What’s the silliest/craziest thing your bird does or has done? I love hearing your guys' stories!
Remember to drink water and eat three meals a day :)
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I had one of my chickens run out of her coop when it was about to rain, then as soon as a drop of rain hit her head, she ran up to me and plopped down and wanted me to carry her back to her coop with the rest of the chickens. She looked defeated the whole time.
When it was their first snow, my chickens were so confused, and suprisingly, Bonnie, our barnevelder, also the most cowardly, tried to fly all the way across the lawn to the safety of the bushes but ran out of stamina halfway, getting her feet in the snow. too scared to move in this foreign white stuff, she just looked up at me with as much emotion as a chicken can convey in a "please help me" face. I laughed a lot about it after I helped her out of the snow.