What is something you think is ruining society, human lives, etc.


CEO’s hoarding billions of dollars that will most likely never even be close to being spent.



    the russian government. no further explanation needed.



    Putin he’s causing war in Ukraine



    Society itself.

    The rich are getting richer and are above the law because they pay politicians to pass laws that benefit them. Somebody accuses them of a serious crime like rape? Just pay them off and they'll go away. If they won't take a bung, pay someone to make it look like a suicide.

    Consumerism is out of control. Almost £1000 for a phone that doesn't do much more than a £100 phone. And people pay it. Why do they pay it? As a status symbol. Nothing more, nothing less. I find so repulsive and shallow, always trying to have the most expensive of everything. Shoes that cost thousands. Is it because they are comfier than cheaper shoes? Hell no. They are heels. They are the least comfortable thing you could put on your feet! The answer is, it's because they are expensive and people want other people to know how much they have spent, just on shoes. That's why Louboutins are so desirable - the red sole gives them away to anyone that cares. Then there's planned obsolescence. Don't get me started on that.

    A few quick ones to finish: Big pharma, propaganda led 'state-of-fear' politics, animal cruelty, 'trickle down' economics, high profit = low pay, prejudice, war, murder, rape, abuse, intolerance, self-service tills, selfishness, housing, famine, drought, narcissism, mental health support...

    Most, if not all of the problems and threats that humanity faces are caused by society itself.

    We could solve world hunger if we wanted to.
    We could solve homelessness, poverty, drought.

    It's not that we can't. It's that we just don't want to.
    And that's why I have chosen society.

    Thanks for reading.



    Social media. And how big business avoids paying taxes and only recently are being made to work towards being more sustainable, while the consumer is shamed for not separating their wastes well enough like that's the core of the problem.


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    Madeleine Flowers
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pandas, do you consider this to be social media? I remember one person who said anything you can comment on or upvote is social media, but wouldn't that make my Duolingo Forums social media? I want to know what you think. Also, I agree, Susie.

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    Indoctrination replacing education. Young people should be taught how to question, not told what to think/believe.



    Beauty Standards. At this point 10 year olds are trying to look like the fking Kardashians. Like no-



    Social Media, Worshiping Influencers, and Idolizing reality tv stars like the Kardashians.


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    J Sizz
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's funny, as I read this and upvote, there's an ad for Peacock with the Kartrashians right above it.

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    Facts being mistaken for opinions and vice versa. Science/sensibility being discarded for emotionss/sensitivity.


    The rift between the one per cent at the top of the food chain and the rest getting bigger by the minute AND legislation/taxation AIDING in that.

    Exploiting the environment for financial gain with "Creating jobs here!" being a valid excuse.



    Social Media. It has poisoned my generation and completely shattered the one growing up with it now. Everything is artificial, nothing is genuine and self-worth is measured in comparison to the image others paint of themselves. This will be the downfall of modern society.


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    Madeleine Flowers
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again, do you consider BP to be social media? I'd love to hear what you think. And I agree.

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    "Alternative facts"

    There is no such thing.


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    Cheyanne Pavan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And the idea of "neutrality" that means if you present one side, you have to give equal attention and consideration to the other side in all situations. Some things are just plain wrong (racism, homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, alternative facts, etc) and the "other side" doesn't deserve equal validation!

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    Lack of empathy....it is a ME ME ME culture now-a-days,What happened to US ?


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    Cheyanne Pavan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You get what you give. If you are compassionate, people will show compassion to you.

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    Selfishness and greed. We could accomplish so much as a species if we helped eachother or didnt squabble over the simplest things.


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    Cheyanne Pavan
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind." (Henry James)

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    not trying to be that guy but tiktok. Granted, some of it's funny and creative but all the other stuff is just messed up. I hope it dies with this generation


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    Man in the ceiling
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can’t help but agree with you about TikTok. Somewhat ok, but mostly a nasty platform full of pure degeneracy.

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    "Influencers", Tik Tok challenges etc


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I get so embarrassed with this especially when people are hospitalized because of these challenges like the tide pod and I'm sorry but I don't feel sympathy for them, just angry at their stupidity

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    Society being ruled by status.

