This is a safe space to say anything you've been wanting to say.


The people comparing the corona related social restrictions to being Jewish during WW2 deserve to spend a week in a recreation of Auschwitz. I cannot fathom the lack of empathy one must have to be able to speak the words "This is what the Jewish went through during the German occupation!" and feel justified.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Anyone who compares the two should read Night by Elie Wiesel. It’s beyond horrible to compare the two.

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    I'm gay.
    I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay



    I'm just profoundly concerned with how our humanity progresses. Like, I think we're getting more and more doomed.



    I’m a public health nurse and I have a lot of knowledge on this pandemic and the vaccines!! I’m serious when I tell y that NOBODY wants to put poison in your body!! It’s a safe prevention and has been in the works for decades! I got it and I trust it enough that all 4 of my children got it!! The nonsense that is coming from people with no knowledge base or expertise to be able to do any kind of research is astounding. They’re unaware of what research in-tales, and I just don’t get what they are doing. It’s the most unintelligible thing I’ve ever been a part of. Weird



    Cancel culture. So over it.
    If I disagree with you it DOES NOT MEAN I HATE YOU. We simply disagree. I disagree with a lot of people who remain in my life and I in theirs.


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    Helen Haley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are some things that if we disagree. I will hate you. Unapologetically. Racists, biggots, those who think people who are exactly like them are the only ones that matter. Those who vote as such. This isn't a simple disagreement. This is a fundamental difference in values. If your values come with a body count, or destroy lives, I'm not going to throw up my hands and say 'oh well guess we'll agree to disagree, lets be friends'. This goes for those who passively accept the evil, or those who actively support these aholes.

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    I’m fed up with everything being so hard
    Hard getting support to look after my youngest daughter who’s autistic
    Hard to get help for my oldest daughter’s mental health issues
    Hard to balance helping my oldest and youngest daughters without letting my middle daughter down
    Hard to support my first responder partner who has seen too much and struggled with so much extra stress these last two years
    Hard to get through the day with thinking of all the family I lost during the first lockdown
    Just bloody Hard to get out of bed in the morning


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    Blue Royale
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have Autism and mental health issues and i know its hard to take care of kids like us but we really appreciate our moms 💗

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    Ironically going to get downvoted for this, but the comment culture on BoredPanda is getting more toxic. I've seen some pretty heinous comments lately with dozens of upvotes. Like telling someone to kill themself, or that they deserve to be harmed or abused over their demographic (sex, race, diet, etc), or that they shouldn't be allowed to speak because of said demographic. I don't care what your disagreement is, that's not cool. And there has been a surge in comments (and upvotes) justifying animal cruelty, too, and downvoting people for correcting misinformation. A lot of the threads have become a very disturbing place. One of the recent posts had two comments that were the same - one, from a person who often gets heavily upvoted, had dozens of upvotes and replies of praise. The other, from a person who often gets heavily downvoted, had two dozen downvotes and replies of insults and told to die. It doesn't even make sense - is it a clique mentality?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm newer to reddit and I haven't seen this as much, but literally just saw a post on another app I look at where a little girls science experiment was she had three plants. Each plant had tiny speakers at their bases that played a loop of her voice, one saying negative mean things and one saying nice sweet things, oh and third no speakers, sorry that was the control plant. Mean things loop didn't even grow. Control plant medium growth and nice loop plant grew the most. Same seeds, same care otherwise. Words are powerful, written or spoken.

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    I’m not yet 40 but so f*****g sick and tired of a society where everyone seems to be offended by everything. It’s pathetic. We’re going to be so PC in due course, the safest course of action will be no interaction. We’ll all life in hermetically sealed bubbles with no connectivity to the outside world, so that we needn’t be offended but can continue to be as horrendously narcissistic as society is making the next generation.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One thing making it hard is that more people have a voice now, so smaller groups who always felt offended are taking their chance to say "x was always a hurtful word and it's time to change!" Even if they are all valid, it's a LOT of new information and new blind spots to check for the rest of the population.

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    I hate people staring at my self harm scars/occasionally commenting on them. Stop it. Just stop. I know what I did to myself. I’m a month and two days away from being clean of sh and I’ve already gotten a tattoo to cover the worse of them (With plans for more) just please stop mentioning them to me. I know they’re there.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't know what people have been saying to you, but for any visible sign of something wrong, people will be curious, and it's probably with good intention. It's not their business and you don't owe them an audience, but even strangers will care about you. I've always been silent to a stranger or casual friend when I've noticed them, but I also didn't feel like that's the best thing I could do. I'm glad to hear you're clean and moving forward now!

