I'm sure that we've all learned at least something during our time on this earth, share it here! maybe it'll stop someone from making the same mistakes that you have.


You only get one body to live in. Don't f**k it up beyond repair.



    Stop trying to make your car louder. No one is going to say “ wow. Listen to that”. It’s more like “ what an idiot “.



    Live your life for you! Don't live it to please other's expectations


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes it means that you won't have a relationship and your parents won't be happy with you, but if you're an adult and happy, keep living like that.


    Before you move out of your parents house to start your new life, save a much money as you can. This will be the last time you will have such expendable income, do not waste it. Starting a new life, whether buying or renting, is way more expensive than you will think it will be.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    because we have hit-and-run cowards on here that like downvoting stuff wihout saying why.

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    Remember how it feels to be young. Remember what it's like to be a teenager, a student, a parent. Because you will go through life having so much more empathy and understanding for people if you remember how it feels to be them.



    You’re not special, you’re just you. Every generation thinks they have it all figured out, and that the older generations don’t have a clue. This has happened over and over, for thousands of years. Do your part, don’t be a d!ck



    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately.

    6. Don't monetize your hobby and listen to the "if you love your work you'll never work a day in your life" crowd. Monetising your hobby makes you hate your hobby because then it becomes a time-pressured chore. You need time off, and a hobby is just for that.



    1. Keep your face off the internet
    2. Invest in a cheap World ETF
    3. Sunscreen



    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately.

    1. Your twenties are where you party and make mistakes. It's ok to make mistakes then. BUT do yourself a favour and moderate your drinking, don't drive drunk, avoid drugs, and use contraceptives. Having a kid in your 20s sets you up for poverty.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think you should avoid having kids after 30 - you are more cynical, jaded and set in your ways by that time. Casing toddlers around in your 40's or coping with teenagers in your 50's s hard.

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    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately. 11. Reputation takes years to build and seconds to destroy. Do not post pictures on social media, tiktok, etc., of you doing stupid things like binge-drinking.


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    Don't be afraid to be yourself. Your true athentic self. Look how you want without self-consciousness. Say what you mean and feel without being rude or offensive. Treat others as you'd wish to be treated. Most important, enjoy your life because it could end at any time.



    this may not be what you want to hear but life is hard. it can feel like it is unforgiving of your mistakes. people will hurt you, disappoint you. and, that's okay. because once you accept that you become wiser in avoiding the negative influences in life as well as handling those that you can't avoid. life is not fair but that doesn't mean it has to defeat you. pick your battles carefully but be true to your heart and soul. it may not be popular but if it right then it is worth it. most of all, remember to laugh at it all - the good, the bad, through the tears and screaming because when it comes down to it no one gets out of this life alive.



    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately.

    2. Your your thirties you need to think about getting some sort of career together. Please do not get married or have kids till you have a stable job and income that can cover the costs.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WRONG - Don't wait until things are prefect - perfect is the enemy of good. If I knew in my 20's what I knew in my 60's there are a lot of things I might no do. Don't wait.


    Here’s my advice. Don’t fck it up. It’s already fcked, but don’t make it worse. Like for example don’t spend all ur time on screens, be more responsible, don’t add to global warming or pollution, stay healthy, don’t start WW3, get a good job, don’t be lazy, don’t spend money recklessly, go to school, and uh..yea. I’m gonna get downvoted for this.



    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately.

    3. Always buy insurance, especially on your car. If you live outside of the EU or areas with good public transport, losing your car can mean losing your job.


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    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately.

    7. Be a people person even if you aren't. I'm a super introvert. BUT I have tons of friends. The simplest rules I follow are (a) be nice to everyone, (b) help everyone, except at significant cost to yourself, and except people who are chancers/takers/leeches, (c) make friends with lots of people - you do this by asking about THEM and texting THEM to see how they are. One day one of them will help you out. (d) Learn to set boundaries and say "no." Not just because they're eating into your time, but because people who don't respect boundaries become leeches and eventually you're just their butler/aupair.


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    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately. 9. Always pay your debts first, even if you cycle money between debts. Credit rating is really important. You won't buy your first house or new car without it.



    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately. 10. Never stop learning and studying, because it makes you a more interesting person to talk to. Sign up for a course, even a cheap one on say Coursera or whatever. Because you need to keep your resume up to date and ensure your skillset is certified. Otherwise -> no job.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Stop and smell the roses once in a while. Learning is good but not just from courses.


