Hi Pandas! I’m a lover of horror. From all things gory to twisted, I can’t get enough of it! I wanted to reach out to the BP community to see what sorts of scary/creepy/unexplainable things have happened to others. I will enjoy seeing what sorts of things that have occurred and will be looking forward to hearing from you all!


I once looked in a mirror. It was horrifying. 😳😬



I was 14 years old and liked to stay behind after school to use the instruments in the music annex. One day I was playing the keyboard alone in the building when I heard what I thought was a metronome. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. I stopped playing to investigate and went upstairs to check the practise rooms. Tick-tock, tick-tock getting louder now. Nobody was there. I shouted "Is anybody there?". No response just this relentless tick-tock, tick-tock. I started to feel cold and unnerved. The noise got louder until it was a cacophony of horses hooves and carriage wheels on cobblestones. I bolted. The music annex used to house several stables in the 1700s. True story.


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Stephanie Did It
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I like your use of descriptive language here, especially using 'cacophony' in such an appropriate way.

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I have a pretty good sense for 'feeling' what people are up to.

Worked with a guy as a teenager that I would never turn my back on. To the point that when he would try to circle behind me I would make a complete turn to keep constant eye contact on him. We got a new girl and I told her that he was creepy. She dismissed what I said as me being 'weird'. He molested her in the old upstairs office a week or so later.

I felt bad about it, but he'd never done anything that I could actually report on other than 'creeps me out'.


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I was spending the first night at my new house. I fell asleep and heard footsteps outside my door. I was alone



My husband was killed in a car accident almost 20 years ago. About two weeks after he was buried, his spirit/ghost/soul came to visit me. He sat down on the edge of the bed (I was already in bed for the night) and kissed me good-bye. I have never seen/felt him since, but I can remember the feel of his lips on mine.



When I was about 9/10 years old, I was walking with my younger sister (7/8). We went around one of the lakes that sits close to our house. There were not many houses around, since they were still building houses. So it was a wonderful place to play, explore, and Mischief. There was one road a little rather close to the lake, it was mostly deserted. When suddenly a car appeared dragging with an open trailer. In this trailer there stood a single Refrigirator. One man got out of the car and walked up to us, asking if we wanted some icecream, which he had in his refrigirator. We only needed to come with him.

I grabbed my little sister by the arm and started running as fast as I could. We never looked back, we just ran as fast as our legs could carry us. I dont know if they followed us, or if they just shrugged it off and went their way.

I remember this being around the same time of a disappearing case in the Netherlands. I dont know which one, but we knew to be carefull. I do think about it from time to time. Wondering what would have happened if we did come with him to his car for icecream.


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Raine Soo
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You and your sister did the right thing by running away. I shudder at the alternative.

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Right after our first child was born, my husband and I were asleep in the upstairs bedroom. I woke up suddenly, and heard a scratching sound outside the window. There were no trees anywhere near that window. Then I saw a figure near the open closet door. I froze, unable to move. When I was able to move again, I quickly woke my husband. He said that he also saw the figure and heard the scratching. I thought I had just dreamed it before he told me this.



A few years ago, when I was in high school, it was around one in the morning and I was in bed. I was in that weird place between being asleep and being awake, where I was dreaming but also somewhat aware of my surroundings. All of a sudden, my bed started shaking really hard, like someone very strong had lifted up one end of my bed and was pumping it up and down. That fully woke me up, and at first I thought it had been part of my dream, but to my horror, I slowly realized that it had actually happened. Of course, for a few minutes I was frozen in terror, thinking I was about to become the first victim of a horror movie, but eventually I got up enough courage to run into my parents' bedroom and tell them that the house was haunted, and we needed to get out NOW. My dad laughed, and told me that there had just been a small earthquake. I had never felt such relief! I think I got a couple years shaved off my life that night...


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I remember one time going to hotel about 1-2 years ago, and I woke up in the middle of the night around 2:00, and this hotel had a lot of mirrors so almost wherever I looked I saw myself, but when I looked at the TV [which was off], to the right of it a saw this creepy dark figure just staring at me. It sort of freaked me out, but the next morning it just turned out to be some coats and shadows. I had trouble sleeping the rest of the night by the way.



I am pretty sure it was sleep paralysis and not an actual demon, but it was the scariest moment. I was in high school at the time. I was lying in bed asleep when I suddenly woke up to my bedroom door opening. A small child crawled across my floor, lightening fast, and twitching like its' limbs were disjointed in some way--I couldn't see. But then it crawled up my bed, over my feet, and started rushing towards my face, scratching and clawing. My screams woke me up.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That must have been excessively terrifying. I had a strong shudder while reading it.

