was stalking me where I was-- because she 'liked him more than my then-bf' and thought it was cutesy-- add in that she had me meet a guy she liked off the internet early in case he was a creep, which is to say used me as bait, and used the N-word in relation to my mum out of nowhere (who adored her and treated my friend like a daughter) and I was super over her bs. Last I heard she got a server at her dad's restaurant fired after he had rejected her because he had a gf (the server was 17 allegedly she was 22 at the time-- not sure I fully believe that but by then she was so far from who I had known it's insane).
Basically any person who feels the need to know everything, have an opinion on everything, and for others to entertain their opinions on everything. Like, there are some decisions that you don't have to make, stop worrying about other people's problems and trying to fix them. And it's not even like they're giving unwarranted advice, they will show displeasure if you don't do things they way they recommend* you to.
Trump supporters. I will never understand how they just OVERLOOK his criminal activities.
This question hits close to home. I lost one of my oldest friends fairly recently. The short explanation is that she dated a guy, she was into him more than he was into her, he also was not the most faithful guy, cheated on her, blamed what she (rightly) perceived as cheating on being polyamorous (not how that works and honestly hurts people's perception of people who are actually poly). He broke up with her, but would drunk call her, flirt, sext and string her along. When she would take the bait, he would happily have her around and sleep with her but would tell her that she's crazy and he isn't into her... but you know... still would string her along.
The problem is, for her, they were perfect. She was a late bloomer and had never really experienced that teenaged rose-coloured glasses 'perfect on-off relationship' before then... so in her late 20s she was essentially experiencing that confusing, painful feeling for the first time.
In truth i knew she was hurt but i didn't know the level of anything that happened until she talked... nonstop about her ex at my bachelorette weekend-- the sorta stuff you don't tell people-- like openly talking about going through his socials and his current gf's socials, having flown across the continent to see him unannounced during lock down, drunk calling him often... the sort of things a friend would tell you never to do, especially for a guy like that.
... that was years ago. Now, she's still not over him, and hates poly people (all except him because hell hath no fury like a woman scorned even though deep down she does know he isn't poly and poly people aren't how he acts like they are-- but the concept of them is too triggering for her to see clarity which is genuinely heartbreaking). She also has decided she wants to move and get a fresh start-- so she has chosen to leave her career here, her friends and family-- and just happened to have picked where he lives for where she'd like to move to of all the places. So i asked her, why because obviously I don't want her to stalk her ex or get herself into trouble because she can't see how unhealthy this refusal to move on is-- her answer: "I just feel like that's somewhere so different that it will force me to reinvent myself and get into a group, sure people invite me to do things here like join groups or book clubs but maybe there I'll be so lonely that i won't be able to say no... and maybe I'll change enough that if i did meet him maybe we would get together and he'll see how much of a mistake he made shacking up with those whores (the woman he cheated on her with and his current gf-- she refuses to accept he's in a relationship) and maybe we'll get back together-- but no... I'm not moving there for him... how could you ever think that?"
We stopped being friends after she seemed to be doing okay and i tried to talk some sense into her on the poly thing (I have very dear poly friends with lives and children and are just going through life-- I dislike people who hate based on something that doesn't affect them and I thought maybe an open discussion may have helped her see some reason on it)... she teed off, went out of her way to be hurtful and advocated that she wanted her ex's current girlfriend SAed so she could suffer just as my friend has emotional suffered from the breakup.... which was so far... beyond... acceptable anything I was completely over dealing with her no matter how, much she was clearly just in pain. She sees nothing wrong with her behavior and nothing wrong with anything she's said, she thinks they still will be together and that she'll be happy moving there. She thinks i don't care about her and i care more about women she feels wronged her-- i care about not discriminating against people because of their relationship status and that SA is disgusting and not something to wish in anyone. The fact that she thinks there's still a future with her ex, enough to uproot herself and move is insane.
My one friend with a serious anime issue. Girl would marry freaking Akaza, aka anger issues basketball man if she could. If I hear one more rant about how hot Doma is, im leaving. rn Im just scared because shes a kny anime watcher, and im a manga reader, who knows that there are gonna be a hell of a lot of shirtless Kokushibo scenes...
I dont know how the freak yall fangirls find mentally ill demons to be good relationship options. At least pick someone with good traits..