I think everyone needs a little extra happiness in their lives right now, so please share something that always makes you happy. No politics, nothing sexist, nothing racist, nothing homophobic, nothing transphobic, nothing xenophobic, and in general, nothing discriminatory. That includes comments, you will be downvoted into oblivion. Also, just advice about how to deal with life and avoid depression would be great!

For me, it’s painting and listening to music. I like to zone out and create! This is a paint-by-the-numbers, and it was pretty easy!


When my son gets laboratory results that his kidney is working perfectly normal, after it being the gift of life from a donor who left this world.



Has to be my wife, no matter how bad of a day I have been having she always manages to make me smile or feel better.



These are really hard times. I try to find happiness watching movies, calling friends, growing flowers for the bees that come and see me. Music and books are good friends, too.


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4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes, good books will never let you down. They are always there when you need them, they never change their stories and they don’t care what the stock market did that day or what the latest headlines say about anything.

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Stand up comedy mainly but i love all comedy. As they say laughter is the best medicine. I teach to students from all walks of life and i always like to have a laugh with them. It helps them to feel more comfortable in the classroom and to forget their worries. A sense of humour goes a long way!



A good, joyful, genuine belly laugh! A laugh that goes on for a long time, and goes into the next day, and then it becomes a memory - but a memory that you can't help but still chuckle at years down the road! A memory built on laughter always makes me smile, and laugh some more, and then I simply forget everything that is horrible and sad in the world and just keep on going! A laugh that brings tears to your eyes, and you just let them go until all is mixed and I never know what to feel after! A good joke, a funny situation, an endearing moment, and life itself just make me smile like nothing else - except for a good laugh!



Finding a good comedy movie and watching it with a big tub of popcorn. Also, I love all the funny posts here on BP. The comments are the best part. 😁



Jesus Christ makes me smile ☺. He is the reason that life is worth living for me. Spending time in presence of God by reading the bible and just worshiping brings me so much joy and peace even when I am going through tough times. He freed me from a whole lot of addictions and mental illness,what is so awesome about him is that he loves us all just the way we are. No sin can take away his love from us and you don't have to fix yourself before going to him. He says come as you are He will do the rest. He gave me a purpose, I was so lost in this world man. Jesus Christ loves you just as he finds you!



Probably always walking home and having my little brother run up and say hi and hug me, with my dog author running with him.



Sand Glorious Sand. I collect sand - people bring me sand as gifts from their travels. Often, it is only the sand that collects in the bottom of their beach bags, which is perfect! None from Hawai'i because we shall not anger the gods! (or destroy the coast line...) I'm landlocked in the middle of the US, but was born on the coast and miss big water and beaches, so when I need a little vacation, I grab one of the jars, usually San Diego or Bahamas, stick my fingers in there and imagine the salt air, the pounding waves, and relax...



seeing people happy it just makes me smile! i dont want people to end up like my depressed a@$ ,o3o,


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4 years ago

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Ooh a toughie. It’s hard to find that one thing that always makes you happy, especially when you suffer mental illness. I currently find it very hard to find much joy but I am trying. Don’t get me wrong I have happy moments but being actually happy happy (if that makes sense) is hard to find. Spending a weekend with just hubby was amazing and I was very happy, taking the kids out for the day and the joy on their faces made me happy, going camping makes me happy (although haven’t gone camping this year yet), spending time with my brothers and my mum playing board games or doing an adventure room etc and animals especially my dog.



Music! 🎼🎶🎵
Some melodies or lyrics just invigorate your very soul, others are so relaxing it gives you a certain serenity 🎶🎵


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My go to music is anything by 2Cellos. Keeps me calm. Their album Score, especially. Or One of the pair, Stjepan Hauser, has a new album "Classics " Also very soothing. This music is keeping me sane.

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Music, books and my little brothers antics are a sure way to light up my day, no matter how hard it is.



Laughing Babies. At a particularly low point in my life, shortly after my divorce and right about the time the new guy in my life cheated on me with his ex-wife, I came across this video of a baby laughing while his dad tore sheets of paper. I laughed until I cried, and watched it over and over until I felt some of the weight of current events slip from my shoulders. I still see out laughing babies whenever I need a grin. Report

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A hot bath with a glass of bubbly, michael buble and candles....a hot bubbly buble bath!