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Probably lucid dreaming, but what I experienced: I was asleep, dreaming. I then WOKE UP, and saw a young boy standing right next to my bed, saying nothing, just staring at me


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Nothanks L. Walk
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Idiopathic narcolepsy. Happens a lot when children tell you about their day, triggers right around the sixth or seventh "and then"

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My wife and I went to a meet up in Washington and there were a few people there already. Most of them older than us like in there mid 40's to early 50's. When a guy shows up by the name of Robert. He was a short thin man, but gave off a bad vibe as he sat down next to us. As we were all talking about what we like to do for fun he said: "I love to clean and go camping." "Like I love to make things like forensicly clean." I thought it was strange but let kept it in the back of my mind. Then Robert starts talking about how he loves to meet people and then starts talking about how much he loves crime scenes and how he likes to clean them up. In detail he kept describing how he likes to go and clean to forensic level his house or others houses. Then he starts staring at my wife and says we should all go camping. But he had the creepiest look in his eye and would not stop looking at my wife. All the while the person who planned the meet up starts saying where everyone worked and was saying oh yeah she (my wife works here) and repeated it. So my wife and went to the bathroom and left the restaurant. Making sure that we weren't followed by Robert or anyone else.



I and my sister were almost kidnapped when I was seven. We were in the yard playing with a ball, nice neighborhood, across from an elementary school so sometimes the district patrol cars would pass our house, I knew most of my neighbors, generally safe. This guy with a black Subaru drives up, I'd never seen him before, and he asks us if we'd seen his dog, a black poodle, and we told him no. Then he asked if we would help him look for it. Now, anyone in their right mind knows that if they ask little kids to go with them, even for something as mundane as looking for a puppy, they are immediately going to be marked as dangerous. I and my sister didn't know that since we were little, and the only reason we declined was because we'd rather play with our ball. About an hour later we went in for a snack and told my mom about it, she made us stay inside the rest of the day. If we had gone with that guy I probably wouldn't be writing this right now.



Oh and yes... but I believe this can be just my imagination. I hear people calling like singing in cemeteries. That doesn’t fright me, but can’t really understand words. Seems a choir.



When I was 16 (for context - I'm female and if I say so myself I was a reasonably pretty blue eyed blonde girl back then) I was backpacking in Scotland on my own. I ended up in a little B&B a couple of weeks before Christmas. There was only one other guest - an american guy, about 30 years old. He had long, greasy black hair and looked bedraggled, like he'd been on the road for months. As it got dark, the owners made a fire for us in the lounge and this guy and I started chatting. Rather reluctantly on my part as waves of creepiness was rolling off him. He had this bright, fixed smile that never reached his black eyes. I remember thinking he reminded me of a snake. Within half an hour he was offering me a job as an au pair for his little girl. He would pay for my flight, green card, everything. I could join him in his travels and we would be in America by the end of the week. Have you ever experienced your entire body screaming 'NO!' at you? I said I would consider it (as I wondered what an apparently doting father was doing backpacking on the other side of the world two weeks before Christmas) and made my excuses to go to bed. With every hair on my body standing on end, I locked the bedroom door & pulled the chest of drawers in front of it for extra measure. The next morning I was only half surprised to hear the owners mutter in disgust at the other guest doing a midnight flit. 😳



When I was younger we always used to joke that the ghosts of deceased family members were haunting us. In the first house, I lived in weird stuff happened on a regular basis. Things such as the microwave and the washing machine suddenly started working, the television would spontaneously turn off, doors would be opened we swore we closed. I always tried to convince myself okay I was five years old when this was going on I might just have imagined it. But as I grew older these kinds of things kept happening. And indeed there might be logical explanations such as faulty wiring, but what creeps me out the most is that I have moved 4 times ever since and every house we move in the same kind of happenings occur.


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Raine Soo
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have heard stories that spiritual entities aren't confined to just one house, and can follow you around.

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A few years ago I was walking with a friend across an empty parking lot at night. We both heard footsteps behind us, then the sound of shattering glass. We spun around and there was - nothing. Nobody. We even checked for broken glass the very next morning.

Once I was sitting on the bus on my way to her, and to pass time, I tried to imagine my way to her place as accurately as possible, step for step until I mentally reached her door. She later told me she heard footsteps and her dog ran to the door, wagging her tail. She opened the door, but there was nobody outside.

