Sometimes bad things happen, and we need to get it off our chest. What’s going on?
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Things have been going fine for me, and in art form (class) I was painting my chair and I got blue paint on my hands and it looked like I murdered a Smurf.
I've got this friend at school, a girl who I've sort of seen around for ages, but we've been really quite close since September, having never really talked (we were in a lot of the same classes but never spoke at all, like one convo in three years, and she was off a lot too). I don't make friends particularly easily, so this was really unusual; we had almost all out lessons together, 3 or 4 hours a day, and felt like we'd known each other for years within the week. Anyway she's, well, it's some sort of chronic illness, and it's got worse since spring. But she is SO casual about it, like making lots of disdisabled jokes, casually mentioning spending August in hospital for multiple organ failure, and so on. She faints, just randomly too, just like 'fair warning I'm about to pass out', and then goes out cold for a sec' . I freaked out the first few times it happened, by now I've seen how her friends are with it and I'm a little better about it. Entirely a me problem, but it was very awkward the first couple of times, with her friends knowing what to do and me sitting there like a chocolate teapot, then we're all good and back to instantaneous dipoles (dont do chemistry kids lol) and don't mention it. Anyway, I'm still not really sure what's going on, and have no idea how to bring it up without sounding like a bit of an insensitive duck. I just, well, despite myself, I'm really very fond of her and I want if there's anything I can do to help, or how I can talk about it, or just if there's anything I can do when collapsing thing happens, and I desperately don't want to say the wrong thing. Anyway sorry for the rant lmao
Because it seems like she’s so open about it, she would be fine if you asked her for advice. If that that would scare you or she doesn’t want to tell you, then try asking her friends. If the same thing applies to them, then I would say try researching a bit about her illness (if you know what it is). Good luck!
I don't think there's enough room here.
I doubt you really wanted to talk about how little room there is here? What's really eating at you?
I think I am becoming more and more objective and less and less hopeful of humanity
Yeah, I feel that. Humans aren’t great, and things are only getting worse. However, there are a few people that I think are amazing. My friends and family mostly, but there’s the occasional celebrity that’s actually a good person. I promise you, there’s always going to be at least one person out there who we can all have hope in. Who knows? Maybe it’s you.
Sorry for being too inactive but I don't feel like myself anymore. I'm loosing my appetite and I don't know why but something is wrong with me
Oh no! Losing your appetite is never good. (Please disregard this if you think it doesn’t apply to you, but loss of appetite could be a sign of a developing eating disorder. If you think this is true, please reach out to someone!!) Not feeling like yourself could also lead to something more serious. I think that the best course of action is to talk to a therapist. If you can’t afford one or the thought makes you uncomfortable, then reaching out to a loved one would also be smart. ❤️
My marriage and how scared I am that it's never going to change and I'll live my life thinking "Is this as good as it gets?"
Marriage counseling can help significantly. Relationships change all the time; it's easy to think that things will NEVER change, but they will. You both have to work to make it what you both want.
Accidentally pressed publish sorry. I just feel useless and annoying and a lot of people think I’m egotistical and others say that I’m not even though the first time they met me they got that impression
My boyfriend has zero clue about anything LGBTQ+. I'm trying to teach him some stuff, because we live in a liberal area and it's pretty needed to know, and he's trying, but he's so oblivious lmao. He was worried I "wouldn't want to be straight" and would break up with him, and I had to point out that I'm not straight now, and also I'm pan so I like people based on their personality, not gender. He's also Christian so that might be a factor, since his family keeps him and his siblings pretty sheltered (nothing against that, they're lovely people and not at all homophobic)
Definitely get him to go with you to whatever LGBTQIA+ events you can, meet as many types of people you can (especially those who run educational programs) and send him as many educational articles you can find. The first thing he needs to get out of his head is the idea that people "want" to be straight, gay, pan, trans, etc, ie that is a CHOICE.
My crush doesn't feel the same for me 💔
Oh no! This is such a horrible feeling. I have a tendency to get crushes on straight girls, and it never ends well for me. Depending on how old you are, crushes can be silly things that don’t really matter. Whenever I started to get my hopes down, I just reminded myself that I still had a lot of time left to find someone else who would love me. That person’s out there for you too.
This isn't super important but it is bugging me.
I recently started talking to this guy after getting his number from my friend. We haven't met in person (though probably seen in passing since we go to the same school), but have sent pictures of each other so we know what we look like. I don't really care that much about looks though.
I tell one of my friends that me and him are talking and she goes, "[He's] ugly, why him? What is his personality like if you can like him? He's so ugly."
The thing that gets me here is that yes, you can think he's ugly, but why are you so caught up in his looks and acting kike thats all that makes up a person. She even said that my ex, that she hated, was better than him.
I feel like everytime I like a guy or even think about liking a guy, she has something negative to say about it. I get voicing your concerns really quick but it's getting annoying how she acts.
Is she shallow and overly focused on EVERYONE'S appearance, or just the guys you are interested in? The bottom line is, her opinion doesn't matter. If he's nice and you are attracted to him (regardless of the reason), give him a chance. Tell her that she can either stop being so shallow and judgemental and support you as a friend, or not, but you are going to make decisions about who you involve yourself with regardless of what she thinks, but her judgemental attitude makes it really hard for you to want to share anything with her
I don’t like myself and I can tell my family and friends are concerned about me and it makes me like myself even less because I feel like I’m letting them down.
If you're family and friends are concerned, it's time to get professional help. They're is NOTHING wrong with adding for help and finding a counselor to help you. A mental threaten professional can help you determine if what you are feeling is episodic and temporary due to life transitions and changes, or something more pervasive that needs medical intervention. Taking to someone neutral about the things you don't like about yourself and why can give you a perspective you can't get from those you are choose to, because often we aren't completely honest with them for fear of disappointing or upsetting them. Other things you can try are writing down what you don't like about yourself, then writing out what you can do to change it or, if you can't change it, write down a better, kinder way to think about it, the same way you would consider someone you care about saying something negative about themselves.
Damn sis, you're really sweet and kind. Out of genuine concern, do you really have the capacity to answer to our worries?
Well… No. But it makes me happy when other people are happy! (Plus I had plenty of free time today, lol.) It’s super sweet of you to check in, so thank you!
Load More Replies...Damn sis, you're really sweet and kind. Out of genuine concern, do you really have the capacity to answer to our worries?
Well… No. But it makes me happy when other people are happy! (Plus I had plenty of free time today, lol.) It’s super sweet of you to check in, so thank you!
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