When my cat puts his wet and cold nose in my ear.



Doing something good for another person.


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Freya the Wanderer
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Definitely! I always feel good when I know that I have helped someone else. Whether it's letting a car get in traffic, or packaging food for a family that is in trouble, or promoting someone's on-line petition.


furbabies and human babies. They are so cute!



for me it thinking about that time back in 4th when me and some girls were chasing a group of boys then one came running by so i surprise attacked him and the whole group joined and the someone pinched his butt


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Once in 3rd grade we were doing a play (the whole grade) we are from Memphis so it was Memphis themed and we backed all the guys into a corner of the classroom while sings love me tender by Elvis rlly creepy lol

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Spending time with family
YouTube, Facebook, & Buzzfeed videos/quizzes
Taking walks
Alone time


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Kittens with their little stiff tails standing straight up.


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When my crush is being nice to me.


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seeing my robo hamster eating a sunflower seed. he so round


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Joanne Hudson
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

People always complain about their squeaking wheels but to me, it was a comfort because I knew he was in his home and safe.

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literally any cute and/or unique animal (especially squirrels and dogs) also meeting/seeing my friends on roblox and in class.



Watching my puppers playing and chasing each other. I never get bored watching their antics, and getting kisses and cuddles from them always makes everything better.


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Very little lately, but my animals help me cope. My dog, when he wants me to throw the ball, will hand it to me very politely. But he will sometimes act like he is going to, but instead drop it at my feet for me to kick. Or drop it just out of my reach, and commence playing soccer. Such a tease! Other times he will lie down in his pool, then jump up suddenly and tear around the yard like mad. Finally coming to a stop next to me and shaking off the excess water. That gets a full laugh, he is such a bad boy!


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BUNNIES!!! Idk why, but they just make my day a little bit brighter. So whenever I'm riding my bike and I see a bunny, I'm always like "Bunnyyyyyyyy!!!" lol


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Unless it's passed midnight and there's hundreds of them in your way, and they all look at you with their shiny eyes, and you know you have to pass them, but don't know how. And the longer you think, the more bunnies surround you. True story.

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Many good memories of both my grandmother, who was my mother for many years while my mom worked, as well as our golden retriever. Now, our cat always finds a way to make me smile, regardless of how sad or depressed I may be.


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My dog Shilo. He is a beautiful Border Collie with the goofiest sense of humour I have ever seen in a dog. He has this trick which he taught himself of putting his throw rings around his head or nose and looking at us and smiling. He especially does this when he wants attention or sees me with my phone and poses in front of me and waits for me to take his picture. He even adjusts himself and and sits upright with the rings around his head or nose when I say "pose for me." But he makes me smile by just coming up to me tail wagging with a smile on his face. I just love him so much.


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When someone needs me, and I know exactly how to help, whether it be a hug, or a talk, or an apology. And so, if you ever need to talk, feel free to press the contact button on my profile to be showered with love and appreciation and all that jazz.
- Levity C



Kids on their Halloween costumes. They're always are so happy! I may or not shed a few tears every halloween



Reading Truly, Devious, listening to music, the *sparknotes blog, suspenseful literary quotes, and of course, the Ask Pandas section in Bored Panda!


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Babbling babies who try a conversation with you. Too cute. And puppies...lots of bouncing fluffy puppies.


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once my 3yo brother hiccuped and farted at the same time, 3 times in a row. this is what gets me to smile for school pictures


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

can you possibly get in on video next time, cause this seems a sure way to make someone laugh any freaking time :P like charlotte :D

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My beautiful, goofy chickens when they lie down on the deck to enjoy the sun or fight over a mealworm, everything they do is either hilarious, derpy or cute.


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Random strange things. Things I don’t find funny but I end up laughing. It’s weird, but life is weird like that. 🙃


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Seeing my rats all snuggled up together fast asleep. They look so peaceful! And sometimes they wake up and gently groom each other.


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music. any kind. listening to something gives my brain a break and helps me relax. soundtracks especially! right now i really like the Cowboy Bebop OST. (recommendations would be appreciated)


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A hot soup after completing a hectic schedule in office


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The smell of fried bacon in the morning ^^





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When my daughter or my boyfriend says I love you. Or when my cockatiel blows me a kiss.


