A year ago it was high school exams and I and a friend finished early and we had to wait in the cafeteria well we started playing hot hands ( a game where you slap each other’s hand to see who wins.) I wasn’t backing down, neither was my friend. He ended up hitting me so hard I broke my wrist now he won’t let me play the game again. 


when I was like 5 I was at my daycare. my daycare has this really big and cool playground. I was bored one day and I decided to slide down all of the support poles that held up the biggest playground. I started at the smallest pole and after I went down that one I would go to the next pole getting higher and higher up the playground squeezing through the guard railing so I could reach the poles on the outside of the playground. when I got to the highest support pole and I looked down and I felt like I was miles in the air (it was actually maybe a bit taller than a one-story building). and then.....I slipped and fell off the playground into the wood chips below me. the other kids that were watching me ran to me when I fell and one of them got a teacher to help me. I don't know if they told my mom what had happened but they brushed it off like it was nothing. only when I didn't eat lunch is when they got concerned for me and they called my mom to come to get me. my mom drove me to the ER so I could get checked for any broken bones. I don't really remember what happened after that but I do remember a picture of me in a blue neck brace sitting in a hospital bed. so ya that's the story of my stupidity.


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I got bouncy ball and I bounced it so hard it bounced up and smacked my face



I have two, first one I was six years old and I was at daycare and thought it would be cool to be like all the other kids, and climb onto the swings. I don't mean stand on the swings, I mean using my arms to pull me UP on TOP of the bar on the swings. Which we weren't supposed to do. But me being the puny six-year-old I was, I fell and sprained my ankle really badly. That was the worst injury I ever had. The second one I was in a hot tub and when I was getting out I slammed my shin into the stair and it left a scar. No blood but a nasty bruise.


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I once ran into a door in my dark apartment. Hurt my nose pretty bad, nothing broke thankfully.


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Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I Understand you got to run in the dark form the demons 😂😅


I was 2 years old when I decided it would be a good idea to JUMP off of the Chick-Fil-A play structure because I don't know I wanted to see what would happen so I jump off the 6 foot play thing and bam! I smash my head directly into the glass wall. End Result: A visible skull and 14 stichtes


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I have two. A lego structure collapsed on my hand while I was building it and now I have a scar on my thumb. It's barely visible now, but if I bend my thumb right I can see it. The second time I was around four years old and my mom had dropped something. I wanted to be cool and slide under the table like people did in movies and shows...it was not cool. I banged my face into the table leg and ended up going to the hospital to get stitches in my lip.


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Billy The Kid
Community Member
3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What have you learned from that? Only do it with tables that has no legs!

See Also on Bored Panda

two things... I don't remember this one but my mom told me, we were at Chuck-e-cheese and I was on the playground (very young) I was in this little glass car pod - thing so my mom could watch me, I was in a seat when this 5 or so year old boy (he was pretty big for his age) pushed me over in the hard chair! I just sat there, no crying, no running, just layed there, he kicked me very nervously seeing if I would react, and ran away to his mom, I got out of the pod and walked to my mom ( I got a pretty decent bruise from the kick). secondly, I was in gymnastics (9 years old or so) and I fractured my arm doing donkey kicks because I went to high.


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Not as funny as some of the submissions but I play badminton occasionally (not as much bc covid), and when I was first learning how I wasn’t paying attention and walked into a girl who was trying to hit the birdie and probably broke my nose. (I say probably because I never went to a doctor but it was pretty swollen and now has a weird lump)


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Billy The Kid
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you can bend it one way but not the other then it is probably broken but then who nose?

See Also on Bored Panda

I had this bike but the back brake broke so i used to put my foot on the back wheel to slow down. On my way to work i stopped at the crossing to let people cross but my foot got wedged between the wheel and the frame therefore toppling sideways. I didn't exactly hurt myself but it was frigging embarrassing! I got up and started kicking the bike making myself even more stupid!


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My friends and I were ruining around trying to catch each other. I was chasing my friend let’s call him “Mike”. He suddenly stopped, and I ran into him and we went tumbling. I somehow sprained my ankle. I don’t know how. But I was on crutches for two weeks. Lol


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