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    This is something that still irritates me from a month ago, a girl in my homeroom asked another girl what ocd was she replied with “its a disease where you have to make sure everything is clean.” Not only does the fact she is spreading misinformation get to me but also ocd is not a disease its a disorder, second ocd is different for everybody. I do not have ocd but I see how much it affects people, everybody who is struggling with ocd is very strong.



    im a month an a half with no self harm and i want to break the necks of all those kids at my school that ask me for a wrist check cuz i wear bandanas around my wrists even tho the scars are mostly faded



    I don't need to hear from people I don't really know what is going on with my ex. It's one thing for his mother, whom I have a decent relationship with and is staying in her grandchildren's lives to tell me what happened at a court date because it stresses her and I care how she is doing. It's a completely different thing for someone I've talked to twice to somehow either get my number or find me on some social media I forgot I had to say "Did you hear that his GF left him? Did you hear he got 5 years?". I DON'T CARE. I've gotten rid of that drama, stop trying to bring me back into it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh geez. That sucks, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I would HATE to deal with that.

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    I’ve been starting to have suicidal thoughts and that scares me. I don’t want to commit suicide, it would tear my family apart and I know me sister would be heart broken, and it really scares me that I’m having these thoughts. But then what’s the point when the world might end either in my lifetime or my kids lifetimes if I choose to have them. I feel like I’m segueing with myself here and I’m terrified that I might commit suicide some time when I’m not thinking clearly or when I’m at a particularly difficult time. I’m scared to tell my mom anything about this because I’m worried she’s either not going to take it seriously or she’s gonna make me take medication. If medication would fix it, then maybe, but I don’t want to be treated like I’m sick. But I don’t want to think of this as something that needs to be “fixed” I never talk about feelings that way feelings need to be come to terms with and reconciled, not “fixed.” I’m just thinking aloud at this point but you see my dilemma. I’m having some suicidal thoughts, I’m scared of that, and I’m scared to tell my parents, and I definitely won’t tell my siblings.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    your thoughts no matter how big or small should be shared with a professional. I've no idea if you're here in the States, but if you are, please call this number: 800-273-8255 - National Suicide Hotline

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    I hate is when people scream because I have a blot of blood on my trouser or skirt during a period. I’m one of those people with incredible amounts of heavy shedding and to make it through one day without an episode is a luxury I’ve never experienced. So cut us some slack… periods are a human rights issue.



    I sometimes wonder if I'm a sociopath. I would never deliberately do anything harmful to another person but i don't seem to have the same feelings other people do. I don't get jealous, sad, feel grief upon someone's passing (to me it's a natural process), angry etc. I have nothing in common with my family so choose to not be a part of their shallow "oh what the neighbors must think" kind of life. I do have my own chosen family of friends with common interests. I perform random acts of kindness, buying food for a vet, paying for gas for a single mother, helping stranded motorists etc because those are the only times i feel what must be a normal person's "happy"... But i prefer to do it anonymously.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You sound like a very reasonable person who has a solid grasp on what matters to you and a stable emotional state. Keep going your own way!

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    I really want talking about periods to be normal. And talking about them in a really nice, supportive way. It happens to half the world’s population and still we feel the need to hide the fact they happen? And also not making them seem like not a big deal. Before I got mine I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to do this, that, or that somehow I’d be different, but honestly they’re not bad. It’s not the end of the world. So normalising talking about them, yeah, I’d like that a lot, thanks.


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    Jill Bussey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am SO proud of my daughter and how she has dealt with this for her daughter. The subject is discussed openly and whenever it crops up. It is not hidden or whispered about. I believe her son (slightly younger) also knows almost as much as his sister.

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    corona virus of course i totally want to get rid of it right now


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    Luka Verheijen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even the officials make it feel like it's the end of the world. And with all these moronic conspiracy nuts, it might as well be

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    I despise religion, I don't despise those that have been indoctrinated, because those that indoctrinate have been indoctrinated themselves. The Bible, etc, how can any rational mind believe in such absurd nonsense? Also, don’t push your fairy tales on me. I can’t attach a scan of a letter I recently received, because it doesn’t allow me, but I’ll attach it in a comment to this post.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I believe that true Christians will respect all beliefs, sexualities, identities, religions, race, etc, and love everyone for who they are. I'm sorry about everyone who gives the religion a bad name, and force it down people's throats.

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    ok i get that most of these are serious things and all but im just kinda excited and yeah...

    my boyfriend held my hand under the desk during school yesterday and for the first time i felt like a boy actually loved me



    I hate that Bored Panda has inconsistent submission character lengths. This is all I can submit



    I'm appalled with poor, rude phone mannerisms people have today. I am referring to businesses, especially.
    Yes, I understand people text and email more often today. However, phone calls are still relevant and necessary today, and a bit of polite etiquette goes a long way to maintain a good rapport with clients and customers.
    This is what I've witness and put up with, AT BUSINESSES:
    Eating on the phone loudly and speaking with their mouth full.
    Hangs up with no proper farewell, no replies to "thank you" or just a "mhmm".
    Answers with "What do you want?"
    Receptionists hanging up on people before knowing who is on the other line, or hanging up just because the caller has a wrong contact name without offering further assistance or information.
    The list is long.
    Even if the call is not wanted, or unexpected, they just don't know how they're rude attitude may be an impact on their business and the companies the business deals with.