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Any videos of funny pet fails or funny kid fails, and any bloopers from movies, or funny videos of celebrities.


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My daughter. Every single day. She is an adult now, but she is funny as hell. No matter how crazy or difficult life is, she cracks me up.


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I would say YouTube because it always makes me laugh. I like to watch, Dream, Alan Backer, and Wifies are some examples of youtubers I like.


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Getting together with my old classmates online



My sister's, my animals, my writing, and my Mom.


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My dog playing with her friends at the dog park. Babies/kids laughing. People being genuinely nice to each other. Elders walking hand in hand. Children; regardless of age, holding their parents hand. When someone tells me they miss me. The sound of the crashing waves at the Pacific Ocean in SF.


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My dogs! No matter the circumstances, when I look at them or any one of them it just makes me smile and feel at ease (even if only for that instant XD)


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When my friends cousin who is 5 says he had a boat kiss where her hair was flying behind her and his was slicked back and it was sunset . My friend and I dying laughing bc he’s five and we are 15 and we will never get that😅



Just about any of the numerous quotes from movies like The Princess Bride, Spaceballs, Caddyshack, Airplane, Highlander, Predator and so many that have awesome one liners. Take the movie Se7en. If you saw it in theaters, this was how they spelled the title. I can't tell you how many times someone in my family channels Brad Pitt and says "What's in the box?" when we get an Amazon delivery.


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•My babies!


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Sean Paul.
Had a delightfully free, fun relationship when I was in uni, with a very entertaining guy who had a really good heart. It wasn't love, more like friends with benefits but we did care for each other a lot, and created tons of amazing memories. Since then I've found my real pair, someone who absolutely was made for me, and I would not give him up for the world, nor do I miss what once was, but I still think about these memories very fondly.
Sean Paul was very popular at the time and often played in the background when we were together. I remember my "friend" telling me every time he heard the line "Hey sexy lady" he couldn't help but think of me. And in turn every time I hear Sean Paul I think of him, youth, our shared past, and I smile with all my heart.


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Puppies, babies, and this funny comic about shaving


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My cat Zoro! His fav toy is a Pikmi Pop tied to a string XD


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My friends.


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My kids' smile


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Hamilton. Just Hamilton


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My two sons aged 22 and 6 never fail to make my heart soar with pride, they're kind, generous, intelligent, extremely funny and gorgeous!! Their every achievement makes me extremely proud of the remarkable human beings they're turning into.
Watching South Korean boyband BTS on YouTube always makes my heart smile too. Their vocals and choreography are breathtaking and always so full of emotion, energy and pure talent. I could watch them all day, their sheer talent, discipline, commitment and hard work ethic as well as their brotherly support of each other and their devotion to their ARMY is heartwarming!!


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An unnexpected noisy fart!!!


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my bestfriend who is also my boyfriend he always makes me laugh and smile, my mom says that we're so good together


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A hot soup for supper after a cold day. Especially my mom's. Yum!


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There is a fictional couple in my favourite book series and TV show called Malec. They never fail to make me happy and remind me that even though they are not real, there is love in this world and that we should never give up on it. Thank you Cassandra Clare for creating the amazing characters of Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood and bringing them together.


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Seeing my friend's hilarious texts with random humor during classes, which make her and I burst out laughing on Zoom while the teacher gives us confused reproachful looks.


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My girlfriend. Anything about her.



My cats and my horses


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Petting my cats, looking at pictures of past travels, watching video clips with my 2 year old granddaughter in them, Mr. Bean's "Father of the Bride" routine, when I step into my library at school each morning and survey my space I 've created for the kids, when a little kid calls me "Mrs. Books" and I don't correct them.


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my 4-week-old orphaned kittens. i bottle-feed them every few hours, and their tiny faces and paws make me "aww" every time.


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In the School Festival episode in My Hero Academia, where Kyoa Jiro sings and Eri finally smiles. Not only that, but the song also makes me cry every time I listen to it


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Claire Storace
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

BTS never fail to amaze me, they're what our world needs most of right now!!!