    Mine is one that I've learned the hard way. If someone in your life, whether they be family or friends, is making you question yourself in ways such as who to trust, who to believe, are you good enough, ect, cut them out of your life asap. They will only bring you down more and more. It may be hard, but it will be better for you if you do cut them out of your life. I've had people in my life who made me feel like c**p and made me question my own sanity and caused me to have major trust issues and depression and I've suffered for years because of it. If I cut them out of my life the first time they made me cry and have a major mental breakdown bad enough I almost got sent to the mental hospital, then I'd probably be in a much better place in my life. So my tip is, cut out the toxic people. They aren't good for you and they are just gunna bring you down. Focus on the relationships that make you feel good about yourself.


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    Danish Susanne
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is so true. I have heard som many times of people being battered by a partner or even someone, they call a friend. You cannot choose your family, but be careful in choosing who to be with once you leave home


    HAVE FUN/ No matter what you do in life, school, work, etc. Make sure you leave some time to have fun. Otherwise you''ll get so much stress


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    It's a couple of cliches...... first one.... you may think your generation.. (z, millenial, whatthefuckever, etc.) invented a trend.... but you didn't... so when you're doing 'boomer does this.. boomer does that' kinda posts... you're only pissing on your own history and future at the same time. and 2nd.... again, a cliche.... but just be yourself.... for you younger people it's somewhat easier to do that now that the major battles for it h ave been fought before your time... hats off to those that fought those battles well before it just meant a few dislikes on your social media.

    A 3rd one I'd add........ it's very very easy when you're caught up in love to swear blind you'll always honour, protect, and love someone...... think ahead before you promise something..... a wish is not the same as a promise... and if you've promised something to someone.... either keep that promise or dom't....... just know your reputation is at stake.... and reputations matter..... a whole lot more than you think they do now.


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    Do what your gut tells you & don't wait for things to be perfect. Don't take too much advise from others (especially us gezers) . Also don't rule out conventional wisdom unless you have something better.



    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately.

    5. Only invite people to your wedding who you speak to at least once a month. Less often than that, they're not really in your life.



    The world does not have to accept you or like you for who you are. It's up to you to put in the work to be a person others will like.



    Created by my son's generation and every bit as profound as something said by my great-grandfather, yet, it seems to have been lost before it could be appreciated...

    Noun. Sonder (uncountable) (neologism) The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it. ~ Google Search.

    This realization is exactly what you make of it. It can be a necessary reminder of humility, or, it can be the reminder that you are giving more headspace to to people and situations than these have actually earned.


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    Don't set expectations too high. Life won't be a fairly tale & life will not turn out as you want. You won't get everything you want. Higher the expectations more disappointment from life or people. Be happy with small things you get or achieve


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was 20 a kind soul told me that I'd always have new thoughts, ideas & dreams, as I aged. That I'd feel 20 in my mind even when I got old. And he was right. Bodies age and he wanted me to take better care of mine then. Decades later I remember what he said and wish I'd listened. He was a great doctor, sharing his wisdom.

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    you change in middle school. period. there is no denying it or stopping it.



    Pick your battles. Sometimes you just need to let it go. Especially with children and spouses/partners.

    Don't go to bed mad at your partner or kids.



    Difference of opinion does not always mean that the other person is “Disrepecting you”.

    Getting offended at every person who doesn’t hold you exact views is going to make your life very tedious and depressing.


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    Julie Snelling
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If we have different options doesn't mean I'm right and your wrong or that your right and I'm wrong just means that we are different.

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    Live how you want to today because you're not guaranteed a tomorrow.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    After overcoming a serious illness, I tell myself this every day.

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    No matter how bad it may seem, it will get better. Surround yourself with good people.


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    Protect your hearing. Do not play the music too loudly with those ear buds.


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And don't wear ear plugs every time you sleep! My sister has had problems with her hearing because she wears earplugs every night. If nothing else, it seems to make ear wax build up worse.


    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately. 8. Do something useful every day and do not sleep unless you've done something useful, even if it's just a painting or crochet or whatever. But do not schedule more than one major task per day or else you end up over-promising and under-delivering. Having a full calendar just means you aren't able to set boundaries, say no, or schedule your time properly. It's not cool. You should only have one major task per day.