Also, her dog would sometimes suddenly jump up, race to one corner of the room and frantically bark at nothing to be seen.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

i think the second one is called a different timeline. but you thought about it so vividly that you brought the noise of the steps? idk. it just sounded cool in my head

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This was something I did a lot when I was younger. If I wasn't sure about something, i would look for signs around me whether they the future would be good or bad. One day, i had a dreaded feeling about something really bad and told my whole family about i. Exactly a couple of hours later, my my mum's friend's parents got in a car accident and died. This isn't that creepy like the other posts, but this happened when i was less than 10 years old. My parents still remind of this to creep me out ( i got creeped out at myself, i know, weird )


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

There are more creepier ones like when I imagined a girl in the mirror really vividly ( B M, i don't wanna type the name cause i hate it, you can guess it by the letters tho) but this is the most realistic one

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Well, I don't have many creepy happenings that happened to me, but this is one I can remember from 2-3 years ago.

I was doing some make-up work late at night with my mom and her friend, who were trying to help me out with the math. I had to go into the garage, where our only pencil sharpener was, and as I was cranking away, I heard a scream, crying, and banging on the door. I bolted inside and told my mom and her friend Melissa, but when they went to check, no one was out there. I remember it was a really windy night with a thunderstorm rolling in, so, I dunno what it was. But I'm sure someone was out there.



I'm pretty sure it was a dream, but it felt real as heck.

I was sleeping, but I had woken up when I heard something bump against the foot of my bed. It was a boy, about my age, and was quite tall and thin. He was wearing a nasal cannula and holding an oxygen tank.

He had a curly mop of brown hair, amber eyes, and was wearing what I had last seen him in, a red jumper and beige pants.

He looked exactly like my friend Rowan, from the pale skin, freckles, the flecks of gold in his eyes.

There was another boy, slightly shorter than Rowan. Super pale skin, black hair which was above his shoulder, and grey eyes. He was wearing a leather jacket and jeans. This one looked a lot like my friend James.

The thing is, Rowan and James had run away from home. I hadn't heard from them since they crossed the border of Wales.



My dad told me this story a while ago and firmly believes it's true: My dad's old youth pastor was driving home from a long youth group event one night. It was really late and he was driving through some rough back-country roads. Everybody else was asleep and he felt himself falling asleep and was scared that he was going to crash the car. He prayed to God to help him stay awake for the rest of the drive home. A couple minutes later he saw something on the side of the road. As he got closer he realized that it was a guy and he was holding something. He squinted to see if it was a sign or if he needed help. As he drove past he saw that the guy was holding his own head. Needless to say he freaked out and booked it the rest of the way home (he didn't pull over obviously). He told my dad privately the next day and said that he didn't want to wake everybody up and freak them out.



This really isnt a supernatural thing, but how many times have you had deja vu? I've had at least over 250. and how many times have you seen like ghosts at the edge of your vision? I think I'm secretly a time traveler who is being hunted by demons.


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Susan Daniels
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I get deja vu right before I pass out (due to a heart defect). Get your heart checked.

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Once I fell asleep in the living room and woke up in my bed with no recollection of how I got there.



I saw a shadow-person.
I was sleeping on an air mattress, because I had family over. I woke up to the sound of papers rustling. It should be noted that there were papers by the door. I opened my eyes to see a humanoid figure, and I thought it was my cousin, so I was about to say hi. As soon as I opened my mouth, the humanoid figure, turned into a floating shadow and disappeared. I was left horrified, wondering what just happened. My cousin slept downstairs.



So one time, me and my 4 friends were playing mice in the dark. What you do you go in a fairly large room and turn the lights off and there's the 'it' person and they crawl around in the dark, trying to find you based on their hearing. then we rested for a bit and my friend suddenly said, what if, you were it and instead of four people you saw five?...


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Since there are 5 of you, you should only be able to see FOUR people, not FIVE people. Meaning if you saw FIVE people something isnt right

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I was in kindergarten at a private Christian school. An older student molested me behind the pavilion where students weren’t allowed as we couldn’t be seen. It only added to my already existing panic disorder. I hallucinated his presence for 15 years. I was receiving help when my family and I went to a local restaurant for dinner and I saw him at another table. I thought I was having an episode. I was wrong. He was there with a girl who might have been his wife I don’t know. It took everything I had not to call him out then and there. I wonder about her sometimes.


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Raine Soo
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so sorry that you had to experience such trauma. I hope that you feel better now.

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When I was about 7 and my younger sister was about 5/6 we went to colorado with our parents. It was the beginning of sprig so things were just starting to warm up in the little town we went to. We were walking along the streets when we heard screaming. "WHO ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT!!" It came from a man in a checkered jacket. My little sister was scared. "SHUT THE F*** UP!! DONT LAUGH AT ME!!" He was screaming at a young woman probably around twenty. she was with a group of her friends and maybe her boyfriend. The man in the checkered jacket ran up to her and kept screaming. "F***!!! YOU DONT LAUGH AT ME!! STOP STOP!! F*** I WILL KILL YOU" The woman and her friends looked freaked out but kept walking and the man in the checkered jacket pushed her into the road. Luckily she got up and everything was ok. Until the man in the checkered jacket looks me right in the eye.