    This is my first year in middle school, and until now I didn't know how much people cared about fame and/or popularity. It seems that just because you wear the most expensive clothes or shoes, or you're great at sports, you're automatically admitted into a higher status than most people.

    If there's one thing I've learned about status, is that it has nothing to do with enjoying life. I am not popular at ALL. But me and my friends are getting by just fine. I love my friends, even though we aren't popular.

    Just because we aren't famous, or because we may be a bit weird, or because we aren't good at sports, that doesn't make us bad people. Status is ruining friendships and relationships. All I'm saying is that if you happen to be popular at school, good for you. Just don't become arrogant and selfish. And to those who aren't, you don't need a high status to live a happy life.

    Thanks for reading, and f*ck society.



    Corporations that create the most waste and pollution, and our government that allows them to keep doing it.



    The Republican party.


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    Who the What
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And the Democrat party. Political parties in general, actually. Fork politics.

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    People that are against science and intellectualism. People hate being told they're wrong or what they believe in isn't the way to go, even if the facts state otherwise. Look at everyone that acted like the COVID vaccine/mandates were a ploy to control people. Look at everyone trying to get certain books banned just because they feel "uncomfortable" with the history. No one wants to grow as a person. They would rather put down the so called "smart elites" and achieve their own personal victory over their personal Goliath.


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    People hiding behind religion to justify horrific actions. Especially when their religion is against that, because it leads people to hate a religion (or religion in general) that is really innocent, and about love. Christianity isn't homophobic, people are.



    The total destruction of trust due to lies, falsehoods, manipulation, greed, in all facets of society. There is not one sector that is trustworthy any longer. We are all being lied to on such an epic scale that one must question everything.



    Small minds addled with fear of change and whose view of success is measured against the misery of others. These people are legion in number, easily manipulated, resistant to facts, and both active and vocal in getting their hate filled fantasies legislated into law. See “Critical Race Theory” and “Don’t Say Gay” for the latest foolery.


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    C Pope
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would add, "divisive name-calling" to the list. Just because someone values things differently doesn't make them wrong. You can respect someone without agreeing with them. One might even argue that the angry and intolerant mind is "small."

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    People identifying themselves with their political party. It just makes it so that, rather than having a discussion when you disagree, you yell and scream and insult any time someone says something your party doesn't like. Please stop. Listen to the other side. They might be wrong, but they're still people, and hearing views we don't agree with is how we grow.


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    Cheyanne Pavan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We could gain a lot by trying to find common ground when possible and by embracing a spirit of cooperation rather than contention.

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    Misogyny and all forms of sexism. (Even though they've unfortunately been around forever.) It all needs to end.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is sad that this is so low. Nobody seems to care about defeating sexism in this thread. And its getting worse than before. Look at all the gender reveal parties

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    Ninjas. Those guys just have to ruin EVERYTHING, don't they?


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    C Pope
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ninjas need love too. I propose we have "Hug a Ninja Day..." if'n you can find 'em 😁

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    Morons who think wearing a mask and/or getting vaccinated takes away their freedom. heaven forbid they think of the greater good, ffs. asssssssssssssssssssholes!


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    Hailey B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like I understand being a little slow to get the vaccine at first when it was still sketchy, but now it’s been proved safer than Covid. My school doesn’t require masks(Florida) so I don’t wear one, but I’m vaccinated and I’ve been exposed multiple times and never got it. Even then, if I am asked to wear a mask, either by someone who wants to feel safer or by a company employee who is enforcing company policy, I comply. It’s the right thing to do. It’s a pandemic. It won’t go away if people are refusing to take safety precautions. Like seriously, either get your vaccine or wear a mask/shield/both if you’re asked. The people refusing to do these things are usually the ones getting sick and blaming it on others saying that they shouldn’t have to wear a mask because the other person shouldn’t be sick. People make me feel smart. I’m not that smart. Grown adults make a freshman feel like a collage graduate. And people wonder why Covid is still here.