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    Quentin ingulfumble
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    it must be nice to have such an easy life you can decide which impotant thing to do today. meanwhile, in the real world the rest of us have many more than 7 imoprtant things to do this week, and a day doing absolutely nothing every now and then is iften the only thing that stops me hauling out with a wrench and beating some sense into people.

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    My two cents
    Accept the fact that sometimes no matter how hard you try there will be things you cannot do. Find a job that pays well and pursue your passion in your spare time. College/university is no guarantee of success. Be sure to make your mistakes while you are still young enough to recover from them. Know that any marriage/relationship will go thru periods of boredom, hardship disagreements etc. Be patient ride them out work them out. Don't throw away a good partner. This does not apply to physical/emotional/mental abuse. Those things never change! And realize someday you'll be as old as the people you now dismiss as antiquated and out of touch.


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    Whatever you do, wash your hands.


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    Even you have dreams or passions, there are a lot of hidden obstacles that you need to face a lot and it can overwhelm you till you see darkness.

    If it's too much for you to handle, stop and take break for time to time. Remember, everyone is different from you. Some are born talented, other can be slow bloomer, but you are still learning and improving. Don't give up. Not everything is about speed but about the progress you made.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another case in point, your talents may not, nor have to, be involved with a career, and that's okay.


    Live in the best of the better half. You will find that there are both good and bad aspects in the exact same things (beautiful babies=dirty diapers for instance), so don't waste your valuable time and energy focusing on the bad bits at the expense of the good. Enjoy the best of where you are at in your journey and notice the beauty. Other useful advice: 1) make yourself useful, 2) be nice to people, and 3) pick up after yourself.


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    No is a full sentence.


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    Never ignore the past, or you’ll find yourself repeating history.


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    VOTE!!! But don't vote blindly - do your homework first. If you don't vote, you don't count. Never let some drip tell you that you're helpless and weak, that you can't fight city hall. Raise hell, sign petitions, attend protests (keep them peaceful!) and you will make a difference.



    Take care of your body as well as you can. Eat right, hydrate, get in the habit of exercise, take care of your teeth, take care of your skin by using sunscreen and covering up in the sun, etc. If you have healthy habits when you're young, you'll be less likely to develop "old people" problems like heart disease.


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    Don't believe in something just because your family does. Make up your own mind and see things the way that you want to see them.


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    I have a lot so to stop the TL;DR effect I'll post them separately.

    4. If you get a raise, put it into technology stocks and shares, and probably gold and rare earths. That stuff always goes up over time. You won't miss the money because you're not used to having it. If you increase your lifestyle quality you then are spending your whole salary and can't invest. You will stay in "hand to mouth" mode.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pay off your loans (mortgage and car ... for example) and invest THAT $$$. . Easier said than done, I know,

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    As the 2nd youngest generation, you should all be doing volunteer work with kids at least once in your school years. You need to understand how difficult things are for teachers, and the only wayto really do that is to do their work.


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    If you feel like the older generations are picking on you, just know that it's been like that for eons. One day, your generation will c**p on the new, upcoming generations. Their gaming experiences will be much different from yours. Your PS4s and PS5s, XboxSs, Nintendo Switches, all will one day feel to you like how NES, Gameboys, Super Nintendos, Atari feel to the Gen X and Millennials.
    All your lit catchphrases, slang, memes, gifs, TikToks, short videos, will be considered ancient stuff for parents or old farts.
    Your makeup techniques, all your beauty regimes and self care, some of it may stay trendy, and some of it will be a thing people once did that was "weird", "ugly", "too much", alien-ish". And some of it will be sought after by those who want to live a retro life.
    You'll find things in the museums that have just come out pippin hot now. Things you're begging your parents to buy you. Or, sadly, trying to sneak a purchase with their credit card.
    There will be things you're doing right now that you aren't supposed to do but get away with, and future generations are going to find it difficult to do.
    I know this may come across as taking too much time to read. Here's the point: Don't take your youth fore-granted and make good choices that will give you enriched, fond stories to pass down. Don't take everything so seriously. Have fun.


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    The world does not have to accept you or like you for who you are. It's up to you to put in the work to be a person others will like.


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    I am a part of the younger generation but do NOT go partying as soon as your an adult