    The firsts few months with a newborn baby are hard.



    I have a crush on a girl, and I'm also a girl. I´ve never felt this way for another female before


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't worry about a thing! you will have seen by now that everyone is different with how they feel and who they are attracted to. Let me give you an example. My ex-gf who is now 48 has just started a relationship with a woman for the first time. She's never been interested before but has fallen for her. she and I still get on very well and I've supported her to take time to understand being in a different kind of relationship. It's been a few weeks now and she seems totally cool with it. For me, I prefer women but can still see a guy and think he's good-looking. I just have no desire to have a boyfriend though, and that's how I am. Have a think about how you feel about her, what you would like to happen. If you could see yourself being intimate and in a relationship, then that's cool. You're just discovering something new about yourself and it takes time to get your head around.

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    Everyone involved with the production and distribution of Baby Shark should be punched in the face really hard.


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    Moosy Girl
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Punch yourself, you just added to the distribution! Do do do dodoDANGIT.

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    I don’t know if I can still believe in God. I grew up in a Cristian home but at this point of my life I don’t know if I can still believe


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    Helen Haley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Read the literature. And by that, i mean, read the bible. Multiple versions of the bible. If you come out the other side still believing, it'll probably be for life. If you don't, at least you'll have solid knowledge and be able to articulate why you don't.

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    I'm disappointed in Biden. Most anyone would have been a better follow-up to that sh*t show from the last four years, but I had hope for him and for more. It feels like the episode of The Office where Michael makes them work late but promises them a surprise at the end of the day, and then.....nothing. It's that kind of disappointing.


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    Terilee Bruyere
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think of it this way: If you take an already pretty house and give Martha Stewart free rein that house will be amazing in no time. If you put her in a dilapidated shack even SHE couldn't make it great in the length of time that Biden has been given. The entire world is rather skewed at the time and while he definitely isn't the best the US has had, he isn't the worst.

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    So this happens this summer. It was a hot day out and I was hanging out with a friend for a sleepover and we decided to go to one of the local dollar trees. While we where walking there a man (over the age of 30 if I remember correctly) came up behind us and started cat calling us and asking us if we had weed or wanted any. My friend and I decided to ignore him and walk away he kept following us and at one point we split from him after a while he realized that and came back. That made us decide $/?& it let’s call the police. He got really close to us luckily we crossed the street fast but he touched my friend and continued to follow us. He moved away from us and we thought he left. We ducked into dollar tree to wait for the police. As we where talking to nice officer my friend and I noticed the man from before walking closer to us WHILE we are talking to the police. The police goes to talk to him, he gets arrested. This man is a homeless fugitive from Texas. This is terrifying to me since my friend and I aren’t even 15 yet.



    Please don't laugh, but I recently had a nightmare about..... a sinister penguin. The best way to describe it. It bit my face off. Is that normal? (I'm not joking.)


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    Helen Haley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't pay attention to the imagery in dreams, pay attention to the underlying emotional content in the dream.

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    Manners. Common or garden courtesy. Please and thank you. And stop using "excuse me" as a demand for attention. If you are needing someone's attention, try good morning/afternoon, or I wonder if you can help me? If you make a mistake or realise the item you were looking for is right under your nose, make it into a joke, laugh, whatever! If you see someone struggling with a high shelf, offer to help. If you are short like me, I am always grateful for the taller people in this world. Make someone's day - say thank you.


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    Luka Verheijen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As someone with autism, a lot of manners seem unnecessary to me, bjt I'm often shocked how rude people are these days. At least treat others with respect

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    A big thank you to all the lunatics in the area I live in meaning that I had to get up at 5am to fill my car and to the other head cases that meant that a 5 min journey home from an appointment took an hour. STOP BLOCKING UP ROUNDABOUTS


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    Terilee Bruyere
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bad and/or inconsiderate drivers can be trying at the best of times, worse so early in the morning or when struggling to get home after a long day. I feel for you.

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    I really just want to come out as pan, but I can’t even say it in the mirror without getting nervous. Maybe it’s just my social anxiety but I’m talking with my REFLECTION it shouldn’t be this hard IMO.


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    Yoga Kitty
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is no need to make a big deal of "coming out" if it makes you nervous; you do not have to fit into a certain box, you do not have to put a label on yourself; you do not owe anybody any kind of explanation - just be yourself! Everybody who needs to know something about you will figure it out in their own time anyway, tell what you need to who you need to hear it when the time is ready, you will do just fine! Good luck, all the best! <3

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    YouTube influencers and their followers.



    wish unvaxxed covid patients would stay home to die. you made your choice. thank you. next.


