Some of us are pro-vaxxers.

Some are anti-vaxxers.

Either way, some claims are too crazy for any of us.


I was told the shot had a chip in it so that the government can track us.


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Error 404 (He/They)
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ooh the classic one. Always makes me laugh. Those people forgot about smart phones lmao

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    When the COVID vaccines were just started to be handed out, some people in my country claimed it turned them magnetic. They even went as far as making a video showing how spoons would stick to their body. Turns out it just sticks with sweat. I got the vaccine THRICE, but alas I did not become magneto.



    That they cause autism.

    We all heard this one.


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    Hales M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yup. I think it is best done in that college humour video, one of the if Google was a guy things. Like I have millions of results that it doesn't, I have one result that says it does. The woman snatches the one result like, "I knew it". I think he says something along the lines of just because I have it doesn't make it true. It's that entire thing in a nutshell.

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    It's made with the blood of babies kept in tubes. Like... quoi? I know what ingredient they are trying to refer to but their entire concept is borderline hilarious and makes literally no sense. Like where is this scifi baby stasis factory where these babies are being cloned and drained of blood.


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    My local radio station (they were joking) said that the new Covid shot came with a chip that let you listen to their music anywhere, anytime. I cracked up so hard I almost peed myself the first time I heard it.


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    That demons were transmitted through the Covid vaccine


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    When the COVID vaccines were just started to be handed out, some people in my country claimed it turned them magnetic. They even went as far as making a video showing how spoons would stick to their body. Turns out it just sticks with sweat. I got the vaccine THRICE, but alas I did not become magneto.


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    That emergency doctors and A&E doctors won't treat you if you've had any vaccines, ever. Because medical professionals know how dangerous vaccines are and won't risk getting so close to someone who clearly cares so little about their own health. This from the same person who told me not to be an organ donor because that meant doctors were allowed to let me die in order to harvest my organs. (I am aware these two warning are somewhat contradictory.)



    That vaccines may turn a person into crocodiles. The person who told me this was dead serious. Imagine my disappointment when nothing happened after I took the shot.



    I'm a pro-vaxxer (but my parent's wont let me get the kids vaccine) and the craziest thing I've probably is that a vaccinated person like, touches an unvaccinated person they like, contaminate them with the "stupidness" of taking a vaccine. Like no, the vaccine literally has saved lives and removed symptoms from so many people, the vaccine isn't stupid.



    I've heard they are injecting you with tracking devices, I've heard that the vaccine are a way to control us and I've heard that some of the vaccines are just water.


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    That you’re raciest if you get one. And then raciest if you don’t. It’s all about control.


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    It will stop your period



    I covered vaccine mandate protests in Dallas as part of a documentary I did on the lockdown. There are a LOT, however, I have two: can't decide which is crazier.

    1. The vaccine will track you with a microchip made by Bill Gates that he's using to round us up and put into death camps.

    2. The woman who wore a Yellow Star of David on her shirt that said "Unvaxxed," proceeding to tell me this is "Nuremberg 2.0"


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    It turns you gay.




    That it causes their kids to be gay, you can't become gay if you're already gay. Also it shouldn't matter if it does make them gay, as a parents you're supposed to do as much as you can to protect your child.


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    Someone had posted that the vaccine actually caused covid.


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    Probably already said on here. That it's made my autistic people to get more autistic people. Heh, funny enough I am autistic and so put as many needles as you want (btw thought it was funny but don't believe it, pro-vaccer)

    Also heard that the COVID-19 vaccine was made from unborn babies (don't believe that )


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    The Mom
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unborn babies? I know its not but if it were true the vaccine can no longer be made thanks to a bunch of old misogynist jerks.

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    A random optometrist told my 67Y father that vaccination would significantly damage his vision. He had almost died of post-covid syndrome, had severe pneumonia and ended up in a hospital half dead.
    I was so mad that my mother refused to tell me what optometry it was (a small town in Europe), and she knew why.


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    Chucky Cheezburger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Playing devils advocate here, but some people can have severe reactions to vaccines. The optometrist may have meant specifically your father may have a bad reaction, and not the general public.

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    That the COVID vaccines were to make men impotent in order to control population.


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    That they use microscopic tracking devices to track your whereabouts by injecting them into your bloodstream. Honestly, honey why would they waste their time and effort doing that when you already have a cell phone?