True story. I wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger but what ended up happening is that my sister jumped on a bus, and we had to go run after it. We hid out at a local store/restaurant for an hour. so, in the end, me and my sister developed a fear of red and black checkered jackets.



I was a female bartender back when Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video was out. It came on the screen in the bar all of the time. As usual I locked up and went to bed in my apartment. I had to wake up to go to the bathroom and when I went to pull my covers back a monster with a very deep voice reached over and said "Here let me help you..." while reaching for my covers. I jetted out of bed and ran. I "came to" when simultaneously I finally got the front door open trying to escape and my male room mate came running to my aid. I still remember it like yesterday and it has been 40 years.


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About 6 weeks ago, my husband and I were swimming over on the South side of Maui, around Makena. My husband said, "Did you see that huge shark?" We caught a glimpse of this enormous, 8-foot-long tiger shark. Then we lost sight of it. When we saw it again, it came around from behind us! It was circling us! It circled us once more as we backed up slowly towards the reef, and finally squeezed through a crevasse and climbed up onto shore. It kept eyeing us the whole time wondering if we were delicious. Losing sight of it and then seeing it again was the creepiest, scariest thing.

It took me a month to regain the courage to go back in the ocean.


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It was my first time staying alone in my house. This was really dumb, but I decided to watch a horror movie. So while I was watching the movie it started to rain and thunder. Then the lights went out. I heard footsteps but I didn't care. I live In a very Violent area, s I heard a gunshot and a scream. I turned of the Tv and ran to my room. Turns out the footsteps were my mom and dad.



On my way home from work I had to walk past another office building. It was about 100 or so feet wide, had a flower garden about 15 feet deep in front with a building entrance in the middle. They were working on totally redoing the garden. As I got right near the corner of the building I looked down across the garden. About 50 to 75 feet away was black guy kneeling in the dirt working on an in-ground light fixture. He was very dark with a shiny bald head and a company T-shirt. He looked right at me so I saw him clearly. I turned my head away so he would not think I was staring at him. When I reached the area where the cut in for the entrance was I looked back at the guy. Instead of the black man there was a white guy. He was about 10 years older with tanned skin and a crew cut. He was wearing the same company T-shirt. He was kneeling in the same place holding the same wires of the light fixture. There is no way, in the few seconds it took me to walk the short distance, that the first guy could have gotten up, went into the building, and the other come out without me noticing. I have no explanation for this.



When i was younger something grabbed my hand when reaching between my bed and wall



I specifically remember when was little I would sit in my walk in closet with my big lego bricks and I was talking to a man. I had done this multiple times. I remember one day my mom found me and I told her. She looked a little confused. As I got older my mom would talk about her brother who had died a few years before I was born. Just recently I've been hearing weird blowing noises in my ear and sometimes feel it but there is never anyone there. I am not sure how to feel about it yet.


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I was driving to the shops and on the round-about was a figure in all black that ran towards the car. I screamed then when I opened my eyes he was gone. I have never taken the same road again


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One time me and my brother were goofing off in the kitchen near the garage and I looked over at the garage door because I thought i heard something and when I looked at the door I froze and stopped laughing, and my brother noticed and stopped laughing too: the garage door handle was turning back and forth like someone was trying to get inside. after a few moments, I of course opened the door and checked the garage but there was nobody. no pets, no nothing. It wasn't the wind cause it was a sunny dry day and the garage was closed. anybody have a logical explanation for this?


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Courtney Christelle
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Maybe someone did sneak in and back out without making noise or it could have been paranormal activity. I'd do some digging into your house's history.


About 5 years ago, I was on the bus coming back from work and this guy tapped my shoulder, so I looked over and he had a pair of scissors in his hand. He snapped the scissors and asked if he could cut my hair. Luckily my stop was approaching so I could bolt it!



Oml I have another one. Didn't happen to me but my friend's mom (let's call her my aunt). She was in Pakistan, and walk home from school w/ her friend. She saw this old lady, and when they walked past her, the OL grabbed her hand and dug her nails in. "Give me money" she said. My aunt looked around to her friend, and her friend was like "What!? Let's go!" My aunt wrenched her hand away and grabbed her find and ran all the way home. She still has purple nail shaped bruises on her arm to this day.