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    Vicki Corlett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish people would stop blaming everyone who isn’t vaccinated for the Covid issues. I’m on steroids for an autoimmune disorder and probably will be for another 6 months or more. Because the steroid I’m on interferes with vaccines I can’t get any vaccines. None. Including Covid. My husband and son are both vaccinated, which I appreciate, but stop blaming everyone who isn’t vaccinated for this issue! Some of us can’t be vaccinated and I’m getting sick of being told what a bad, stupid idiot of a person I am for not getting vaccinated. And because of mandates, I can’t go anywhere with my husband. Just because I happen to be unable to be vaccinated. Go throw your slams at something else for a change, please. I come to Bored Panda to get away from this stuff and read stuff I can enjoy for a change.

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    I used to be very suicidal. Not safe on my own suicidal. I’m not anymore and everyone thinks I’m ok now. However some days I quietly sit and wish I could kill myself. Life is so hard and painful. I have daily flashbacks of things that happened in my childhood. I take my pills, see my therapist, have a job, a house, and loving partner and a beautiful child. I live only for that child, so they will not have the trauma of losing a parent.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel you. You've asked for help, taking your pills. Doesn't mean stuff will go away. Did you get trauma therapy like EMDR? Really helped me with the flashbacks

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    My ti**ies (im agender)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm straight female and don't care for mine either! I hate having to wear a sports bra when exercising, but they just bounce around too much otherwise.

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    There's this kid that I know and he can be so annoying sometimes. He's convinced I'm dating literally every person I talk to and he'll yank on my backpack sometimes as a joke. Sometimes his teasing can be funny, but it can also get a bit out of hand. I wish I knew why he keeps targeting me and wish he would take it back a bit.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, I’m gathering from what you posted that you’re both in high school or maybe middle school, and if that’s the case, this is probably his version of flirting because boys lag big time in social graces and their ability to use their words to convey their feelings. If you’re both out of high school, then he’s just never learned any social graces or is intent on annoying you, in which case I would advise to hanging out with others as much as you can so as to be less of a target.

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    That we are absolutely screwed and hey! Look! More things that I will have to deal with because everyone before me screwed up! We had our chance to get rid of Covid and we blew it! Now we’re stuck in this hell hole and I’ll have to fix it all! Oh also because I am female I don’t get taken seriously! Well I’m going to have an AMAZING LIFE!



    reminder that the author requested this to be a safe place! hope everyone is having a good day, happy reading/scrolling! I put random questions in the comments if you want to stay for a bit



    I'm a lesbian transwoman with autism, health issues, mood issues, and serious bad luck.



    I'm sick of kids in my school being homophobic because it's "cool" to hate gays. The other day I was sitting outside the GSA room just chillin because I didn't feel like going in but i wanted to wait for my friends who were inside and a group of straight guys walked by and started very loudly talking about how gross it was to be gay and debating over whether it was fair that there was a group for gays but not one for just straights.
    I got so mad but they looked like seniors or juniors (grades 12 and 11) and I am just a freshman (grade 9) so i didn't want to say anything and risk getting in trouble with them, I told the teacher who runs the GSA about it and she said she'd try to deal with it but she seems to be the only adult at the school who cares
    And as i've gotten more open with my classmates about my sexuality/gender and stuff i have been finding more people who I thought were allies but aren't. I've never been bullied very bad before this but I'm afraid that's whats going to start happening if I continue to not do anything, but idk what to do.


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    Alexa Strand
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That must be so hard to go through! I’m a very forward and open person and a lot of times I feel it makes people not like me and also make fun of me. It hurts a lot but I decided it doesn’t matter if some people won’t understand how I am or who I am. I just want to be myself and I am so much happier even through the judging because at least I am me! And the people who love me I can trust very much and I know they are there for me. It’s so dumb but I guess what I’m saying is I think you’re really strong and you should just be yourself!

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    Hair! I hate chest hair! I have regular plucking sessions but it just keeps coming back.



    All my close family. I also want to get them out of my life. I am 58 years old. I've took care of my manic-depresive sister, her son and my now 89 years old mother eversince I was 33 years old. They treated me like s**t and accused me of being alcoholic. Now, my 27 years old nephew got married and moved into my mum's house (valued at a price which could buy 4 houses) without paying rent. I am getting financial aid from my friends for taking care of my semi-bedded mum (who pees and shits on the ground) in my 1+1 rented house. They accuse me for getting angry and drunk nowadays.


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    Pink Floydian Panda
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You need a lawyer to get that situation sorted out. I do not know where you live, but I cannot imagine the laws would not be on your side not matter how much they huff and puff about your so called alcoholism. Document! Keep copies of records and even use cameras if you legally can to demonstrate what is going on.