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    News media, especially conservative outlet that traffic in fear, propoganda and outright lies


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    J. F.
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, every political media outfit does the same, the only difference is the topic and intention behind it

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    The fact that half of all the money of the world is possessed by 5% of people. This makes a big inegality between humans.


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    Susanne B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No they are not all the same. Some are much nicer thant others

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    The idea of work. I am not a snowflake and believe you should earn what you get. But we all only have one life on this planet. It really is such a gift when you think about it. Even if you believe in an afterlife or past lives, you're not going to remember them so you, as you are, are never going to be again. And we waste so much of our lives being miserable at jobs we hate. I'm so tired of wishing my life away; wishing the day was over, wishing it was the weekend, wishing it was time for a vacation. Wishing I could be somewhere else. It's such a shame. Even if you love your job, or own your own business, there's a part of labor that is tedious and you may be neglecting your kids or your marriage is failing because of money concerns, trying to stay above water.... I know other systems have failed but I feel like we're really in this place of having to hate such a big part of our lives. There's this fight between people who would read this and say 'you should get a better education' and the people who say to forego education and debt and "be smart and learn a trade" when, really, neither feel like an answer to the overall problem. It affects people who even like what they do and aren't in debt. Maybe in 200 years they're figure out that this is such a horrible time in history to live. They'll figure out a better way. But for now we're all stuck in this money/labor system that is stealing so much of our time. If you aren't someone with a innate talent, finding something to do with your life to make money and not want to hate every minute of it is a lifelong challenge.


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    Mir Adwari
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We've always had to do things we don't want to in order to survive. Ancient man was always hunting for food or would starve. That was not an easy life. Then the Agricultural Revolution allowed humans to change from a hunting and gathering subsistence to one of agriculture and animal domestication. Hard work. Followed by the Industrial Revolution... ALL of these were hard lives for the majority. I'm no history expert (probably obvious!) but why would we expect life ever to be easy? To be primarily about fun or purely about what we wanted to do? Is that really reasonable? It is easier today for many of course, and we've actually created a world where we do have activities purely for fun. Maybe that's the weird (though fantastic) part. Should that be the main thrust of our existence? I don't have an answer to the problem posted but it seems to me that the expectations might be the issue.

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    Instagram influencers and models saying "girls look at how perfect I am! See that number? Those are my followers, only those that love me ofc 💁‍♀️"


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    More annoying that these self obsessed people is when they are in the news sites. Like it is actual news. Imagine someone wanting for so long wanting to be a journalist and then having to report this tripe.


    Facebook (sorry, showing my age - meta!) and text messaging - no one bothers with calling any longer… short messages and ‘look at me’ posts are all you get. Sad…


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As an extreme introvert who absolutely hates being on the phone, I don't get the judginess towards texting or posting on Facebook. I just don't see how one is better than the other. It's simply a way to communicate. Some prefer it, others don't. Neither one is invalid. It's not like people can't be "look at me" through voice communication.

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    People that are Woke, indoctrination of young school children into a particular agenda. people that attempt to destroy history and replace it. People that use the race card against people they simply don't agree with.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So many definitions of woke. By the way, I'm old enough to remember when it was called, having your consciousness raised

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    Celebrating people who do nothing, i.e., the Kardashian's/Jenner's.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    By do nothing you mean do nothing helpful right? Because they waste a lot of Oxygen

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    Lack of interest in how the human mind works. We are pushed and pulled around by primitive instincts that help us survive in some ways, but are out of control in many ways, causing greed, anger, and anxiety. It seems that few people take the time to understand how the mind works and free themselves from unhealthy mental habits.


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    J. F.
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We should teach people the very important question "Why?" - Finding a reason behind a thought or action is often the solution to a lot of problems

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    Minding everyone's business but your own...and I don't mean in a concerned about your health and welfare kind of way.


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    Everything has a negative label.

    Hypocrisy. Some people are tweeting that capitalism is wrong, what are you tweeting from? That new iPhone you bought? What'cha got there? A coffee from Starbucks?

    The amount of ignorant people in this world drives me to the edge.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Few systems are entirely wrong, but people love to tear things down completely if they're not perfect. Gotta jump on that bandwagon of opinions. Maybe that accounts for the increase in depression and anxiety these days, people are hypercritical of everything including themselves.

