Hopefully, this doesn’t become too dark. Hopefully, but I know it won’t.


So, you know how beheadings were a popular menthol of execution because the person died the minute the blade fell? Well, I read somewhere that that is wrong, you can retain consciousness up to four seconds after the deed. So which part of the body would still be able to feel for those four seconds? Your head or your torso? I’d always imagined it would be the torso, suddenly blind and deaf and fading to darkness as blood pours out your neck. However, the brain is the head of the five senses, so you may feel your head hit the ground and roll away. (Sorry for the graphic imagery, I’m just trying to make sense)



    If someone died in their house alone, with no friends nearby or family members, how long would it take anyone to notice/find them?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always wondered if I was locked in my bathroom dead, how long it would take for people to open the door.

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    I believe the darkest thing I've ever thought was "if I die tonight, would anyone care?"
    The answer is yes. I was in the middle of a philosophical argument with myself debating whether or not to commit suicide. Clearly, I decided against such a drastic course of action. "Lord, give me a reason to live" is also another one from the same night. He did. I do believe I'm stronger after that whole debacle, and I haven't had anything like that for months now.



    How quickly would a baby die if you put a baby in resin? I actually wanted to do this to my sister for a day because she was ugly.



    i thought about how it would be to rip someone's backbone from their back and stab them with it. my friend approved.



    That the world has reached so many tipping points beyond which it will never recover and my grandchildren and great grandchildren will live in misery.



    If I run into a school with a bomb but tell everyone to get out would I be the hero or the villain



    I'm pretty sure that every deplorable act mankind could commit has crossed my mind at some point. But as you are hoping it doesn't get too dark, I will refrain from details of the details.
    Most of my thoughts are spontaneous, violent acts, such as stabbing people in the face with whatever is in my hand. Wondering how long it would take to kill the person I'm talking to with a rolled up newspaper.
    On the rare occasion I'm on public transport, I always picturing it crashing or falling off an elevated roadway. I imagine what a bloody mess of twisted and broken bodies would be left.



    Sometimes I wonder whether two different people would have two distinct tastes, specifically in blood and eyeballs.


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    My darkest thought was that suicide was the answer. I was in such a dark place. My only saving grace, that thought was so logical and right, when nothing else registered and it scared me so badly I went to hospital.


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    All the possible ways I could wish someone (won’t say who) to stop existing without grief or guilt being caused



    I made it very clear to my wife if our oldest beagle doesn’t stop barking we are going to have Beagle steaks for dinner. She definitely needs barbecue sauce, meat’s a little tough and surprisingly gamy too but I enjoyed it. I’ll let my wife know after her dessert. I’ll post the recipe for you all.


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    If I murder my brother, should I keep murdering people that same day?



    Its not too dark but I think what if I died in the woods.would anyone care to look for me. When would they give up. Would they mourn me and how long.


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    I've thought about killing my brother, but I can't take any more of my parents disdain. I've always wanted to disappear, but I'm too codependent. I've wanted to commit crimes just to see if I could outsmart the cops. If they couldn't find Maura Murray, if they let Bundy get away twice, if they covered up the Carr's involvement in the Son of Sam shootings, how easy would it be for me, a crime junkie with a lot of time on her hands.


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    If i could pull of one of the brutal cod coldwar takedowns, for example one of them is where you stab them in the back of the head then shoot them in the face.


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    If I died on a trip, would anyone notice at all? Would anyone care when they found out? If I ate a person, would they be able to trace the murder or would they think it was a missing case? Could I frame someone for murder... But the person murdered is me and I could commit suicide and get the person I hate 2nd most in trouble?


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    Samsāra Tigër
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The darkest things I have ever thought about are: 1. If I committed suicide, would anyone care? Would I be a laughing stock? Would my family feel relieved? 2. Would anyone care to remember me?

    See Also on Bored Panda