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    Seeing that some answers have been hidden, I get very discouraged here, but in a nutshell, I keep seeing facts getting ignored in favour of feelings, and I think it is getting worse, leading to all the other disasters we face.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    THIS, THIS, THIS. Feelings are part of who we are as humans, but so is, oh I don't know, a vestige of intelligence.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My parents keep ignoring me. They talk over me as if I'm not even there. But when they want me to do something they can't stop telling me to do it. I get blamed for things I didn't do, and zero praise (or even acknowledgement) for my achievements. I'm 33 but I can't live independently at the moment - possibly never - so I am stuck. No wonder I have this core belief that they don't love me, or even like me.



    I really wish I was born male sometimes. I don’t want to have to deal with a period. I don’t want to have children, and even if I do later I’ll adopt. It’s just a lot of s**t I dont want, and I’m scared/nervous about it.
    Also I’m moving at my moms house in three weeks, and my dad wants to move too. So both of my houses will move at the same time. I’m not looking forward to it, and I like both of my houses right now.
    And I think my dad wants to get married. I honestly don’t even know if they’re dating , but something he mentioned kind of suggests it I guess. I don’t dislike her, it would just be weird and I just don’t really know how I would feel about that.
    Also I need to move a fish to my new house and idk how to do that. He’s a nice fish. His name is Roomba


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    Luka Verheijen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being a man isn't all that either. While that's easy to say for a trans woman, men have big problems too. The problems of all genders need attention, not just one at tge time

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    I don’t know if this has been said, but the vilification of conservatives. We’re not all crazy, maniacal, homophobic, racist assholes. Some of us aren’t even white. Who knew?
    Most of us don’t really care what other people are doing, and aren’t standing around screaming in front of abortion clinics.
    One thing a friend told me was, just because I don’t agree with something doesn’t mean I don’t think others shouldn’t have the freedom to do it.
    Do what you want. Doesn’t affect me any. Just allow me the same courtesy.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Then stop supporting candidates who are trying to pass laws to prevent minorities from voting. Stop supporting candidates who push racist and homophobic policies. Stop supporting candidates who lie that the election was stolen.

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    I was sexually molested by my play dates father when he was drunk. My family are only concerned about their family reputation then seeking justice. Subsequently I left him a letter in his post and told him I what he did to me whilst drunk. He moved back to the city where I live and I cry myself to sleep at night reassuring myself that I’m safe and secure in my house and he can’t come back to hurt. I am sending letters to all the community telling them what he did to me so every time they see him they’ll stay far away.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm really sorry you went trough this. I hope you have other people around you who can support you and where you feel safe.

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    I dont know if this will ever be seen, but I hate how hard it is for me to work through my trauma. I have some nasty horror stories from childhood, but I cant work through them fast enough. I'm trying to take it slow so I don't get overwhelmed and frustrated, but it's just frustrating me more because of the fact that some of my friends are pushing me to work faster. It's hard. I don't like it. I have panic attacks and breakdowns and meltdowns because of the memories of things I've gone through and so I'm trying to take it slow but it's not good enough for my friends and I hate it. I want to go at my own pace but they keep shoving it on me and I want it to stop. I want it all to stop. If I hadn't failed at sewer slide so many times, I hate to say I might consider trying again, but I can't. I just..can't. I'm trying. I just want someone to be patient with me and to encourage me, not shove my entire past in my face all at once...


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree with AutisticPat. It's your past. You decide the how, when what etc. You're a strong person. You've lived trough your trauma. Take your healing proces one step at a time.

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    I'm in love with someone (or at least, I'm fairly sure, it's stronger than I've felt with anyone else I've dated) and have been for several years. They got married a while ago, and I hate their wife. I have no reason to besides being jealous and I feel bad about it, but I can't help it. I know he cares for her a lot, and everyone else enjoys being around her, but I can't do it without feeling sick to my stomach and mad.


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    Helen Haley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unsolicited advice, extricate yourself from this situation immediately. It will destroy your mental health. There is no good down this road.

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    I hear so many people say “ if I go somewhere else I don’t even need to learn any of their language because everyone in the world already speaks English.” Let me just say that even though English is one of the most spoken language, only about 13% of the world can speak it, and a lot of those people to a small extent. Americans are so confident that they don’t need to learn any language, but most people from other places would try their best to learn English for us! The places that speak English really well are Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, Ireland, UK, India, and Philippines. I think many Americans assume everyone speaks English because when they travel internationally, they don’t leave the tourist area where everyone has to speak English. But in reality, we should be supporting and giving respect to the the languages of people all over.


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    Jill Bussey
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had to laugh at this one. "People in the UK speak English really well." Yes, it's our native tongue and Americans speak English because a large percentage originated from Britain. America does not have its own language.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I really just want people to have the will to understand each other and be in harmony...maybe this world could be a better place,because this place is a mess and problems just spring up more needs to stop,im really tired,people just hurt each other and it just goes on and on and on,sometimes i wonder why its hard for people to simply just say the truth...i really want this to stop...i dont very much know if i still like people anymore,...they hurt you like its okay and still make you feel bad for scared for the world my children will come into💔


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    I'm fed up with explaining my fatique to people. My manager asked if it could be measured....