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    Old people who have a grim determination to ensure younger people have as miserable a time as they did 'back in the old days'

    Corrupt governments (ours in particular, UK)

    Tax evasion by rich people, working every fiddle to make sure they have more money to spend on tasteless tat

    Privatisation of public services, utilities and healthcare

    Ecological genocide by multinational companies pushing the emphasis on 'saving the planet' onto consumers / ordinary folk rather than tackling it at the root



    People who are easily offended!


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    C Pope
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." 🙏

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Rudeness and impoliteness, and how kids and teens get away with talking back to their parents. And greediness with money and time.
    I hate this attitude, "time is money, so either pay me to talk to me or f**k off."
    I guess that would also coincide with over-valuing money.
    It doesn't take much time to say "thank you" and acknowledge someone's else's thank you. Same with saying "goodbye" or "b'bye" and allowing the other person to also say "bye".

    Impatience is another big problem society has.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, how freaking uptight do you have to be to get upset over "bye" instead of "goodbye." Should we stop using contractions? Jesus.

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    Social media


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    If some people would take the time to realize that they aren’t the center of the universe


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    Propaganda, just about everything you see on TV or in the movies or on the news is someone trying to brainwash you into their way of thinking. We buy into it. They lead us around by our noses and we let them.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm gonna post something to my own post here. Please start seeing what is really happening here. It's the powers that be. My country and yours. Please start recognizing that we are being led to the water, that they want us to drink. It's all a set up.


    People Googleing random stuff and trying to fight scientists with the dang wikiHow answer


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    When you dig, sometime even just a little, there's greed underneath everything that can or has go wrong in society.

    War? Greed. Politic? Greed. Human exploitation? Greed. Global decline of wealth, health and education? Greed. Climate change? Greed. And so on...



    The fact that I have a bleeding disorder but the insurance people that are examining my test results to see if Its severe enough to get treatment don’t understand that the lower the number, the more you have it. My brother had the same test and his number was like 90, and mine was 45ish, but sense the insurance person isn’t a doctor, they didn’t understand. And now my brother can be funded to get treatment, but i can’t. I know this isn’t a big thing in general but my family has a lot of problems with this kinda thing, considering that my father, grandfather, and aunt are disabled and my mom has multiple disorders......


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    No One
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Insurance companies are in the business of denying treatment, hoping you'll die or give up. I had an insurance company that routinely threw my dentist's bills away and swore they didn't receive them. We had to send them certified mail.

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    lack of responsibility and deadbeats. guys, don't use a girl for her body and then when she gets pregnant with YOUR child that you made with YOUR damn swimmers. Take some responsiblity ffs. dont have sex if you cant bare the responsibility of becoming a father. simple as that. As a psychology student, I know how important the role of a father is and it upsets me when their are millions of children growing up without a father figure. Its honestly shocking how common and normalised absent fathers have become. But i'm not a hypocrite; ladies ( and b4 u come at me, i'm a girl) dont have sex if u dont wanna get pregnant. stop using abortion unnesasarily. it does more harm than good. Take some responsibilty for your actions and be a mother.


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    Natalie Kirman
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes using a condom isn't enough to stop a pregnancy, there are plenty of men who remove the condom without the woman's permission or knowledge, then they go off without telling the woman they removed the condom.

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    Social media's perspective on a lot of things. Such as fake beauty from filters, Photoshop, face tune etc. It makes a lot of young People very insecure and unhappy with how they look. I wish People could be more honest.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    The fact that people get ridiculed for being smart as a kid and wind up being afraid to show it as adults. What's so dorky/uncool about knowing things as opposed to being shallow-minded and obsessed with a reflection in a glass surface?



    People adopting ideas because they "feel right" or "seem good."

    Just because you can't think if a reason the cause you've chosen could be wrong doesn't mean it's right.

    I'll give an example that will seem obvious to most people now but was nearly unthinkable 25 years ago. In the mid nineties, if you asked someone why antibiotics could cause problems, the vast majority of people would not be able to think of a single reason. (There were a small number that had ideas about antibiotic resistance but usually the answer was more and different antibiotics) now we know that we need healthy microbiota for us to be healthy.

