Hey Pandas, What’s Something You Did That Is An Accomplishment To You Despite It Being Easy For Most People? (Closed)
What’s something you did that others would have thought to be easy but to you is a big accomplishment?
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Getting up in the morning and making it through the day (I have a chronic illness).
Working to get my high school degree at 29
Most people take that skill for granted. I learned it at 23 but I never had a car until this year so I completely forgot how to drive. Not only I needed to learn all over but since them my confidence has disappeared so I am now extremely afraid of driving.
I used to have small panic attacks while driving in half empty streets and need to stop. Then I learned to be at 20km/h, then 30km/h. Now I can drive at 50km/h with only a bit of anxiety. I hope that soon I dare to reach 70 and one day I can go to the highway.
I feel so childish for being proud about that or being so scared. But I went from 0 to this since april so I guess that I should celebrate it.
i did my license when i was 19, and needed so many more lessons than my friends. i was a super nervous driver for most for the time. i t helped to understand why it was like that ( i hate parking and that made me nervouse even before i started the car...) and than just driving routes that i knew. it also helped a lot to start driving an automatic rather than a manuell car :D you will get better!
Calling someone on the phone. Still won't answer unknown numbers, but I can place a call and not want to puke or cry more often than not now
Managing to have a day to day routine. Saying no to things without feeling guilty.
I've got a very chaotic mind , due to my adhd
With you; 35 years of developing strategies and coping mechanisms to enable me to handle everyday situations.
Honestly, I have a list BUT I'll go with the two that took the longest for me to achieve.
Paying bills/rent on time. My utilities were constantly being shut off, I'd get evicted for not paying rent, etc. I have paid rent to the same property management office for the past 3 years and NOTHING has been late or shut off in that time!
Having a bank account with money in savings and NO BOUNCED CHECKS! I use a debit card and it helps me keep track better. There's been at least $150 in my savings for the past two years. I've had it up to $2000 and it's now at $1050 but it's never less than that $150!
I never had an issue with your first topic but the second one hits home. I never managed keeping savings till a few years back - even my inheritance is long gone. Now I try keeping them growing like a plant and I love seeing them grow.
I baked a cake! I'm a great cook but I can't bake. I've been trying for years and this weekend I made my first (edible) cake.
It's chocolate orange with candied orange.
The wife didn't like it but I thought it tastes great!
I don't know how to attach a pic here so I'll put it in the comments below.
I have Parkinson’s. What’s difficult? It takes me an hour to change the sheets, 40 minutes to clean the cat box, 10 minutes to get from the front door to sitting in my car. In the beginning my daughter would call each day to find out how many times I had shouted F*%k. It’s not fun but is what it is.
I have Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME so I can understand how difficult certain tasks can be I bought a sifting cat Iitter box on Amazon, makes cleaning up much easier. I need 3 or 4 bed rest days a week to function, everything is a challenge and my life is checks and balances: how much energy I have, what I have to do compared to what I want to do... Sending strength and gentle hugs 💜🦋💜
Talking. I am extremely introverted and having a conversation is nerve racking for me. Unless with close friends and family, I struggle alot with making friends because of this. I also do not see why certain topics are made such a big deal.
Who downvoted this? Who the f**k downvoted this?! Someone is introverted, and hates talking to people, and someone doesn't like that! What the f**k is wrong with people.
I woke up and got dressed I took a shower and talked with friends.
It’s not much but I suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia , and PTSD.
I’m not looking for pity or sympathy though.
I emphasise. Some days just having a shower is an accomplishment and not a wasted day.
Being 100% honest with my therapist about past trauma!
Somewhere I heard that our secrets are our illness. Do your best to peel back the layers that you put on to protect yourself. Some of them are no longer necessary and the things we feared are not even there anymore. Best of everything to you
Saying here in attendance
For me, I make it silly and say "I want oreos." or something like that
Ahaha this one probably applies to a few more people but just being open about my sexuality in general. Like I see people out there with cool pride merch or holding hands with their s/o and I just wish I could get there. Someday hopefully.
Same... I hope someday I can wear pride t-shirts and stuff, maybe own a flag too.
I know people can do it easily, but for me, if something is wrong (not disaster-like, but something was moderately wrong) and I have the ability to fix it, I usually do not.
I have been trying to get a bit better at it, being more extroverted without the help of my friends, and I hope in a few years I can stop worrying about it
Having ADHD and have never been late for work this year! Altough I have had to leave my home without my house keys once and also once without my bottom dentures because I had forgotten to put them in. They were still on my kitchen counter when I got home. Good thing we had to wear a facemask. My co-workers all think ADHD is just being a little forgetfull or I should just try a little harder. But I am accepted as I am.
Going up to someone at a party and striking up a conversation with them. I have really bad social anxiety so this was a huge step closer to overcoming it for me.
Retaining my will to live.