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    I wish people would cut the homeless some slack. Most homeless people aren't mentally-ill or drug addicts, they are just people whose lives got upturned, mostly due to a job loss.

    And more importantly, people have no idea how ridiculously difficult it is to get out of being homeless. Even with the help of shelters and homeless programs, it can take years to get into housing.

    Also, homeless people are PEOPLE, just like you and me. Stop de-humanizing them.



    I’m biromantic asexual
    I want to emancipate and travel the world and be free, and not be stuck in an office all day and even though i tell people i want to be an animator i feel that is not true, i just want to he a kid again, and live my life full of fun and happy memories but that can't happen as long as i am here, i need to be free i just need to breathe


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    Luka Verheijen
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We all want to travel these days, but we are more locked up than ever. At least we have fantasy were we can just travel without any trouble

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    I feel broken inside


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do you want to explain this in more detail? I'm trying to help people on this thread if you want to see my other comments. Reply to this so I will be aware of it.

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    Hi parents:

    1. I’m queer and you can’t just tell me to ‘forget about it’. It’s a part of me. Just like how I know medicine and caring for people is my calling. Why is one celebrated and the other shamed? I find it hilarious how I’m not allowed to even think about that pride and lgbtq s**t anymore. Mind control anybody?

    2. No, I’m not ok. Just because you told me to ‘be more happy’ and ‘don’t think about it’ doesn’t and didn’t miraculously cure my mental illnesses. Why is that you tell me to talk to you when I need to about mental health, and turn and say ‘no, you’re making it up. We are having none of this crap. Don’t try to trick us. You are so privileged, you can’t possibly be mentally ill.’ when I try to ask them for help. They canceled my therapy sessions by the way - because I was talking too much about gender diversity. Also, please don’t invalidate my pain. Just because you washed your family’s laundry from age 5 or that you broke a mirror and you dad slapped you doesn’t make it okay to tell me ‘we had it way worse and we turned out fine’.

    3. On a more positive note: I have been completely self harm free for 3 days! It’s been a daily thing since probably when I was 5 or 6 but I finally got 3 days. It’s been hard, but I am proud of myself. If you have a similar achievement, congratulations to you. I’m really proud.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even though acceptance is getting better in general, there is still a lot of division between people on this. It's s**t that you have to deal with the bad ones, but they really aren't people that you should give any time to. I know it's not as easy as saying that, but try to think of yourself being a better person than they are. Seriously well done on the self harm progress though. It means you want to get through it. Stay strong and keep telling yourself that you're doing great, even if it's every hour (even better to reinforce it). I hope you don't have a relapse but if you do, think of it as just being a blip. S**t happens and our mood changes, but I really hope you keep doing well.

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    Asking for help in a store and being greeted with, "what's up?"


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    Terilee Bruyere
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a woman who is 4'11", I've replied to that with "obviously not me".

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    I hate all the online ads nowadays. Any game developer can take two seconds to make some dumb rip-off of a game (ex: fallguys) and make a crappy ad for it. There are so many examples of other dumb ads, but the one I hate most is those stupid youtube ads claiming they have a 6-second trick that can save someone with diabetes. It always starts with "award-winning doctor" and proceeds to not even give a name. Just sounds like a 4th-grade writing assignment.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ads kinda suck but if watching/listening to them means that something is free, I don't really care.

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    Crop tops. I don't mean people wearing them- that's totally okay, you do you! Personally, I'd just like to be able to find more regular length shirts in stores ;u;. I don't wear crop tops myself so it's a little disheartening to find a really cute top only to discover that it's cropped. Of course, there are simple solutions such as thrift stores, online shopping, generally looking harder in a store, etc, but I'd love it if they had also had uncropped versions of things.


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    How inconsistent people are with "acceptance". My opinions and beliefs are not less valuable than yours. If I'm Christian and don't support your decisions, it's okay! Support does not equate with my view of you as a human being. If I decide to have a different opinion than you, I'm not automatically a bigot. If I don't want to affiliate myself with something, I'm not racist, -phobic, etc. "Safe space" means anything, right? So please, for the love of pizza rolls and anything holy, don't shut others down for their thoughts. Before you say anything, ask yourself, 'who is being stupid?' It could be you. "Acceptance" isn't just for the majority, "progressive" ideas. Acceptance is for everyone.


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    Pieter K
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Except when that acceptance would require acceptance of rejection. I think you mean tolerance. If someone is of the opinion that eg. homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt, I am under no obligation to accept or respect that opinion. I can tolerate it, as I have to accept that I most likely won't be able to change their mind.