    TLDR: Just because it seems right, doesn't mean it is. It just means you don't know enough. Everything has a down side.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think everyone espousing an idea should be required to describe the problems their chosen course will cause.

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    People thinking they are better than someone else or something else or another group or ethnicity just because they are not the same. Large egos are usually just annoying, but when these people become high on the chain of command, all hell breaks loose. Hitler, (please don’t hate, it’s a real example) killed people because of their religion, race, disability, or anything that he thought made them inferior. He wanted her master race because he thought he was better than everyone else. If people today have that mentality, it probably won’t result in genocide, but mass chaos. America is called the free country, but we have to pay to hold our children after they are born. We have to pay for an ambulance ride. We have to pay to enter the hospital. And it’s not cheep. The American health system is designed for the rich, the high class, the CEOs and business managers making millions of dollars a year. Here in America, there is already a large number of people acting as if they are the only ones that matter. We have to pay for simple health care because the government hoards money and prioritizes large companies or ones that have important people and big names. Schools have to do constant fundraisers if they have people going for free. Again, the government hoards money. The large company CEOs getting paid millions refuse to let their pay decrease even slightly because they don’t want to have a slightly smaller house or have to use slightly less power and electricity, or watch a few less channels on the TV. You get my point, people who think of themselves as superior don’t care about the others who are struggling to even get proper healthcare or a decent education are complete self absorbed, egotistical, spoiled rotten Aholes who completely ruin society and make other peoples lives a living hell. And they don’t care. They probably sit on their couches and watch documentaries about injustices in the world and feel bad, but they don’t realize the injustice is because of people like them. (PS. I am not saying all rich people are evil. The government is not evil. People, however, can be evil. They don’t have to be rich to be evil, and not all rich people are evil. Statistically, though, about 53% of people making a wage above 800k a year will be more likely to not care about the ones struggling. If they have that kind of money, they most likely worked hard for it, but it doesn’t change that they don’t struggle as much as others who are making minimum wage at like $10 an hour.) also sorry for the large paragraph/essay, but if it is wanted, I could write an entire essay about this.



    This social media platform not letting me comment back on comments left without authorized approval?? Wtf ?


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    Cartoon Fan Girl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's so people actually know who's replying to a comment. Or what-not.


    Cancel Culture.
    ow I'm not saying what we shouldn't shut someone down for something they say (*cough* *cough* Alex Jones *cough*), but the fact that on social media we now have to fear that anything we say might get us cancelled just because one person got offended by it.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's definitely problematic. Like, there are some people/things that absolutely SHOULD be cancelled, and it's a matter of finally holding people accountable who haven't been held accountable before. But it's also often applied hypocritically or performatively. The Academy banning Will Smith while ignoring Harvey Weinstein's decades-long behavior is a prime example.


    I am ruining society. In fact, all of us are doing that if all we do is type on a keyboard that "corporations are ruining society", "social media is ruining society", "conservatism is ruining society", etc. If all of us don't get off our butts and, minimally, vote (It gives one the RIGHT to grumble about results even if voting appears useless), demonstrate, boycott, complain to politicians at every opportunity, write letters doing the same, oppose those who deny climate change while lining their pockets, in short, confront and engage those in charge as it appears the human race is running out of time for "polite discussion" in a world being willfully destroyed by humans.


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    Madeleine Flowers
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm too young to vote, but when I'm able to, I will. Also, yes! The people denying climate change! If we don't do something about then it's going to be a long and painful death.

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    Snowflakes and their cancel culture. Oh no, there is something that is mildly offensive to a tiny minority, we better change it for everyone! Get a backbone. You can't be offended at everything and if you are, keep it to yourself because no one. f*cking. cares.


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    Hailey B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean, if you make a small group feel offended, it’s still not good. If you take the Genshin players at a store or restaurant or school or work and offend them by saying that they are addicted to their device and have no life, you might not care, but they care. You can’t just offend someone and not care. I can understand if something is said not meant as an offense and someone takes it the wrong way, but intentionally Saul r something that could be rude is NOT ok. I get where you’re coming from, but please rephrase. Please.