It is difficult, but you're not alone. I've not killed myself because 'I'm not allowed too'. I'm simply just not allowed too. I don't know where that came from, but I believe the basis of it is from my mum. She's been dead now for over a decade, but I always miss her. I care too much about all the people in my life and I don't want to upset them. Plus, don't call my bluff 'God', I'm here for the duration. You can sack me, but you can't force me to quit!
I held a spider. A Chilean rose kneed tarantula. I’m absolute petrified spiders. So much that I’ve actually passed out on seeing a house spider.
I decided I needed a bit of help after I pulled every muscle in my torso by vaulting over a sofa from a reclined position just because there was a spider running across the floor.
I was shaking like a leaf and crying my eyes out but I still held it. I’m so proud of that.
Clarification: The tarantula was called Rosie. She was absolutely adorable and this is me saying it! I was petrified of her but she was so perfectly well behaved and the arachnophobia course was enough. I was very worried I was going to either drop her and hurt her, or shake so much she’d bite me out of sheer frustration. She was a perfect lady and so light, I really couldn’t feel I was holding her. It’s absolutely amazing how light spiders are. I thought she’d feel like a golf ball but she weighed less than a dried leaf.
I made it up a curb without help. Hey it’s a really big deal for me.
Curbs can be killers! Congrats on succeeding and keep on keeping on.
I called Verizon and disputed a erroneous charge on my cell phone bill. I was on the phone with them for two hours. The woman argued with me for the entire time. I was losing patience and finally requested a supervisor, who removed the charge in one minute. I don't like confrontation... I usually would just give up and pay it. But I stuck to my guns and was eventually heard. Also... I get anxiety about talking on the phone for any reason... Even to my friends
Starting to exercise
The longer you stick with it, the easier and more rewarding it gets, so hang in there—it’s well worth the slog!
Driving. You'd think being in the country, where there are tons of farm roads and most kids learn way before it's legal to get a permit that I would have learned to drive right along with them. But I had 0 natural skill for it, unlike my older siblings. My parents panicked and convinced me I was going to wreck and get hurt, which led to whole lot of anxiety. I was 25 when I overcame the fear and learned, but I did it!
Parents can be really bad for driving. My father is constantly giving my sister instructions (change lane, watch out etc) even tough she drives well and has driven for like 6 years. She gets super nervous. I would refuse to drive with him in the car because i would have an anxiety attack
I took my children and dog for a hike on the island. We had a nice picnic and went swimming.
Falling asleep without hearing weird creepy music that I know isn't there, but I hear it anyway... :/
Not really an accomplishment, I know, but still.
Overcoming my fear of riding in cars. I had such debilitating anxiety that I couldn’t make it out of my neighborhood without having a panic attack. With the help of a therapist I am now traveling again.
Talking to my whole class. I have social anxiety.
Work calls. I hate calls with new or unhappy clients or delivering bad news. I do it anyway.
As someone who has done a lot of customer service jobs I totally get this.
Recently I needed to talk to a teacher about how I decided not to do student council this year. It was hard to start the conversation (I was putting it off for days) but I finally did and now I don't need to worry about that anymore!
Looking myself in the eye in the mirror. Life has been rough and I am ashamed of how I look now
I feel you really. I still cannot look myself since 10+ years or so... I use to avoid mirrors like I was a vampire. Even walking beside a window glass, I try to look the other way. Or simply shut my eyes... I hate what I see
last week i finally told my boss that i have depressions and just can't work sometimes because everything is too much. normally i'm super open about my metal health but for whatever reason i just couldn't tell him. i knew he wouldn't judge me or anything but still... he is so supportiv and just a really good guy and one of the best human beeings i ever met but i was still afraid of telling him.
and yesterday i called a coworker that i never met or talked to before. i was so f*****g nervous because i hate calling people. i spent almost 2 weeks avoiding calling him but yesterday i made click and i could do it. hope i don't have to call someone else for the next month, tho... LOL
Getting out of the bed, take a long shower and begining to tidy my room up. It is not acomplished yet, but I at least is way better than last couple of months
Darn so I can't edit I bought an ada toothbrush so much less painful to brush teeth now
It may seem counterintuitive, but flossing will help by making your gums adjust to pressure.
My muscles. It's not easy for most people, but I used to be in horrible shape and whenever I'm telling someone, there's thia guy who's like "shut up you don't have that much anyways"
I had a whole conversation with somebody. I stutter and so I normally don't talk that much because I'm shy anyway. But I was able to have a whole conversation, only stuttering a little bit. And I felt comfortable too. To me, that's a huge accomplishment.