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    I used to stalk my now boyfriend's IG account. He was a stranger to me, and we didn't run in the same circles. I randomly came across his account and developed a huge crush on him, would go down the rabbit hole and look into his history, his exes, etc. I learned some superficial things about his hobbies. Two years or so later, to my surprise (and after my crush had lessened) I matched with him on a dating app and made my move. I never told him about my internet stalking. I feel like it's far too late in the game to do so now.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It seems that you know that what you did was unethical and that's the main thing. Telling him could end your relationship but if you are honest with yourself and tell yourself you shouldn't have been like that, it can help to clear your conscience. Alternatively, as it was 2 years ago, you could say that you think you might have seen his account and remember some things about him. That way, you can get some of it off your chest without seeming like a stalker and get closure on it. Have a think first about exactly what things you would bring up and limit it to one or two so it seems like you barely remember.


    I already posted something but I have two more things to add, however they both irrelevant to the other post.

    1) I have a huge crush on a youtuber who's older than me and have no idea what to do
    2) I really want a moustache and a beard and had a dream where I had grown both (a curly handlebar moustache and a goatee. They were really impressive) and was forced to shave them off. I was more scared of this than my nightmares. Is this normal?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you love someone,tell em...but be patient,dont go out to tell em first,show em and let them feel the love,rhen when youre sure,tell them...but dont feel too bad if they say no


    I’ve got anxiety and depression and whenever life is going ok, I constantly think that something bad is just around the corner. I keep wondering when the next bad was going to happen. I’ve been on this happy high for 4 months and the next bad thing has just happened. And it’s probably going to last for the next few months. I’m just so tired. I wish I could press a fast forward button to when everything is alright again.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be honest, it's a really hard journey and bad things seem to knock you back when you least expect it. Part of it is due to the fact that you are expecting that to happen and it's not your fault. It's how anxiety and depression affect you. If you're not already, try to see a therapist. They can make a significant difference, but like I said, it will still be hard to shake the bad feelings off. When they come back, try to tell yourself that these things are bound to happen sometimes, but things will allso be okay for a while too. Try to focus on when you feel good and make sure that you pay attention to them so you will remember what it's like to feel better.


    Earliest s*icidal thoughts I remember were when I was 6. I legit can't remember a time pre-meds where I wasn't depressed. I've made so many suicide plans (never gone through, but I've come close). I'm on my third med. First one caused suicidal thoughts (screw you Prozac) although it helped my mood. Lexapro did nothing. My new med appears to be helping a bit, not as much as Prozac did in terms of mood, and while I am not suicidal I have troubles with s*lf h*rm. I probably have about 30 open cuts/scars. If I don't get better I may not live to see 20. If I had to guess what kills me I'd say myself. I hope I get better, but I'm not sure if I will.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry, that sounds horrible. I believe in you, you can get better <3

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    I'm trying hard not to turn into a total racist. I'm white and I tutor Chinese high schoolers in Australia. I know that lots of non-Asian families put pressure on their kids to perform well, but by the time I see these kids at 16-18 years old there's almost nothing left of a personality, optimism, or creativity. They're exam-drones and I absolutely hate tutoring them. I have two PhDs and almost every day I sit at work trying to explain to kids why they can't just 'formularize' an essay about literature (if they want to get top marks - and they ALL want top marks), and I hate myself and I hate them, and I hate the home culture that has done this to them. I feel like I've failed in life to have ended up doing this, because I've got medical/energy problems and I hate noise so I've basically bombed out of working in schools and there are no jobs in universities.


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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is NEVER a valid reason to become racist. I've also taught Chinese students and known about the same issues, but it's not their fault or their parents. The Chinese dictatorship demands that school is like that so they won't have independent thought and therefore question what they government is doing. I despise the government but I've also seen in the students' eyes how much they wish they didn't have to live there.

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    What's old is new Vinyl sucks (it sounds better the first time you play it; after that, it sounds like crap). Rotary phones suck. Typewriters suck. I grew up with these things and lovingly embraced the technology that replaced them.

    And another thing about modern technology: I was in a job interview, and the person interviewing me gave me a condescending look and asked, "Are you comfortable with computers?" Lady, I took programming classes in the 80s and saw computers sweep through the office scape. I was there for the first car phones, cellular phones, satellite phones and smart phones, and I could program a VCR/DVR/whatever else, thank you. I've been working with computers full time as a profession since 1984. Don't act like modern technology was invented by your generation--it came from mine! We aren't as mystified by technology as you may like to think.


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    Pink Floydian Panda
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are crazy if you think vinyl sucks. The difference is not in the material but in analog recordings being replaced by digital recordings and quality loss due to compression of digital recordings. Listen to a favorite album on analog vinyl and then listen to the digital recording and tell me they are even remotely the same.

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have The Wall on vinyl. Bought it when it first charted and loved it. When it came out on gold-plated CD, the vinyl went into the basement. Still enjoying the CDs. And BTW, the best way to listen to music is live. There is no recording medium that can compare.

