We all have a life hack, fact, etc., that we wish everyone knew. Whether this is a hack to help people or something stupid people don't seem to know, share some things you wish everyone knew!
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No whole group of people are bad. Not all Germans are Nazis, not all Russians hate Ukrainians, etc.
In 2020 my classmates who were not Chinese said that Chinese people were known as the "covid spreaders".
That it's not up to workers to make the rules, it's up to the manager -_-
Like, no, Susan, I can't just give you 50 cups. This is a coffee shop, not Walmart. If you need cups, go buy them. I don't make the rules, I just make the coffee.
You are loved :D
Whether you know it or not there is someone out there who loves you
Scientific theory isn’t the same thing as a regular theory. A scientific theory is something that explains why something works. A scientific theory can never be a fact
IT'S PRONOUNCED "noo-clee-err" NOT "noo-cyoo-lerr" ISTG