I was only 8 when it happened i walked up the stairs to my room and a tall dark figure was staring out the window i said oops sorry fast forward to 16 i was in my room and someone came into my room and i turned around only to see a small child they said oops sorry, Glitch in Matrix or glitch in time line



One time I fell asleep with a lit votive candle on my nightstand (stupid of me, I know!) and the next morning I woke up with a neat, straight trail of melted wax drops leading from the candle to the nightstand top, then my bed, then my pillow, and ending on my cheek. I quickly checked my fingers to see if I had accidentally dipped them while sleeping in the candle and there was no wax on them or anywhere else on me. The trail of melted wax drops was too intentionally straight to be an accident! Needless to say, I never ever again slept with any candles near me.


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Ian Leong
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Could it have been a strong gust of air that blew the hot wax across everything whilst you were sleeping? That would account for the straight line/trail of wax and no residue on your fingers.

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So at my old school my mom said she believed spirits visited the gym. She told me two times where the gym teacher thought he saw something.

Exhibit A: My gym teacher was picking up the softballs after school. He felt something hit his calve from the other side of the gym he turned around but he saw nothing. There was no way that any one would have escaped. The doors were closed and if you opened them they were ridiculously noisy so he would have heard.

Exhibit B: My gym teacher was just leaning in his chair in his office at the gym (also after school). He saw flash resembling a human speeding across the gym he stood up to stop it because you couldn't run in the gym after school. When he got out of the office, there was no one in sight. As I said above the gym doors were noisy, but he didn't hear anything.

Anyways, I got chills hearing this.


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One of my friend who was in her teens used to see a person in her backyard in Dhoti (a loincloth worn by Indian men) one foot above from the ground like floating in air. Later she shifted to new city for higher studies and when she came back she never saw him again. In few years she explained that it was her hallucination due to constant torture of a very strict school teacher. Ever since she got out the school many things changed. That's when I realized that such small things that we ignore can make big impacts in life.


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When I was 4 or 5 years old, me and my family (my parents, an older sibling, and a few younger siblings) went camping in our little travel trailer. I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for breath. I hadn't been dreaming, I just couldn't breathe. I went to my parent's bed and they woke up. I tried to explain to them how I couldn't breathe but I was gasping so much that I couldn't. They gave me some water and tried to help me calm down, and then sent me to bed after I was able to breathe a little better. I never had trouble breathing ever again, so I don't know if it was a medical thing or not.


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suzanne werbiski
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's possible that there were too many people in the trailer and perhaps no open window to let some air circulation? Happened to me once, when a friend and I decided to sleep in the car in a 'rest area' because it was very late and I was too tired to continue driving. I woke up gasping for breath. We had closed all the car windows because it was raining

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Well I have two things, one was my dad when he was in middle school, he saw a disc object flying with light, like it was super-heated, it went on the news that day. And the other was when I was in a hotel, I heard a deep voice coming from the corner, but I couldn't find anything.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

the comments and the replies are seriously confusing me. Anyone want to give an explanation?

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Nothing supernatural, I was 18 and practicing in a stable. While I wasn’t riding, a super aggressive troublemaker bastard stallion escaped like always and started messing around. Saw how the workers blocked him couple of times just standing in front where he was running and extended arms. Seems easy, right ? Well, he didn’t stop. He turned around and shot a couple of kicks aiming my chest. Without me to know, I moved back leaving what could be a palm in beetween my chest and his hoofs up in the air. Never tried again to stop him. And if I didn’t move, I wasn’t going wherever since for sure.


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Finding out one week into lockdown that your new American lodger has the same birthday as Ted Bundy.



When I was a teenager I was driving to work when I felt someone staring at me, I looked over and the guy in the car next to me was jerkin his gerkin and he was looking at me with a look of pure hatred...like he wanted to kill me. I was stopped at a red light so I had to just look forward and pretend it wasn't happening. The light turned green and I hauled ass to work, I couldn't stop my hands shaking for the first 30 min. of my shift...my clients must have thought I was on drugs or something.


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Rocio Palacios
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not sure about this one, but next time film the creep, the license plate, and do it while talking out loud, as if you are going live. This will freak the freak.

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One time my dad and I were driving on the highway late at night and there was a lot of trafic because we were leaving a big city to go home. I just remember looking up and seeing this semi truck flying twards us really slowly. I remeber thinking 'am I about to be crushed by this' 'is this what it feels like right before you die' because it was moving so slowly. Of course I was completly freaking out, but a few seconds later I realised that it was just a billboard, scary stuff.
Then I also remember one time waking up in the middle of the night,(I was like 9 ish) and seeing my dad (he left really early for work). He just was slowly leaning in and after a few seconds I screamed and my mom came in and it turned out it was just my lamp.


