It can be anything from you stole a pencil in second grade, to falling out of love with your partner.


Still haven't forgiven someone. I don't think I ever will. Told them it was fine, to just try and forget about it and move on. I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgiven.


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    I have a supervisor that avoids situations they don't want to deal with. They also over explain and repeat themselves multiple times. I found out why they do this, if they appear to be 'helping' someone they get a break from their actual work. It's pretty sneaky actually. Even realizing this I personally find the overexplaining insulting because they talk to me like I'm an idiot. Last time they did this I told them, "I completely understand! I got it!" and they still repeated themselves but did it in a reprimanding tone. It's like they are asserting their dominance or something. Regarding their avoidance, part of being a supervisor is defusing difficult situations. Well you are completely alone to deal with an irate customer on your own if they are working that day. They will just feed you what to say (even if it is something you already told the customer) and then they will dip to not have to deal with it. So you are stuck with this screaming customer on your own. Disclaimer: Repeating what you just told the customer that made them mad will just make them madder. If you have ever been in customer service sometimes the customer just needs to hear the same thing from someone else(preferably a supervisor or manager) to assure they aren't able to break you or get their way. Nope you are left for dead with said screaming customer. And the supervisor makes it out to be like I am incompetent since I can't handle it on my own. I am not a supervisor or manager so I am really limited in what I can even offer the customer anyways since I have no authority. Management is completely obvious to the fact they do this. This person will also throw you under the bus in two seconds and won't stick up for you.

    Thanks you for allowing me to rant!


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    I recently found out my Dad is in an abusive relationship with my step-mother.

    He confided in me recently. It made me think of something that happened a few years ago. She yelled at him in front of me. She cursed at him and threatened to divorce him. "F___ you! I will divorce our a___ in three seconds!". All while waving her finger in his face. I was dumbfounded and thought she was just very stressed and gave her the benefit of the doubt. Did not know what to say. To this day I wish I had said, "Do not talk to my Dad like that!". Same lady scolded me for jokingly calling him a doofus, he's a silly Dad. What did my Dad do to deserve her screaming at him? He simply agreed with someone she disagreed with. She saw this as a lack of loyalty to her that he dare agree with another person. I also found out my Dad has no control over his life. His clothes, his house, his own glasses. She picks everything. She talks like he didn't know how to dress himself before she came a long. He dressed fine and had his own style. I found out also that if I don't do 'right' by her she punishes him. Also her demands aren't fair because sometimes I don't even know I did anything wrong. One time she blasted me because I didn't text her directly after she had surgery. I had been texting with my Dad and she slept the whole first day. I texted her the next day trying not to disturb her the day before. I would have hated to wake her. No, this wasn't good enough. She called me selfish and threw in my face that she knows I texted her Dad the day before and that I should be ashamed I didn't text her. That I was a selfish brat and inconsiderate. It happened again later when I did not text her when she wanted and she threatened to disown me. I cried for a whole day. My Dad texted me pleading with me to say I'm sorry and text her. I told him that I felt disrespected by her and she needed to say sorry too. That just because someone makes a mistake doesn't mean you can treat them like trash especially since I showed her how upset I was over my mistake. She never did. I'm scared to text her in fear I will get my Dad punished. To her it is his fault because he raised me wrong even though I am an adult. My Dad also said she will not let him see me if she is mad at me. I hate how much control she has over me and my Dad's relationship. My Dad said he can handle the yelling and has developed a defense mechanism to dealing with it. I wish there was something I could do to help him out of this. He doesn't deserve to be yelled at. He is the nicest guy. She lives her life like she is the only person alive allowed to be human but everyone else, no mercy!

    Thanks for listening!


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