Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Think Someone Needs To Hear Right Now?
Everyone can be going through different circumstances and problems. I think it can be good to hear in the middle of that some encouragement. Let's share some love with each other ❤️
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Hey, to the people who are going through the school day as the popular kid: don't get cocky about it.
Everyone gets dragged down by overpowering selfish narcissism. I don't care if its because you are number 1 on your football team or if you just aced all of your exams. Be humble, because the ones who look up to you will reflect your actions. Never just assume people hang out with you just because of your popularity, either. They hang out with you because of who you are.
Also, remember that you are never truly the top dog. There is always someone who is older, more experienced, more talented, or more charismatic. Don't be disheartened, but don't be angry either. Rise to the occasion and learn from them.
OK, I think my TED Talk is over.
There is nothing wrong with you because you are different.
The world will tell you that, but don't believe it. The world was never changed by people in society's comfort-zone. It is always the outcasts, the poets, the dreamers, the radicals...the ones who dared be different, that changed the world.
It's okay to feel bad, angry, sad. It's okay to ask for help, for a hug . It's okay to fail . You're human. You're stronger than you think. Take all the time you need for you. Nobody has the right to judge you for feeling this way. Courage, try not to give up. I don't know what you're going through, but I hope you'll see a little light in the dark. Life is unfair, I know. It's hard, I know....but please try to keep this in mind: you are enough. you matter.
To all the people in school thinking they aren't good enough
You matter, there is someone out there for you and they will care deeply for you. Hold on to the friends you have now and don't go chasing for people who don't care for you. You are loved by your friends and family so cherish them deeply. Don't listen to people's hurtful words they're just jealous of you. You're beautiful inside and out.
Most social media is basically a toxic void of random people you will never meet who hate you for no reason. The important thing to remember is that these people don’t act like that in real life, and most people in real life are very reasonable. So just turn off the internet and take a walk once in a while.
This absolutely needs to be heard. For that here’s an upvote.
Most bases have been covered here, but i have one- sleep. Sleep is incredibly important and i see way too many kids thinking that going without it is cool or makes them unique. The best thing for your health is to actively try to get enough sleep. Get off your phone before going to bed. Don't get up in the middle of the night to eat. Don't try to stay up all night cause your friends are doing it. It's dumb and it harms your health. Make good decisions
To those who feel out of place:
You will find your people. I promise you, you are enough. You don't need to change to be loved. I know it's hard to believe right now. But you will be okay. You are loved.
You're not alone.
Nobodys perfect.
So give yourself a break, relax and take care of you then worry about others.
1)People who cry are strong, because crying is a healthy way to release emotions.
2) Same with laughing. It helps with stress.
3) Everyone is unique, kind of like fingerprints. No one of us is precisely the same. So why do we bully these differences?
Hey, friendski. YOU are an AMAZING PERSON. If you are reading this, you deserve ALL THE CUDDLES. (Unless you're Brooklynn. Then proceed to stick your head in the dirt, you butt mushroom) 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Love you guys!
You’re doing great! You’re trying your very best at the moment and that’s amazing. I know that it’s hard, life kicks you in the a*s very hard, you just want to give up and have it all end. But you’re still here and you’re doing good. I blieve in you, I don’t know what any of you are going through but I have faith that you will do better than you are now and will be the person you want to be. Set up small goals if you don’t have much motivation. It could be something like eat one carrot a day or complete one page of your assignment today. Small goals like these could maybe help reduce how often you feel overwhelmed. Remember, if life gives you lemons, squirt the lemon juice into life’s eyes and make it suffer
Things are never what they seem.
Also, get off your damn phone and be present in the moment.
You matter and it’s okay to cry, everyone who cry’s is human
mass amount of respect to you! it's fully okay to cry, it's expressing your feelings. as they say, tears are words the heart can't express.
I am very tired right now, and I know that all of you are also probably very tired right now, and so now I am going to take a nap and you all should do the same.
"I am where I am, and that's OK."
I got this mantra from an Abraham /Hicks audio that came with a book I bought years ago but only recently discovered just when I needed it the most.
I made a poster of this and taped it to my fridge.