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This was many years ago but due to life, I'm actually back in the same room again.
When I was around 10 years old I would sometimes see a kind of shadowy figure in the corner of the room at night by the door, door was closed and hadn't been opened, the figure was a girl, about 12, she would just stand there. Also had a toy volcano that had floated across the room during the day.
Although not sure it fits here as I never found it creepy.


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When I was probably 15, I got home late one night and was going to sleep when I heard my door open and saw a flashlight looking around my room. It looked at the walls and felt it shining on me, I just lied there pretending to be asleep, my door closed and it was gone. Next morning my parents swore it wasn't them and had no clue what happen.


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Jayden Brown
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

someone was looking for you. You should tell your parents what happened. Take the proper authority to do the right thing.

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My mom lives out in the desert and around bd 3 A.M. one morning sitting outside on the patio with a friend we suddenly hear someone yell, “JOHN!” Then crickets. About five minutes later, “JOOOOOHN!!!” and a voice far away replies, “WHAT!?” The other guy yells, “YOU GOTTA CHECK THIS OUT!” Like he found something you wouldn’t believe. The whole interaction took around 10 minutes. Then nothing else, no noises or voices. Fast forward to 3 months later I was alone outside and I hear, “JOOOOOHN!!” From the same location as last time and then silence...



My sister, my niece and myself went to the lakefront near her house one day. There were a few small groups of people wading in the water but otherwise not very crowded. We just had the water up to our ankles just cooling off our feet and when we noticed in the distance what looked like a big black garbage bag floating out in the lake. After a while it kept slowly getting closer and we were all like ew what the hell is that? We got out of the water and went back to a picnic table near by. Soon we heard a scream from some kids that were wading in the water near where we were. So it turns out it was a dead body... No we didn’t see it up close thankfully but we found out later on it was a man and it was deemed a suicide.


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This isn't so much creepy as it is heartbreaking. I was walking my dog in a cemetery I had never been in when I suddenly felt this intense, gut wrenching wave of sadness. I looked at the headstone next to me and it was for a baby who had died at only 3 days old. I wonder if grief can be so strong sometimes that it leaves an imprint.
Another thing that actually might be considered creepy... My grandparents lived about 90 mins away from us when I was a kid, but we still visited them often. This meant a lot of time in the car. On one such trip, I swear I saw a giant, house sized cat. I know it was house sized because it was next to one, and there was a lady in the yard throwing food to it. I know it was almost certainly a lucid dream, but it felt SO real, to the point that I actually watched for that giant cat on every drive down that road for years. I never saw it again, probably because it doesn't actually exist, but it creeped me out all the same.


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8 years ago I was watching a movie inside my bedroom with my boyfriend, we had my door open that it is next to the living room, the whole house was empty and dark. I don't know what caught our eyes but we both turned our heads towards the living room at the same time, again it was dark but you could see that a small part was illuminated... I got scared because I saw a pair of grey legs walking... I didn't say what I saw because my boyfriend was going to think I was crazy, I though I was iamgining things until he told me that he saw ray pair of legs walking on the living room.... WE CLOSED THE DOOR AND WAITED FOR MY MOM TO COME HOME.... we were so scared


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Easy. Two years ago on Valentine's Day, my gramma was coming over to drop off some ice cream cake. She called us up and said, "The neighbor kid just flipped me off." We hated it, but it was nothing different than what we would expect from him. So she makes it to our house and we chat for a bit until the neighbor kid stops in front of our pasture and chucks rocks at our cattle. We notice he's holding a gun. He points it at them a few times, as if he's taunting us to get out of the house. He then walks in front of our house and throws the rocks at it. One actually hits the deck. We call the police at that moment. Anywho, he is gone, but we go into a bedroom since it has a lock on the door. And we notice the window has several bullet holes in it. Maybe he had shot it not too long ago and it was for some reason too quiet or maybe he shot it when I was cleaning the grill earlier. But anywho, things haven't changed. He's still threatening our lives and the county won't so squat.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

scare the s**t out of him by pointing a big a*s gun at him. Some adult did the same thing to me everytime my parents weren't home, my dad had this big machine gun (dont know why didnt ask) he came over one day and saw me holding. i swear he s**t his pants so hard his pants are stained forever


One time, I was laying in bed and my husband had the night-shift. It was spring and I had the window open, but there was no wind that night. I was sleeping with my back to the bedroomdoor and suddenly heard the door opening. I turned around and I saw a man standing at the end of my bed. It was an older man, wearing a checkered shirt, a red one, was bold on the top of his head and was a little obees. I screamed and hid myself under the duvet.
When I asked my parents in law, how the previous owner looked like, the described the man i've seen....
An other day, I was sitting in the livingroom, and I heard someone coming down the stairs. I waited for somenone to come in, but it never happenend. The kids where with me an my husband was outside.
A few times, there was a toy in the attick, that began making some noise, it was sitting there for 3 years and worked on batteries....
Always had a bad vibe when I would come home and was always angry when I lived there...