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    Me. Or rather, the bell curve of human nature, as epitomized by me. One on end of the curve, a small percentage of humans actively try to make the world a better place, lifting us into the future even at cost to themselves. On the other, a small percentage will burn the world down and drag us back to the Dark Ages for another dollar, or for power, or hatred. In the middle your have the great mass of complacent humanity, mostly being decent people, but not making any great sacrifices nor doing any great harm. Trouble is, it’s orders of magnitude easier to tear down than to build, or to convince the complacent that it’s in their best interest help others rebuild, or to fortify or defend from those who want to tear it down or keep it all for themselves. It’s always a problem for someone else, or for another day. We keep making progress, but backsliding makes that progress slow, painful and costly.

    I count myself among the complacent and the passive, because I’m just some sad sack trying to provide for my family and make my way in the world while doing minimal harm (though as a consumer that “minimal” is pretty relative), but not taking the time or the risk to really make a difference. I always think I should, but then I just want to spend time with my wife and my dog and cat, and play my guitar, and live a quiet, peaceful life. I’m well aware that what quiet and peace I’ve managed to find are a happy accident of birth, race, gender and geography. I’m a white guy in a West Coast city in the US, and I don’t really have much to fear. I live in a one bedroom apartment, I have minor debt and no savings, and I will likely never be able to retire, but I’ve got it pretty good compared to much of humanity.

    While people like Putin and Assad and Kim and Trump (oh, he’s as bad at heart, he’s just not as smart, and thus far we have at least a few safe guards in place to keep that sociopath from being the tyrant king of the USA that he wants to be) are trying to tear it all apart, I should be doing more to actively fight it. I try my best to be a good person, and I’ve had moments where I put it all on the line for someone else—like staying with a shooting victim while the shooter was at large—but mostly, though I am not evil, I am why evil men can do what they do. I let them, then I shake my head, or shed a tear, and I go back to work, or to band practice, or the TV. So, your answer is “me.” And, statistically, probably you.


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    the way some people tend to think that one has just to do a revolution to solve things. they don't get that after it's the dictatorship. democracy isn't perfect, but it is by far the best we have


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    Sin. Hate. Destruction. Lies. Impatience. Violence. Murder.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So apparently I need to explain: none of this is religious, sin is the universal word for doing things against common sense.

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    People that use "Autistic" as an insult. Also trumpsters.


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    The idea that things should be "fair". Life just isn't fair. Life is not having everything being equal. We still would not have everyone have the same results. Having a generation think that because it isn't fair means they are some how getting less of a chance to do well is wrong.


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    Emmett O'Brian
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So if both our grandfather's bought a hundred acres of land to farm, and the local farmers stole your grandfather's land, not compensating him for it at all, don't you think that would give me an economic leg up over you? Because that's exactly what happened to people's farms and homes in the US.

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    The internet.


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    Cheyanne Pavan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Religions/religious practices can be exceptionally beautiful, but can also be misused as "the opiate of the masses" – disconnecting disadvantaged people from the here & now and dulling their engagement in progressive politics.

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    Old People f*****g everything up for the next generation.
    We will have to fix the goverment, the people who were indoctrinated by values completly killing society, and greed.
    People hating each other by the COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. How stupid is that.
    People hating people part of the LGBTQ+ community who are doing nothing to them.
    Disgusting Beauty standards, and kids pagents. Instead of making a smarter better generation the are making a pretty one.
    religon in politics. You know what POLITICS ITSELF.
    The major issue though is GREED.


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    Emmett O'Brian
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Chill with the "old people" hate. You don't like racism or hate for LGBTQ+ but it's okay to hate people because they're older than you? If it's pollution you hate, leave the old people out of it. I grew up wanting to fix the environment too. We fought corporations to end the use of really nasty chemicals. There were bigger fish to fry like the ozone layer, acid rain and we were really concerned with plastic waste. Co2 is bad, but there wouldn't be a planet if we didn't concentrate on those. You're using a computer. You're using electricity. YOU are also the problem. It's the old people that have worked for decades to make wind power cheap enough to compete with gas. They've slaved to make solar efficient. How many solar technologies have you developed. Have you actually done ANYTHING to fix the problem? Us old people have.

