Hey Pandas, What’s Something You’d Tell A Complete Stranger On The Internet, But Not Your Friend? (Closed)
type in something you said/did.
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That I aggressively believe being Christian is very cultish, all of the religions revolving around jesus and god are crazy if you think about it,how you have to worship a man you've never met, and if you do something he says not to, your damned to hell for all eternity, and how some people can talk to god and tell you what to do, whilst others can't? please don't downvote or hate, just my opinion that I've been wanting to share.
That’s fair, with what the Church has become nowadays. Nobody can tell you what to do and be like “God says you should do that” cuz that would technically be taking the Lord’s name in vain unless you have like a Bible verse to back it up (although Bible verses can be interpreted many different ways since it’s symbolic and translations bring up a whole different problem) I myself am a non-denomination Christian (my beliefs line up the best with the Quakers in the sense that I rely on my sense of intuition, my conscience, and what feels right and signs that I believe to be from God), and I take preists’ teachings as merely advice on how to do that (depending on if it feels right, like if they’re teaching something like women are made for having babies and that is their purpose, which has happened once believe it or not, I’m obviously going to take it with a grain of salt). I think many churches nowadays are too corrupt to properly practice faith, and that’s why I’m on the fence about
So in elementry school, being a young las i told a small lie that hasnt stopped...
So i moved to my new house at the start of first grade, being that my old county is boring and i wanted be a cool new kid i told everyone i was from halfway across the country (louisiana to be exact) i told them i was born there which isnt true as my parent were the ones born there...
I thought it ended but a kid came up to me at the beginning of my señior year asking that i was born out of state right...
Its been going on for so long i cant stop it, but id gladly tell internet strangers :D
As the therapist of my friend group, they rarely know my problems. Yesterday for the first time I told them (their problems are all about that one guy looking at them for a millisecond while mines are like- my depression lol) went horrible
Who downvoted this?? I’m sorry dude, what happened? Did they laugh at you or something?
Oh there are a lot of things…
First one I think of is that although I’m not a furry, I think it’s a cool hobby. I can’t admit that to any of my irl friends because everyone in my school hates furries. I don’t really get all the hate directed at them, and anyone who doesn’t hate them. It’s annoying.
Also that some days I wish I wasn’t friends with my friends with my best friend. She’s awesome, but she is way more popular than me, and although she loves me she really dislikes all my other less popular friends. She also really likes to gossip and enjoys drama, and that kind of stuff doesn’t interest me and kind of stresses me out.
A lot of my trauma and how I cope with it
My gender (tho I did just send a letter to my pen pal! Hopefully she'll be accepting) and that I self harm sometimes. I'm fine telling people online but there's no way in hell I'd tell anyone irl
Btw do not self harm. Please find healthy coping mechanisms that hurt yourself or anyone else. If you have self harmed please reach and get help. You are loved and people care about you ♡
I’ve been having a lot of existential dread recently, and intrusive thoughts about mortality. I’m approaching my senior year of high school, and I feel like I have to decide what my life will be and my life’s purpose right now and I don’t know what that is. I feel lazy, I can’t get anything done that I want to do cuz ADHD and i try to calm down and live in the moment and not worry about the future but when my brain fixated on something it’s kinda hard to stop it from spiraling. It’s either dissociate and numb myself which is bad or be present and anxious which is also bad :(
I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that you, in no way, need to have your life figured out right now. Or next year. Or the year after that. Honestly, it takes a lifetime to figure out your life, lol! No one has a perfect master plan for their lives and then completes a set of numerical, neat steps and suddenly "achieves life". Everyone's life is chaotic and messy, to some extent, and we all just figure it out as we go. Don't be so hard on yourself, hon. You're probably doing better than you think.
How worried I am about my best friend. I’m not going to tell you why because I respect her privacy too much, but I’m really scared for her and even though everything is getting better now it’s always in the back of my mind, she means so much to me and I just really don’t want anything bad to happen to her.
How sometimes I’m just not fine. I’m getting too depressed now and it will be a while before I’m back to my normal state but I don’t want to do anything bad during my depressed state. The urges are there but they’re weak for now
For those of us who struggle with depression, there can be peaks and valleys. Those valleys can be truly terrifying and near immobilizing, so I definitely understand. Try and hang onto the fact that it is very likely that another peak will come along, and this low time will not last forever. Give yourself the time and space to get through this dark time. I know you don't have support at home, but please remember how much so many of us here truly care for you.
it's less that I won't more that people don't care enough to listen!
1) my mental state! it's extremely complicated
2) my intrests! I'm very annoying when I ramble
3) how much I love my stuffies!!! I love my stuffed animals but yk, I'm a teen so snuggling with stuffies is frowned upon
Probably anything I feel will change the way my friends view me, even if my rational self knows it won't
Only like 2 rlly close people know abt all my mental health stuff but i talk abt it all the time on here lol
I agree with ghostlysnail abt the furry thing
Im neurospicy lol lots of flavors
Also I’m a compulsive liar but what i previously said here is true i promise
Honestly a lot of things lol
My parents just found out about my mental health and the sh. I know they’re trying to help and I don’t want them to be hurting by seeing me hurting but everything they have been doing has been making my mental health worse. I feel like I’m not trusted anymore and I have no more privacy. I tried telling my mom I don’t feel comfortable with her checking the wounds on my legs because I don’t feel comfortable with people looking at my legs in general and she genuinely felt bad about it but said that she has to which sent me into a horrible panic attack in front of her which does not help my case. My sewing supplies were also taken away and that hurts so much because even though I don’t do it very often I love to sew and cross stitch. I wish I could tell them that but they would just say it’s for my own good and so I don’t sh again. I love them so much but this is not helping. I’m sorry this is kind of a rant.
That my bf is eerily similar (mentally) to the ‘ideal guy’ character I wrote back in middle school. I didn’t realize it at first, but when I looked back and compared my character and bf it hit me.
Sorry, but what hit you? Is he a figment of your imagination?
Im gay
I thought this would help me in some vauge way turns out in not even cofortable talking to a starnger about it