Look into getting therapy for this as it can be overcome eventually.
making a friend. i can be so shy and introvert with people but i am an extrovert with people im comfortable with. My new friend is Mathew :) its really good getting a new friend especially when u dont have much
getting my drivers license - I started at 16, didn't managed it due mental health issues and anxiety. In 2020 (age 19) I re-started with a different inscrutor and got it this march (even with covid restrictions) and now I have a small company car and I love driving around
Gotten my assignments turned in since this school year started without having a mental breakdown (yet)
I emptied out one storage unit, moving 5 sewing machines several storage totes and a oyster countertop convection oven. I put these items in my cargo trailer and the emptied the trailer at another storage facility. I use a walker exclusively, unable to walk without it presently. Through GRACE & MERCY I did it sitting and lifting. I am my own HERO.
That is extremely impressive that you moved all that with a walker. I know able-bodied people who'd complain about doing that much work.
Zoom/Teams/Meet calls. They aren't so bad anymore now that I have had to attend manyyy meetings, give interviews and take classes on it during the pandemic.
So long as the camera is off. I'm golden. If I have to see myself on camera, bad things happen.
I took a theatre class in high school in an attempt to get over my shyness. We had to sing in front of the class and I just about threw up, but after being ridiculously shy all growing up I really wanted to change myself for the better and to become more social and even though it was just a small theatre class, it was the first step in my long, still on-going journey to breaking out of my shell, and I’m proud of myself for it.
Going for a walk. I have a chronic illness so am always in pain but I mentally kicked my own butt and took my new puppy for our first walk together. I’m really sore but I know it’s the first step to being healthier. I’ll never get rid of the pain but I’ve learnt to live with it. If life gives you demons, give them hell!
Tolerating people.
Doing better than me. I had to take a few days off so I didn't tell people exactly what I think of them in explicit detail.
Getting good grades.
I grew up as a "gifted kid" which most people think is a really good thing, and it is, but teachers never taught me study skills, time management, basic things like that that help me with school, they just threw me into advanced classes and expected me to work. all through elementary and middle school I had a D+ average, and I graduated middle school with only a 1.8 GPA, which lead to a lot of arguments at home and quite a few sleepless nights. now I'm in my freshman year (still in advanced classes), and after lots of hard work and hours of studying, I have all A's and B's. People usually think that it's easy for me, but it's really not and I am very proud of myself for keeping my grades up. :)
I worked with gifted children for quite some time and let me tell you. It's not your fault. The teachers let you down. Be proud of what you accomplished it's a huge deal and you did it on your own. I'm Impressed
Learning to tie my shoes. There was some sort of short circuit in my brain that just wouldn't let that simple task through.
I STUDIED WILLINGLY! I never do that!! I am a procrastinator and horrible at paying attention in class but ig I really like this one class because it makes me want to study for once in my life.
1. Eating
2. Standing or speaking in front of 5 or more people. I have really bad anxiety and usually freak out so I'm like failing speech class but I got up and spoke the best I could even make eye contact with someone once. I got a C which is good for that class
Talking to people. I have terrible social anxiety and I tend to notice whenever people seem even the tiniest bit unhappy so whenever I notice things like that I immediately think it's because of me, which makes me even more shy and quiet (it makes it even harder when you take into account that basically anytime I feel like this I end up having a panic attack, which makes me even more embarrassed because as I mentioned before I'm very shy) and so I end up retreating into a corner and not talking to anyone. It seems small, but it is a constant battle for me.
Not sure if its hard or easy for other people, but telling my friends (who are actually all a part of the lgbtq community) that i want to use different pronouns/name. at least half of them have changed their name and come out as trans or non binary and just lately ive told them i sometimes use he and they were awesome about it, and they have been doing things that i would do without thinking that just make me feel so good about it, i haven't told them about my new name yet and im terrified and idek why bc they were totally awesome with the pronouns so?? idk
Actually, no, I want to say I planned and paid for my first international trip international trip all by myself.
I've been with the same company and have lived in the same apartment for a decade. I've never lived anywhere for as long as this.
Ditto! I moved at least every year until I was about 25. I never had the chance to develop deep friendships with kids in school...why bother? I'd be gone again soon. Pattern continued after I finished high school and left home. Eventually settled into one state (Hawaii) for over 20 years, and even though I moved around, a small island meant it was easy to stay in touch with friends. Now living on the west coast in same house for 20 years, surrounded by great friends. Only took me 50 years!
A dragon fly landed on my finger
i'm so proud of you all! everything listed here is a victory no matter what other people think. don't play your victories down!
I cam too late to put my entry but eating anything sour. I have autism, which leads to many food sensories, feeling sensory, noise sensory, and a lot more sensory issues. Just this past day I have eaten some pieces of sour candy and I am very proud of myself! I was also able to happy stim after!
i'm so proud of you all! everything listed here is a victory no matter what other people think. don't play your victories down!
I cam too late to put my entry but eating anything sour. I have autism, which leads to many food sensories, feeling sensory, noise sensory, and a lot more sensory issues. Just this past day I have eaten some pieces of sour candy and I am very proud of myself! I was also able to happy stim after!