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    Republicans and Fentanyl


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    No One
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    However, if you combine the two in large quantities, the result could be most satisfying.

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    Social Media.


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    Uhhh...people. Human beings. That's the number one problem. We are a plague on our planet and to everything else unfortunate enough to have to live here with us.



    To isolate one "something" which is ruining society is like trying to find a drop of water after it has entered the ocean. The entire system appears to be in a rapid state of decay. Sounds very much like the Kali Yuga spoken of centuries ago. Sounds very much like the effects of galactic scale energies which are probably engulfing our solar system, and happen in cyclic patterns. Sounds very much like the innate sense of spirituality that humans may have, as evidenced by DMT, is collapsing into a denser version of the Worship of Money. So, what can humans do to counteract these things? If only a minimum required percentage of the population could actually agree on the more correct way of thinking, and proceeding with that thought, then we could be on the safer, and more peaceful path.


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    The fact that the new generation expects everything to be given to them without consequences. Had a co-worker take a work bag I left on a shelf. Without asking. And out of the building which is forbidden raking company property off site. And he was also given the same bag when he started at the company so he had one of his own. When confronted as he walked in carrying my bag with my name on it, he thought I was being sarcastic. Later that day he came to apologize for taking my item but said he didn’t like how I spoke to him. I’m not apologizing for you doing something you know was wrong and getting caught at doing. I’m 53. He’s about 23 or so. Entitlement needs to stop. He is not my equal. I am not his mom or boss. I wouldn’t consider it right to take someone’s property. Or take company property. But the new generation thinks it’s ok. And gets a participation trophy for doing so.


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    Hailey B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As one of the genZers, I can agree. It’s not all of the younger generation though. It’s some of them. They either weren’t taught any better or they just don’t care. The ones that have common sense and a functioning brain and respect for our elders wouldn’t even take the bag in the first place. If it were an accident, we would apologize and feel bad for a while. Sadly, you ran into one who does not care about anyone other than themselves. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

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    The idea that something is inherently “Ruining” society.

    It’s not being ruined. The thing that’s happening is that people simply publish things with an interesting hook and then several people take it way, way too far and start talking about how we’re all going to die.

    We aren’t. The news source simply wants you to focus, because if you say “Recycling being dumped in China” nobody is going to listen. If you say “America waging environmental war on China” there’s a good chance people are going to listen super, super close. It’s just super-intense word choices that make us think something super bad is happening at all times.

    It was never being destroyed. We just think too much about the bad than the good. Plus, it’s a really, really good way to end up a raving madman talking about shooting up randos on some weird “Alternate news” site because you think that is how to fix society. It’s not, because it’s not broken.

    Are there bad things? Certainly. And I’m not saying we shouldn’t work on some stuff (Like gender equality, for example). Stand up for worthy causes. But if you think everything is unfixable and we’re all going to die as a result of several random guys, you just really need a therapist. And perhaps some sort of anti-anxiety medication.


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    Emmett O'Brian
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'll just offer that "ruining" colloquially usually refers to treasured qualities being lost, usually unintentionally (although sometimes it's intentional). For example, when I was young, playing with kids in the neighborhood and staying out all day was normal. "Stranger danger" destroyed that culture and it really wasn't even necessary because it wasn't strangers (in the vast vast majority of cases) that were abducting kids. It was family members. But that aspect of culture is at the moment "ruined".


    Wealthy white men. They stand behind or are the root cause of the majority of things posted here. The 1% that have power over everything and everyone. How many billionaires are women or people of color? How many NFL owners? Presidents… the list goes on



    The only thing that's ruining society is society. Everyone should just keep themselves to themselves, live and let live..


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As long as you are not hurting me or mine, yes live and let live.


    American here. We have a problem with Uncle. Seriously, if you could condense of distill our government into a single person (named Sam, of course), and then psychoanalyze him, you'd conclude that he was one effed-up dude. I don't even have to specify any mental disorders -- he's obviously a threat! It sucks to have to say that, but there it is.


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