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    albernistuff 4sale
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Too many folks assume: Old person=technophobe and young=computer whiz. Not true. I work IT for a UNIVERSITY, and a good majority of students DON'T understand computers very well. They just learn the rote steps to get to FB/Twit/insta/ticktok, and push their fear of the black magic in the box under the covers

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    IKR? I taught my kids how to use computers. I've taught others how to use various programs. And I'm the one who supposed to be bothered by tech. I'm not intimidated by it as much as I think some of the stuff is dumb. I don't know the ins and outs of smart appliances, and am not interested. I know how to do laundry and make up a shopping list, thank you.

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    Tiny Dynamine
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Vinyl is the best quality audio there is. It is as simple as that and the consensus will always tell you the same thing.

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    actually typewriters are really fun-- just not to use long term or for anything thats not recreational.

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    I’m so sick and tired about how real life/world change is unreachable and never seems to come. So I always hope for a full blown anarchistic society to begin that even government can’t touch.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Changing the world is only unreachable when people who want change like you and me decide that there's nothing they can do and sit back and do nothing. Do anything you can to make the world a better place. Even if you only make a tiny fraction of the world better, you can know that you did something good. And then maybe someone else will see what you did and decide to make the world just a little bit better too.

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    I want to slap my mother in law and throw her out of our lives. I'm 3 months pregnant with our first child and she's sent me to my parents Over the SIN that I TURNED HER INLAWS PICTURE DOWN coz it was reflective and making me nauseous. The inlaws she separated from after 1 year of marriage.
    Ps. I'm south asian, we live in joined family, with inlaws after marriage, it's common


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    Terilee Bruyere
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think I am misreading what you are saying. A picture was reflective? I totally get the making you nauseous part.

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    Don’t allow hurtful people to rent space in your head!


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    Because of immigration issues I have not seen my children or my husband in nearly 19 months. I’m fairly certain I’ve become a functioning alcoholic.


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    I’m starting to hate myself. I’m angry and confused and anxious. I had depression and anxiety two years ago and I thought it was gone, it even worse now. My parents don’t listen to me. I’m midway through a conversation and something else is more important. The only time they notice me if when they’re fighting, and they try to get me to side with one of them. I’m losing friends at school, all they want is the be popular. I’m suddenly the weird kid, everyone looks at me weird when I talk to them. I don’t know my sexuality. Three years ago I think I fell in love with another girl but I keep denying what I feel.
    I’m hating myself more and more. I started hurting myself, I’m having panic attacks where I’m in tears and I can’t breathe. I haven’t had suicidal thoughts but I want to suffer. I feel like I deserve it.
    What’s wrong with me?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m so sorry that you are having to go through this. I can’t even imagine the pain you must be feeling. Please know that you do not EVER deserve to suffer. From what I hear you are a good person who is going through sh*t. I don’t know where you are from, but this is the suicide hotline for the United States 1-800-273-8255. You do not have to be suicidal to use it, if you need someone to listen it is there for that too. Please know that I and your fellow pandas have your back. You are loved. <3

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    People need to stop fakeclaiming systems because of fictives. Michael is a fictive in our (possible. Under 18 so can't be diagnosed) system and he's faced the most discrimination, fake memories and self-doubt than any of us. Fictional introjects (fictives) are real. It doesn't matter if they're super canon conforming or don't conform to canon at all. They're very real and very valid. Mike, we're proud of you. Remember, you're real dude! You matter so much to us!!!



    today my wife told me she has fallen out of love with me. after her breakdown a year after our


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    In a couple of weeks I’m due to have minor surgery. I still have to be knocked out. Over the years, I’ve had issues with my bp. I do what I can to keep it in check. I’m still nervous about the surgery and my bp causing an issue to where I may not wake up or I could have a stroke. We tried once to do the surgery, in August, but bp was too high and had to post pone. It doesn’t feel like that big of a deal, but deep down, I feel like I’m kidding myself and and very nervous. I know that doesn’t help my bp either.



    The pelt that is growing on it!


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    People over-apologizing. If you did something wrong, you need to say you're sorry once. JUST ONCE. I heard you the first time, I accept your apology. Put it behind you. Everybody bungles.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Overapologising is the sign of someone with serious social anxiety, especially someone who is used to being abused and raised to think they are worthless and incapable of value. Perhaps you should talk to this person and reassure them that you see them as a person and that they don't need to feel so much shame and fear that they feel the need to constantly apologise to you. Something like that can really do a lot for someone.

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    When I was a kid my parents got me a teddy Ruxpin I loved it until his eye fell out one night think he fell out off my bed I was gutted my mum fixer of all glued his eye back in so he resembled a stroke victim soon after that his other eye got knocked out again my mum glued it back in. His eyes would twitch and quiver like he was having a seizure and never fully closed. Creeped me right out! Can recall it vividly my mum thought she was doing a good deed and would never have told her any different but really teddy Ruxpin became the thing of nightmares.


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    My cat.


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    I was responsible for a cosplayer leaving Facebook = Zero f*#%ks given


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