Hey Pandas, What’s Something That Someone Said That Made Everyone Around Cringe? (Closed)
There's always one person who makes everyone around them cringe.
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Umm there was a kid in my class that made out with a wall in the middle of class
Off the beaten track dive bars, tiny but exquisite restaurants,...who among us doesn't love a 'hole in the wall"?
Was at a company dinner when the conversation turned to wives. One guy mentioned -and I quote- his wife "defecates from her vagina". He went on to explain it was a medical issue but...the cat was out of the colostomy bag...
(OK...that last part made me self-cringe...)
A kid picked a dried piece of gum off a wall...and started chewing it
In grade 4 some girl in my class broke up with her 2nd BF in the year during math class. Just stood up and said im done with u. That was in November 😕
I was hanging around with a few friends. One of them quite innocently started talking about a dream he had last night. He dreamt of seeing my girlfriend naked and went on about what happened in his dream. The whole idea to share such a dream was so inappropriate, everyone cringed so hard it seemed like they were physically hurting. The whole situation was so cringy that it amused me, so I didn't say anything and didn't interrupt him.
My Godmother to my brother-in-law at our wedding reception about our best man "you can't be his brother (they are brothers) he's too good looking". I mean, c'mon.