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When I was a student nurse I was working a night shift on a stroke ward. At around 3am I was walking up the ward checking the patients and as I walked past a side room I heard someone speaking loudly inside. I thought the patient must be on their mobile phone, so I opened the door to ask them to speak quieter as it would wake the other patients. As soon as I opened the door the talking stopped. I asked the 90+ year old lady if she had been on the phone and she said “No, it the lady folding sheets over there, she won’t shut up!” There was nobody there. I later found out that part of the hospital had been the laundry and the 90+ lady died 24 hours later.



OMG...okay this didn't happen to me, but when my cuz was 4-5 yrs old, she was lying in bed with her mom and little brother. Her dad was at work (he's a doctor). They were laying in bed and my cuz wouldn't stop staring at the ceiling. My aunt was like, "GO TO SLEEP", but all she said was "Who's sitting there?", and her mom goes"What?" and she goes "who's that sitting on the fan? With the long hair?" Her mom looked up and saw nothing. She literally screamed and started praying, closing my cuz's eyes. "What do you see now?" She asked, removing her hands from her eyes. "She's gone."


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I was very angry at my ex for treating me bad and dumping me, so that night I went down to the nearest footballfield and screamed my lungs out in frustration. After a while I suddenly notice a small light near the bushes in the side of the field, a bit further down from me. I keep yelling about how much I hate this guy and the light sort of grows. I realise that it is a small fire now, and begin to feel nervous that someone is watching me and for some reason has decided to make a fire. I suddenly feel really scared of the fire and whoever is making it, so I run back home. The next day I went back, because I was curious, and there was no sign what so ever, that any fire had been lit. I'm still a little scared that I might have summoned something...


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This is more of a deja vu moment, but in a dream, it was dark, and someone asked, "how did you lose a light?!" and I replied with, "it wasn't on!!" and then I woke up. Later that day, the exact same thing happened. I was in the dark back of a stage, and I lost a prop light. and the person yelling how did I lose it (which was the exact same thing word for word as in my dream), was my best friend who was in drama club. but I ended up finding the light, which was not on, which yelled word for word just like in my dream.


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I was in kindergarten at a private Christian school. An older student molested me behind the pavilion where students weren’t allowed as we couldn’t be seen. It only added to my already existing panic disorder. I hallucinated his presence for 15 years. I was receiving help when my family and I went to a local restaurant for dinner and I saw him at another table. I thought I was having an episode. I was wrong. He was there with a girl who might have been his wife I don’t know. It took everything I had not to call him out then and there. I wonder about her sometimes.



I worked the nightshirt at a grocery store and someone came in and asked where we kept a item and i told him which isle it was on and about 5 minutes later i heard a crash in one of the isles and i went to go look and i saw nothing and i looked for the man but i couldn't find him and i never saw him leave the store



As for me, this is what happened- I see these figures in the air- always moving, formless. And it's been happening since I was a baby- I can't remeber not seening them. I thought I was hallucating, but I soon realized even if I close my eyes I can see them, and I saw more than once that moving things change the thing's shape. Even slight movements leave a trail. What's going on?


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Do you get it when you look at a light? i mean ill get stuff like that but mostly when im being an idiot and i look at the sun or a light

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Well, I haven't had anything in particular... but once I woke up at like 3 in the morning and it was completely black outside and I heard creaking outside my door and so I hid under my covers... what would you do? Then I was COMPLETELY sure it was footsteps, so I started sweating and freaking out. Then the door opened... and it was my dad. He had work early.



Once I was snorkelling at Fraser Island and I was distracted by all the fish, and when I turned around, I saw a leopard shark swimming right below me. It was terrifying! Luckily, Leopard sharks don't hurt people but still...


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Once, the light bulbs in the building I work in were close to burnt out and I met someone in the hallway. We both started screaming because we looked so scary and unfamiliar to each other in the low light.


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A few years ago me, my dad, and my sister were just sitting on the couch and then I got up to go get my homework and right when I sat back down my whole living went into full tornado mode after 30 seconds every toy my little sister owned was on the floor it scared me because my little sister was on the couch the whole time.


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I got locked in the room with a Corpse for I think an hour when I was in 2nd grade. There's been more but that's higher up on the list.



As a young child I was constantly visited by the 'Night Hag' that comes with sleep paralysis.