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    To go along with everyone commenting microchips being in the covid vaccination...I've seen several articles stating that there's a chip in it and showed a diagram of the chip. Turns out the diagram was for the circuit board of a guitar effects pedal, specifically the Boss "Metal Zone" distortion pedal. Like WTH? I remember thinking "Wow, does that mean my voice will sound like its run through the pedal now?"


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    Saw it on this article about the recent passing of former UFC Fighter Anthony "Rumble" Johnson (RIP Rumble), where this crazy guy said that the vaccines are being used by the governments to commit mass genocide on the global population.

    Guy's comment got deleted, and maybe even his account terminated.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I should add that the commenter blamed Johnson's death on side effects from the vaccine. When in fact, he had HLH, and Johnson never revealed his vaccination status on any social media (as far as I know). He was ill since at least September of last year. Trying to add additional context for those who don't watch MMA, or read up on news regarding the sport.


    That a child died from being vaccinated. To be precise the heavy metals in the vaccination caused her to become magnetic, that magnetism then forced a car to run her over. Obviously the death is tragic, but this makes no sense.


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    Vaccine shedding. They believe that you somehow shed the proteins from the vaccine for the first couple days after getting the shot. These proteins can negatively affect people around you. My mum swears she knows a woman who stopped menstruating because she was around people who had gotten vaxxed.


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    That they work and are harmless. BS.
    I babysat a child who was nine at the time, who was blind and could only crawl, couldn't speak, and had to have a shunt in his brain at all times to drain liquid. Happened to him after his routine immunizations.
    I did the research. There are horror stories behind vaccinations, at least for kids. And so when the Covid vacs came out I decided to wait until I felt comfortable for myself. I'm still waiting.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also curious, what did you research? What medical papers, I mean.

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    answering some of the myths and truths:
    okay, from my knowledge:
    - there are no tracking devices in vaccinations. that is a hoax.
    - vaccinations are not entirely water. they consist of antigens and other ingredients that are meant to boost the immune system. also, traces of lead, and other poisons have been found in them. be careful what you take into your body.
    - look, if you think about it, the people that were shut out of clubs, pubs, restaurants, cafes and whatnot were basically discriminated against(like the blacks) think about why the blacks were discriminated against and how the unvaxxed felt. they didn't want the vax. the same as someone doesn't want to put animal products in their bodies or not eating something because that is the way they feel. it is a choice and it does not matter what anyone else thinks. think: do you hate someone because they are a vegan or vegetarian or have allergies or intolerances?
    also, why does the government want everyone to get vaxxed? it can be taken either way but most of it is for money. i will put it into perspective:
    if Donald Trump had the choice to help someone who is dying by giving them one antidote or 8 billion dollars, what do you honestly think he would choose?
    it''s not hard. obviously he would choose the money.
    if you still don't believe me, check this website:,clots%20after%20receiving%20the%20shot.
    i know that it is news and therefore not reliable but if you are gonna chew me out for it, contact me and i will get some more evidence for you.
    okay i'm done now.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tell me you're joking...comparing racial discrimination to quarantining people?? This is one of the most ignorant things to come out of the pandemic, right along with the idiots comparing the CDC to Nazis. THERE IS NO COMPARISON. Those anti-vaxxers that you're saying were discriminated against by not being allowed into businesses....ummm, nope. They CHOSE to not get the vaccine or wear masks, whereas black people have NO CHOICE about being black. You see the false equivalence? You're making the antivaxxers out to be victims when, in fact, they were simply having to face consequences of their choices... because they had the privilege to make the choice. I don't care about what your beliefs are about the Covid vax - get it or don't - but don't whine about the consequences afterward. And don't compare this to what black people have dealt with - it's disgusting.

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    The craziest thing Ive heard about any vaccine is that absolutely everybody needs to have them or else the unvaccinated will kill all the vaccinated. It makes absolutely no sense.


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    Donkey boi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So I know you're gonna get a lot of flack when people realise you're an anti-vaxer. So I'm going to be nice and try to break it down for you. I know you won't pay attention, but maybe it I start with 'You are correct...' in some cases Some vaccines protect the receiver, some protect the spread, some just stop symptoms. The problem is, some people have medical conditions that prevent them from being able to have certain vaccines. And some are too young to be fully vaccinated. This means the best way to protect them is to eradicate the disease in adults. While measles might not be too scary for you as an adult, it WILL kill an infant or someone with an immune deficiency, but if we all get vaccinated, the chance of that infant or person catching it becomes next to zero. I would love to have an actual talk with you about this but there simply is not enough room in these comment boxes. I hope you seriously consider talking to someone about it because one day it will be someone you love.

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