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1) My friend and I were only 8 years old, pretending to be ghostbusters. We were at my house and had those laundry tube things and we were waving them around. I decided to pretend that a ghost was in our fireplace. We went to the fireplace and saw a handprint, much smaller than ours or anyone else in our house. And then... I thought I saw eyes or a face in the ashes. We bolted. Now, a few years later, the handprint is still there. We've cleaned it regularly. It was partly because of this incident that I developed mild paranoia.


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OK, so I was 11 years old at the time, housesitting for my neighbors. Every day I got the mail put it on the counter, locked up, and left. One day I came over was about to put the mail for the day on the counter. except that all of the mail was placed all over the counter all messy. some were on the ground. To this day I still canot explain.



As a former marching band musician, I've had countless sleepless nights where the show and my director's voice just replays endlessly in my head. It's so annoying.


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I was once sleeping alone in a big apartment. Then I distinctly heard something or someone knocking on my bedroom door. I immediately woke up, terrified. I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, and sat there, waiting for daylight. I eventually dared to get out of my bedroom and investigate the apartment. Needless to say, I was still alone.


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When I was younger I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and one time I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep again and I heard knocking on the door. I didn't say anything or move for at least an hour before I sat up and thought about opening the door, I changed my mind and fell asleep. Next morning I asked my family if anyone knocked on my door last night. None of them did.


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Me and my sister were playing outside with fireworks, we went to go light one of the fireworks so we put our heads down, as soon as we did that a huge shadow the size of a car flew over us, it was so low that we felt the wind from its wings. We don’t know what it was because as soon as we looked up it was gone. No one believes us


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Many years ago now... I was 18
Babysitting my cousin’s 5 year old daughter in a little 3-room house she had just rented.
At bed time, she asked if I’d lay down with her until she got sleepy (not unusual for her, she liked me to play with her hair as she was going to sleep).
After about 5-10 minutes, I feel the presence of 2 distinct people at her bedroom door behind my back - her mother was not home yet.
I didn’t want to freak her out so I tried to casually turn a little to look behind me to the doorway, but there was no one there.
As I’m trying to shrug it off, my cousin’s daughter says, “They show up a lot, but they never say anything and I can never actually see them...”
I talked my cousin into moving out of that place.



A friend I hadn't talked to for over a year rang me out of the blue late one evening. After chatting for a while she told me that she called because she always found me "level headed" and there was something that bothered her. She and her boyfriend were renting a house out in the bush. While they could see their closest neighbour, he was too far away for sounds to carry all that way. That night she was home alone and she was hearing noises.

Having been assigned as the sensible one I started asking questions about the noises to identify them. She insisted that she heard someone walk up the front porch stairs and open the door. I had her look out the window, no one there, no tracks in the snow. It was a calm night, no wind, no animals moving out there.

We talked for a while and then she heard the steps again. We investigated again and she found nothing. Over the next hour, we repeated the same thing several times. I was tired and wanted to go to sleep, but I couldn't just leave her like that. Thinking it through I remembered how the elders talked about ghosts being people who didn't "remember" that they had moved on.

I asked her about who had lived in the house before. An old man. Did he move? No, he died from a heart condition and was found in the next evening by the neighbour who became worried when the old man didn't turn on the lights.

I told her to talk to the ghost the next time she heard it. She thought I was bonkers, but I was tired and desperate and managed to convince her to do it. The next time she heard the steps she called out to the ghost and told him that she was living there now and that he needed to go to his new "home".

She heard the front door open and then the steps went up the stairs and into the bedroom.

Then, nothing. No more steps or sounds. She calmed down and I could finally go to sleep.

A week later she called me. This is the creepy bit. In the morning she got up to get to work, but her boyfriend didn't feel well and decided to call in sick. She gave him the phone and left for work. In the evening when driving home she could see that the lights were not on. Maybe the BF had gone to work anyway? She got home and his car was still there. His shoes still in the hallway. She went up the stairs to the bedroom and found him dead, the phone still by his side.

The autopsy later showed that he died from an undiagnosed heart condition.



Camping overnight at a known haunted place - Wilmington Drum Barracks in Los Angeles. One infamous ghost there is an ANGRY Civil War Officer who HATES women, HATES strangers in "his" kitchen.

We were told the back door would be open so we could use the bathroom, although the gates would be locked all night. I woke up about 2:30am, went into the bathroom by the kitchen. I realize I am hearing spurred boots thumping down the stairs! Well, that made me finish quicker! I ran out, all was still except for snores of TBG reenactors. I asked around the next day, no one had been up after 1am...

I had a dear friend who lived there as a caretaker, he had some mighty strange tales! Being locked out, being locked IN, toys moving, voices & footsteps....


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